Clear app data and cache in your Android settings (effectively re-installing it) then when it asks you to manually input the address put in your NabuCasa address (with NO /lovelace section on the end or it will crash on loading!)
The downside is it will use NabuCasa even when you are at home. But on the plus side, it will still work when away from home.
I’m sure they will figure out how to make it switch between the two as the app develops just like with iOS.
I have a static dns entry configured in my router, so when I’m home it will automatically connect to the ip and not remotely.
Its just the first release, we need to have a lil bit of patience
Great news this is released. Had to manually add URL but connected OK to my duckdns external URL. Looking forward to more updates to the app.
Anyone know where to reports bugs?
Not sure if they’ll be seen here in this thread.
For example something I have noticed is that if I rotate my phone with auto-rotate enabled the app will reload and go back to lovelace/0 no matter what page you were on prior to the rotate.
Issues for HA itself are handled on GitHub. Since that is closest to the code and can be mentioned easily in pull requests that seems like the best solution:
So this was already reported in:
And being worked on in:
Cool stuff