I know that since I could have also used a walkthrough, here is what I did after struggling for a few days.
First off, buy a good (non chinese knock-off) of USB to RS-232 prolific or FTDI. I found one on amazon for about 15$
After, I tried using tcp_serial_redirect.py for a while, I could never make it work. I used ser2net and followed this guide.
To sum up what I did:
sudo apt install ser2net -y
Determine where your USB is located using, mine was ttyUSB0:
dmesg | grep tty
Then edit /etc/ser2net.conf. using
sudo nano /etc/ser2net.conf
Here modify the file to comment everything and add:
BANNER:banner:CONSOLE LAB Terminal Server TCP port p device d serial parms srn
6271:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:19200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner tr=tr1 timestamp
Save that file (Ctrl-o) and to make Ser2Net starts up automatically:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add the following above exit 0
/usr/local/sbin/ser2net -n -c /etc/ser2net.conf
You can create a log directory for ser2net sessions:
sudo mkdir /var/log/ser2net
I modified my russound in configuration.yaml like so:
#Russounds @ dev/TTYUSB0
- platform: russound_rnet
port: 6271
name: Russound
name: Bathroom
name: Living Room
name: Kitchen
name: Outdoor
- name: TV
- name: PC
- name: Android
- name: Bluetooth
Finally reboot your system. It worked for me and I hope it’ll works for someone else. Thanks to @gth758y for his guide.