Any Support for Midea A/C?

This thread here is actually the main reason I just invested a ton of money in a Midea mini split system, and why I found out about home assistant and got it set up. I really want room by room climate zoning and automation and this seems like the best way.

I seem to have some questions and problems that I can’t find much documentation about. I posted a few bug reports but I don’t want to spam them up all at once. Is this thread still active for help / discussion?

I have Midea MSOPBU-12HRFN8-QRE3GW Oasis Plus Nordic Hyperinverter air conditioner that has heating range from 16C and up.
It gets recognised with Midea AC LAN (georgezhao2010) and works but i can not set temperature to 16C, it always gives me minimum 17.
Any idea what to tweak ?

I have a similar bug. In Fahrenheit, it’s supposed to go down to 62 and the minimum in HA is 63. I would guess the programmer used a “>” somewhere where it should have been a “>=”.

Not getting F as low may also be roundup error as the conversion faction per degree is 5/9.
Tried to change constant TEMPERATUE_MIN in custom_components/midea_ac_lan/ to 16.
I can set AC to 16C, AC shows 16. HA will jump back 17C after short while.
If i leave it to 16, HA flaps between 17 and 16 but AC stays 16.

I spent like an hour playing around with that file! Idk why has an import for “Temperature Fahrenheit”, but imports Celsius from HA. It seems conversion is done within HA and not the integration, but idk why the integration has both. I tried transitioning that file to farenheight and had all kinds of weird issues. I also tried various decimal numbers for min temperature. 17 C is 62.6 F, which is why it rounds up. Exact 62 F is 16.6667 C, but even using this value for the MIN is problematic it seems. Luckify for the max temp of 86 F, it’s equal to an integer in C, so no rounding errors.

Based on the code for the units, it looks like they communicate in F.

It seems like the contributors to this code are brilliant, so it’s unfortunate they arn’t around to shed some light on it.

Use a SLWF-01pro it’s finished and flashed with ESPhome just plug it in.

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I don’t really know anything about ESPHome, looks like some kind of addon for HA to integrate custom flashed ESP chips in?
It’s just a minor software issue, so it should be fixable without buying additional hardware. But I guess I would consider that as a last resort. Is the ESP integration supported better than the regular ones?
Thanks for sharing

Have done it for a couple of units and it works like a dream, just plug and play, the HA discovery makes everything.

Good. The discovery also worked fine with my OSK 105 modules. I didn’t know if there were any improvements after initial setup.

im using the midea ac lan inegration from hacs and works perfect - my midea system indoor unit temp reading is way off though, is there a way i can calibrate it in ha

Maybe with some helper?

Does anyone know how to use a remote (but local to zigbee network) temperature sensor for these? My MrCool sensors are all a nightmare (totally wrong, which makes the head unit think it’s 95 degrees in the room when it’s really 68). I need the unit to operate automatically as if it’s using a different sensor (I looked at maybe using a custom card with ambient_temperature - it seemed like it would work, but then there were nearly 0 other functions that card had).

I’ve seen some talk about using a generic themostat in configuration.yaml, but thought that seemed extremely clunky (need one for heating, one for cooling, one for drying).

I’m also fairly unfamiliar with .yaml, so I can’t create my own at this time.

Could be done with automations, but then you lose control over the device manually.

Also, I ended up buying 4 Model SLWF-01pro. I know these can have their firmware updated OTA, but am not sure how to do that (safely) without them showing as devices in ESPHOME. I can go to to do an update, but my understanding is I’d need a bin file and don’t know how to create those.

Please don’t ask the same question in different topics. It makes answering very difficult and if others are looking for an answer, they have to read in two places. So please stay within one thread.

So here we go:

Looking forward to seeing your proposed solution.

Do you know how to use a remote sensor with the dongle? The MrCool head unit sensor is effectively always wrong. Can you walk me through how to do this OTA on your dongle?

I was already replying to the other thread, but you have deleted that post. :wink: Nevertheless here we go, taking your additional info from the other thread into account.

I’m not exactly sure, if you understand how HA works (sorry for saying :slight_smile: ). An automation doesn’t hinder you from manually controlling a device. But all in all you’re a bit confusing in your questions, and they do not really relate to each other. So I’ll try to rip that up a little. :smiley:

  • depending on what you want to achieve, you can use every sensor for “all” things you want. You need some readup to do, because you’re mixing frontend (represantation or view) with background work (in this case automations). You don’t need any specific card to get a sensor value, the card would only be a “visual represantation” of that sensor value in the frontend.
  • You don’t need any thermometer in config, and three of them is way to much. I honestly don’t know what you mean with thermometer in configuration.yaml (what integration you mean). But it isn’t needed anyway. :wink:
  • The firmware and ESPHome are some very different things, this is for anyother post, let’s stay with th other things for the moment.

So, after telling you how bad things are, here we go and try to find a solution. It is not meant rude, really, it is just to give you an idea where you need to do some more reading to find the optimal solution for yourself and your installation.

What I read from your questions is this: you have a MrCool unit and want to control this with HA (and the remote from the unit), based on a different temperature sensor (not from the unit). If that’s correct, you can setup an automation, that reacts on the temp sensor and does activate the climate unit.

