Any DIY toilet seat cover?

Short post
Just wondering if anyone out there did have a smart toilet seat cover
Ideally doing something simple as close or open based off a motion sensor?

Somebody has had a similar idea before, take a look at it, maybe it will help you …

Maybe a door/window open sensor? the one with the magnet and reed switch?

Hi thanks.
Actually its not the motion detector that im worried about.
Its more about a diy mechanism to open close the seat cover.
Wondering if there was a nice way of rigging mine

I mean something like

(assuming you have zigbee)

lets you know if they’re next to each other or not.

I am using an aqu ra vibration sensor on the cover.
It reports inclination.
So when 90 degrees cover is open air vent on and viceversa



Wow yeah this is what im looking for @CountParadox

I believe you are using a slow closing seat cover.
Can you share what are you using to actuate that stick? lol
And are you using an esp8266?

just a wemos d1 mini esp8266 with a little servo, it moves the servo and then moves it back. theres a little mechanical thing with the stick to poke the toilet seat so that it falls down. slow close toilet seat cost $12.50… its not there now, was more a proof of concept.

the idea is solid and could very well be done more cleanly, and could be moved out of sight or even just indside the lid of the water unit?

i tested it for 2 days on a powerbank (no power near my loo) and it worked alright. closed the seat when the bathroom door was opened so that girls in the house didnt have to do it / guys didnt have to remember to