First off. Sorry for double posting Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 or HA not seing any z wave devices after power outtage
But I have a problem were most of my z wave devices are greyd out in HA, all fibaro wallplugs, fibaro switches, aetoc sirens, aetoc sensors and more z wave brands but I do see fresh temperature updates from fibaro water sensor and aetoec watersensor. So about 12 out of 16 z wave devices are not showing up / greyd out.
I had a power outtage a couple of hours ago and also did an update to core 2022.2.9 and Z-Wave JS to 0.1.54 earlier today so I am not really sure if my problem is related to powerouttage or the update. I actually think it is related to the update. I did revert the update to an earlier copy I had backed up but perhaps that does not work so well with Z-Wave JS and the aetoc z wave stick?
Im new to HA and altough Im techy Im not on this level.
Tried repair on z wave network, did not work. Tried restarting, tried pulling out wallplugs and more thinking they would start looking for HA when plugged in again but no luck there.
Any tips on what steps I can do to search for the source of my problems?