Anyone can please support -

Hello Friends,
I am trying to understand my mistake, but I am not sure how I can fix it. created 3d Script from Broadlink for my blinds, example is below

This my code in covers.yaml

This my from my dashboard

when i press any button, I get the below error

I do not know how to change, and I have been struggling for more than two days because everything is so new.

Have you restarted HA since creating that covers.yaml file?

yes, I did, but same error

I take it you have a reference to the covers.yaml file in your configuration.yaml file…?


This one you are talking about?

Yep. Can you post your automation script in yaml? It makes it easier to see what is in there.

Post the contents of script.mablop in YAML format.


Do I need to make some change in automation yaml?

I edited my above post, but you shouldn’t have any of that in automations.yaml, that’s for configuration.yaml only


like this? I deleted all code in cover.yaml

Getting the same error

Like this Taras ?

Unfortunately, no. That’s not script.mablop.

Look at the error message you received. It says script.mablop called service cover.open_cover. It would be helpful to see the contents of this script you created called script.mablop. If you don’t have a script.mablop then that’s definitely a problem.

For future reference, when sharing information that’s text, try to post it as text instead of a screenshot.

alias: m blind

  • service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.blinds
    device_id: 628cc5df0393c5406070bdfe120b21e7
    device: blind
    command: mablop
    mode: single

this is from my scripts

alias: main blind open

  • service: remote.send_command
    metadata: {}
    device: blind
    command: mablop
    device_id: 628cc5df0393c5406070bdfe120b21e7
    entity_id: remote.blinds
    mode: single
    icon: phu:ikea-blind-open

might be helpful

these are my code

No, the covers.yaml was ok, it was automations.yaml which for some reason has the same entries as your configuration .yaml, which it shouldn’t.

but when ever just run the script, it work but it not working in cover template

That’s not the script though.

when i run this it work

When you post code you need to format it correctly. Select the code text in the forum post and then click on this icon:

That script appears to be called ‘main blind open’, not script.mablop.