Anyone using Deebot/Ecovacs with Visual Map

I’m thinking of buying the Deebot N8+ but I’m curious if the “map” sensors pull through so you can actually see where the vacuum can go.

I’m already using the Ecovacs integration for one of the basic models.
This thread is highlighting the “map” which also has an integration (thanks!)

I’ve also found the Deebot-for-Home-Assistant on GitHub which has the N8+ which I’m curious if anyone is using for the N8+ or similar model?

HI, I actually just set up the Deebot 4 Home Assistant to control my Deebot N8 Pro and it works well (after a couple of hours to understand how to set it since I’m newbee :slight_smile: ).

To set it up I followed the Advance - DeebotUniverse website.

Regarding the Map integration, I’m unfortunatelly unable to get it working… looks the called entity “camera.robotname_live_map” doesn’t exists onmy side.

sorry but can you please share the code for this card? I’m trying to do mine with the Advance Deebot but I have some issues. Maybe seeing another example it can help.


Hey! Have you ever solved this? Looking at the entity list for the Deebot, I only see image.robotname_map. But trying to add this to a customer card does not work. and its not showing anything.

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Yep… Solved it as per below screenshot. You can select the “image.deebot_map” as “camera”.

Please follow below website that explains step by step the way to get that card

I apologies for spamming for community, but I see no way to send a message.
I also have an N8+ but I can’t get any integrations to see it. Any chance you’d be willing to provide a little feedback? I’ve gone through DNS, bumper, deebot 4 home assistant, etc. And I can’t get HA to see the N8+ (I don’t think Bumper is seeing it).

I could email you or reach out to you somewhere? Thanks!

Hi All,
I’ve done the Advanced Mode described on the docs page here: Advanced - DeebotUniverse

But I have an issue with this script:

  description: Start a deebot cleaning task
    queue: input_text.deebot_gregorio_queue
    vacuum_bot: vacuum.gregorio
    - alias: Get room numbers
        # See for appending to list
        rooms: >-
          {%- set queue_split = states(queue).split(",") -%}
          {%- set rooms = state_attr(vacuum_bot, "rooms")-%}
          {%- set data = namespace(rooms=[]) -%}
          {%- for room_name in queue_split -%}
            {%- set data.rooms = data.rooms + [rooms[room_name]] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {{ data.rooms | join(",") }}
    - alias: Send cleaning job to vacuum
      service: vacuum.send_command
        entity_id: "{{ vacuum_bot }}"
        command: spot_area
          rooms: "{{ rooms }}"
          cleanings: 2

I changed correctly these two variables:

    queue: input_text.deebot_gregorio_queue
    vacuum_bot: vacuum.gregorio

and the input_text.deebot_gregorio_queue state is equal to 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 which are the rooms selected to clean.

The attribute ‘rooms’ of vacuum.gregorio is only {} I think here is the issue, so when I execute the script, this is the output on the trace:

  domain: vacuum
  service: send_command
    entity_id: vacuum.gregorio
    command: spot_area
      rooms: ',,,,,,,,'
      cleanings: 2
  target: {}
running_script: false

how you can see the rooms param has only commas rooms: ',,,,,,,,'

I really don’t get what the script does with variable rooms, is the first script that I’m trying to use and modify.

The only thing that I would like is that the state of input_text.deebot_gregorio_queue (which is = ‘0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8’) is used in the rooms parameter.

Can someone help me please? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Edit: ok a resolved this issue :smiley: using simply:

        rooms: >-
          {%- set lista = states(queue) -%}
          {{ lista }}

This “rooms” parameter is, I believe filled only when using the Lovelace custom:vaccum-card.
I believe rooms are added into that parameter when clicking on rooms buttons form the UI.
If you execute the script from the scripts page it wont do anything.

no, actually the issue is here:

{%- set rooms = state_attr(vacuum_bot, "rooms")-%}

This gets the attribute “rooms” on the vacuum, so it can compare the rooms name that I configured with the rooms name of the deebot. But unfortunally for my X1 this attribute is blank :frowning: so it won’t work.