How do you get the connection to your MrCool right now? Only with the remote from the unit? Than you need some kind of adapter, that you can flash with ESPHome and this adapter (or dongle) needs to be connected to your unit. And what you want for sure is this adapter as a device in ESPHome. As soon as you want to control things, you need to be able to “maintain” that adapter. Bugfixes, changes in behaviour, new functions, all these things need to be done in some way, and for HA and these adapters, it’s ESPHome. And just for clarification, without the adapter coming up in ESPHome, you won’t have the data in HA. So yes, you need that adapter in ESPHome. That will as well answer your question about controlling the device manually. These ESPHome firmwares work bi-directional, so if you change a setting manually at the unit, the adapter will tell that to HA, so HA knows what temp actually was set. You get the idea. :slight_smile:

My recommendation for now: Tell us what you have (what MrCool unit, what adapter, what sensors for your temp), what exactly you want to achieve (“I want to start the unit when sensor xy is under…”) and foremost how you have installed HA (platform, installation method). Then we can work out some solutions. :slight_smile:

Hi Patrick, yes, I know you meant to be rude - and so does everyone else (sorry you wanted to pass me off onto the other thread [which, PS, you weren’t replying - I watched]… deleting the other post was my attempt to comply with your authoritative-thread-border-policing, so I’m not sure why you’re being like this).

HA isn’t exactly intuitive, so forgive my “youth” on the (relatively [please compare to most other systems in terms of ease-of-use] highly complex) platform (or don’t, but I don’t see how communications like this from senior members is helping the community grow).

In order to get at the heart of things, let me break this down for you. First, we need to categorize solutions into “simple, moderate, and complex” for someone new to HomeAssistant and relatively new to coding (note: generally speaking, you should never be rude to people, and it’s only moderately acceptable to be somewhat impatient with someone who is performing under their realistic expected performance… because I’m new to home assistant - and you’ve mentioned you saw that was extremely clear from my question and attempt at asking someone for help - you really shouldn’t have been rude [potentially related, if I had kept both posts in both threads, you could have been just as toxic as you are being now, but I could have just ignored you and gone to the other thread to find some people who are more socially aware… and this wouldn’t have devolved into “Home Assistant community is toxic” perceptions on this thread]… but the thread police know best).

Let’s define them for you (from my perspective).

Simple: Relatively easy to point and click, drag and drop. All done from a UI (not having to do anything in YAML).
Moderate: Having to make minor adjustments in YAML (let’s say this is maybe limited to 3 lines of code or changing a few different entities or sensors). Maybe use BluePrints or Custom Cards.
Complex: Having to make major adjustments in YAML (let’s say this is anything over 3 lines of code).

Simple automations do interfere with ability to control things manually. A simple automation would be to control my headunit temperature entity through a service call and base that on the temperature of my sonoff sensor - but those are static. To make this dynamic (I change the temperature in one location, say a card), I’d have to move this into moderate complexity. I might even be able to handle it with a bunch of different automations and conditions, but that would probably move into at least moderate difficulty.

  • depending on what you want to achieve, you can use every sensor for “all” things you want. You need some readup to do, because you’re mixing frontend (represantation or view) with background work (in this case automations). You don’t need any specific card to get a sensor value, the card would only be a “visual represantation” of that sensor value in the frontend.

Again, having to know all the backend and frontend distinctions, knowing how they function and interrelate to one another is well beyond my experience level with HomeAssistant. This should have been super clear to you, as I’m sure it was with just about every other Senior Member. Please send me a link with the reading where it delineates how they function and work together.

  • You don’t need any thermometer in config, and three of them is way to much. I honestly don’t know what you mean with thermometer in configuration.yaml (what integration you mean). But it isn’t needed anyway. :wink:
  • The firmware and ESPHome are some very different things, this is for anyother post, let’s stay with th other things for the moment.

I’m not sure how you thought I was saying they are the same. Please clarify.

How it’s related to this post:

Also, I ended up buying 4 Model SLWF-01pro.

These are ESPHome devices that do not show up in ESPHome. I do not know why they are not showing up in ESPHome in the way that normal ESPHome devices would. I can see them in my integrations, I can see them as devices (with entities) in HA, but when I go into the ESPHome AddOn, they are not there. These are preloaded with ESPHome and configuration yaml that allows them to control various different mini splits and condensers. Their firmware can be updated, but the only “simple” way of doing that is by going to I was hoping that the configuration yaml just needed a relatively minor modification to interface with a remote sensor - seems like that would for sure be one of the best places to start [closer to the hardware] rather than patching things together way upstream > ESPHome > HomeAssistant > HACS > Cards > Custom Cards > Custom YAML.

How do you get the connection to your MrCool right now?

I’m connecting to my MrCool units now with ESPHome and the Serge Dongles (SLWF-01pro).

what MrCool unit: MrCool DIY (4 head units, one condenser)
what adapter: 4 x SLWF-01pro (one for each head unit)
what sensors for your temp: 4 x SNZB-02D
what exactly you want to achieve: I want to be able to control the MrCool head unit from a card in a dashboard but have the temperature readings and MrCool’s modulation be dictated by the SNZB-02D, not the onboard temperature sensor.
Installed HA: HomeAssistant OS (Generic Intel)

You could use the ‘follow me’ option…
That allows you to define a custom temperature sensor from HA:

  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.room_sensor   # Sensor from HASS
    internal: true
      - throttle: 10s
      - heartbeat: 2min             # Maximum interval between updates.
      - debounce: 1s

I also think you could even do this without IR by using a hardcoded ‘follow me’ function; i.o.w. it would always be actived :wink:
(I only haven’t figured out how to achieve that :thinking: )

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If it helps anybody I recently purchased the Danby 8000 BTU wireless window AC from Costco in Canada (DAC080EB7WDB). I tried the mac-zhou/midea-ac-py. However the process was more involved I had to get the device id and decode it. After installation I got a timeout error.
When I installed the GitHub - georgezhao2010/midea_ac_lan: Auto-configure and then control your Midea M-Smart devices (Air conditioner, Fan, Water heater, Washer, etc) via local area network. it was painless while the auto configure did not work for me I put in the IP and voila it detected the unit the id and found it was a V3. Awesome job. I haven’t put in any automations and tried it extensively but fingers crossed works good.

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