Any plans on Android

Lets face it, it has the larger market share. I personally have issues with Apple security, and ethics. So I will not be using that. It would be great to see it on a real phone though.

All work is done by volunteers. So if a volunteer steps up to make an Android app weā€™ll get an Android app.

Hey, what do you think about use cordova to develop HA for mobile?

Cordova is typically hit or miss on android. It runs well on some devices, not so much on others

Google does a lot of great things pushing the latest tech to Android. Web sites have push notifications, run offline etc. There is really no need to make a native app.

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The latest update seems to have improved the loading speed a lot for me, so putting a shortcut to home assistant on my homescreen works really well. Iā€™m not sure what a native app would buy right now, either.

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Thanks for noticing :wink: The next release will be even faster!


Might be faster to integrate with an existing app. Some info posted here: Support for Imperihome (wall mounted & mobile devices interface)

A real phone? wow, canā€™t you just ask for it to be on Android and not insult a large portion of the community? We are all here to help each other, and everyone has their personal preferences.

The developer of the iOS app obviously has an iPhone, so insulting him is probably not the best way to get things moving in your desired direction.

If your Android phone is so great, then why not jump in and volunteer to program it yourself. Iā€™m sure you would get lots of support. If you donā€™t know how to program, then maybe insulting someone who does is not in your best interest.

The API is well documented, so it probably wouldnā€™t be too hard for you to read up on it and Android Java programming and start fleshing something outā€¦ otherwise, ask politely and hopefully someone else will take up the cause.

Totally agreeā€¦ Iā€™ve been saying this in other posts as wellā€¦ in this day and age, with the technology in web applications, it almost feels like going backwards when people program compiled, native apps. When creating a web app from the url on your phones home screen, it runs just as smoothly and looks as clean as any native mobile app Iā€™ve ever develop.

I also find the shortcut of the page is quite useful, i didnā€™t know about this kiosk mode, when I saw, I wish some other apps could be done in the same way, saves resources on the phone. However, I do face a minor glitch though, everytime I start the shortcut, it apparently picks an existing web page which was loaded in chrome! But second time I click it, it fires the desired pageā€¦ I donā€™t know if this is normal or I did something wrong. But itā€™s not absolutely a showstopper, the page is very responsive, so i donā€™t have any complain here. But as the topic raised, so thought to notify the right people regarding the glitchā€¦

I would welcome Android App, but as others said, front-end works equally well.
However, I wish HA had native support for ā€œpagesā€, so I could create custom page that can be loaded on particular tablet, TV, etc.

Agree with you Tarikul. This would be a very good step. The UI look quite good and is customisable but for this to work for mobile you need to be able to serve a ā€˜customizedā€™ view/page to different devices (eg tablet in the kitchen, tablet first floor, phone etc.)


So hereā€™s the first time I believe iā€™m saying this publiclyā€¦

I am not an Android developer and have not written Java extensively before.


I backed the Pebble Core on Kickstarter. I expect that at some point I will want to integrate it into my HA setup. However, Pebble Core doesnā€™t have a screen. So I expect that anything I will build will have an extremely basic UI that only lets you trigger things to your HA.

Other than that, I personally have no plans to build an Android app that lands anywhere close to the caliber of the iOS app.

Have you looked into HADashboard?