Any device allowing control 0...10V DC?

Is that any device available allowing control speed regulator via 0…10V DC?
In my case regulator 'RP7 can be controlled via 0…10VDC.
And I want to do that via ‘’.

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I have a similar setup controling fan speeds with a 0-10V singnal on an ILTO 440 ventilation unit . I did this with an PWM singnal to 0-10VDC converter. You can contol PWM singnals with ESP boards and esphome.

Do you mean something like in the link controlled by ESP8266 device?
But the input is 1…3kHz.
Is it possible to get this from ex. ‘Sonoff’ or ‘ESPHome’ device…?

PWM to 0…10VDC

Yes similar it was this one Aliexpress 0-10V PWM.
It’s not perfect and needs some tweking, but it works for me.

Yes you can use a sonoff device that has been flashed with ESPHome software.
I used a ESP32 dev board. ESP32 has a hardware PWM and PWM range is 10Hz to 40MHz. You can also use frequency variable to change te output range. I haven’t used frequency variable in my configuration.
You will also need some voltage source to power the PWM to 0-10V board.

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Well, if this is working it could be a solution.

I’ve looked also for some kind of ‘plug-and-play’ device…
Ex. in link …Ethernet to analog converter…

But the price is very high…

@dariusz I would suggest an Ethernet PLC with 0…10V Analog Outputs…perhaps a combo like this:

Ethernet PLC + Expansion Device with 2 Analog Outputs (0…10V)

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Well, maybe for more demanding system that could be perfect…
I would like something simpler.

Qubino Flush Dimmer 0-10V (z-wave).
I have one, but haven’t tested it yet. I plan on using it with a ventilation unit.

Well, I saw similar devices. But I skipped them - because the specifications say ‘for LED drivers’.
I’m not sure if such devices can be used for other automation systems (ex. electric motors, valves,…). Due to signals incompatibility, safety,…???

I don’t have any experience with 0-10v signal devices but believe it’s a pretty common (and old?) way to control light, fans and industrial equipment.

Any update to this thread? I’m looking for the same thing now. For a light. Any reviews of what’s working for you?
I’ve read the Qubino dimming is step and not a smooth dimming. Anyone else?

I ran across this same problem, which I eventually found this Insteon device. You do have to have Insteon running though, which I do.

I stuck with the qubino, There were some settings i could tweak that made it smoother. Works pretty good.

Good news community. I got this device and it works:

It is a dimmer but I am able to control my ventilation with it from 0 to full throttle.


Unfortunately cannot recommend this dimmer, after few days it started to give 0 signal between 0 - 60% made a video about it

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I would like to control a LUNOS e2 ventilation system. The voltage settings for the different stages are defined here:
I have 4 e2 units. Currentley these are controlled via a Touch Air Comfort (TAC) control unit, which cannot be integrated in a home automation system.
Ideally I could control 4 0…10V DC outputs with one networked device (wlan, z-wave, zigbee, …).
Any ideas on that?

I have not tested it, but I stumbled upon this one:

Maybe it works with the ZHA integration and a Zigbee dongle?

Update from my side. So I ordered another NEW 0 - 10V Dimmer. This time I made my HA logic so that I wont trigger it change of voltage too often: not frequently than once per 5 minutes and this dimmer is now working fine for 1 year now. So just for info folks.


How did you manage to register in home assistant? For me, zigbee2mqtt says unsupported device.

Hello, I have the same problem, how can I integrate it