Anyone using the Sankey Chart Card?

Throttle only skips some renders. Updates are still received but not displayed right away. All the calculations happen on render though.

I have a chart with frequent updates running on a slow tablet with only 1s throttle but my chart is probably less complex than yours. Mine is similar to the first image in the readme. I also have only 1 or 2 remaining type entities and prefer to use HA templates. This could impact performance I guess.

I was already thinking about doing the calculations using template sensors. But when it comes to electr. power the remaining entities are are a simple ā€œparent - known device1 - known device2ā€ to have an entity representing the unknown consumers.
It likely wonā€™t make a difference if being outsourced into a templates.yaml.
Not to mention that I dislike splitting up definitions without sense. the entites which are of type ā€˜remaining_parent_stateā€™ are of no use outside the sankey card since so outsourcing them into helpers or templates.yaml results in the risk one accidently deletes these some day since uncertain about why they were defined and thus get deleted, until one realises the misery.
Splitting up things makes sense if software offers a working ā€˜parent/childā€™ object tree feature, but thatā€™s a differnt story. Without such a feature I keep myself from splitting things whenever possible.

The function to calculate remaining connections is recursive so it may have some performance penalty but it should be only in complex setups with grouping, passthroughs, etc.
Just receiving the frequent updates from the API could be the problem. In that case you can try to create throttled entities in the backend with filters in HA Filter - Home Assistant.

I use card mod to get bigger fonts in the Sankey flow:

  style: |
    ha-card {
      color: white;
      font-size: 23px;
    .span.value {
      font-size: 23px;

This works great on my macbook and ipad but on my Google Nest Hub (second gen) it doesnā€™t work. On the Hub I get the default font only.

Has anyone done this before on a Hub with bigger fonts?

After a lot of edits I finally seem to be getting somewhereā€¦ and I confess itā€™s a beautiful chart when in landscape mode

Not really sure why the most right entity is displayed as it is , but itā€™s ok. Well in fact it is not reallyā€¦ its a child of the same column as the other entities, so I donā€™t get why it is displayed in its own column next to those.

However, this results in an unreadable chart when using portrait ( my normal perspective) o. Mobile ā€¦

Now ofc Sankey thrives in Landscape, but would there be anything I could do to make this less of an issue ?

Fwiw, I have experimented with a minim every state, but that makes no difference. It merely takes out some of the entities that are practically invisible as they are already ā€¦.

Iā€™m running into the same thing Mariusā€¦

The worst part is ive been thinking about it for a week and canā€™t even think of a graceful way for the card to adapt to moving from likely a 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratio to 1:2 or maybe 1:2.5.

The card would likely have to support dynamically dropping sections (essentially columns) starting from either the left or right or scrolling? Combination of both, while adjusting or selectively disabling icons and/or labels?

I was personally planning on building a second chart that had half the sections / width (a compromise for sure) and dropping them behind thomasā€™ custom card that supported selective display on mediaquery (layout card?)

What do you monitor your devices with? Smart plugs?

There is now min width option per section. So you can set some width for each section and if the total width is more than the screen it will become scrollable horizontally.

The right most part wonā€™t be visible until you scroll but this is the best I can do for now.

I have been considering a vertical root like layout for mobile but labels would be an issue and it would be a lot of work to support it.

Ah right, I didnt spot that yetā€¦ will experiment, thx.

still, I dont see why the Heater office would need the space in the most right column, as it is a child of the same hierarchy as the entities 1 column to the left of it.

it seems it is not a matter of available vertical space. (Iā€™ve tried to delete several of them. using a min value). It keeps being positioned as a single entity in that right most columnā€¦

You must have put it in a separate section. Check your indents. Looks like you configured a section with only this entity.
Section/column placement is explicit in the config and not decided by the card.

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  - entities:

      - entity_id: sensor.energy_consumed_daily
        name: Verbruik Huis
          - sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname
          - sensor.solar_self_consumption_daily

      - entity_id: sensor.solar_energy_daily
        name: Opbrengst Zon
        color: gold
          - sensor.solar_self_consumption_daily
          - sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_levering

  - entities:

      - entity_id: sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname
        name: Grid Afname
#         children:
  #         - sensor.grid_energy_total

#           - sensor.gemeten_energy_per_dag
#           - sensor.ongemeten_energy_per_dag

#   - entities:
#       - entity_id: sensor.grid_energy_total
      - entity_id: sensor.solar_self_consumption_daily
        name: Verbruik Zon
        color: darkorange
#         children:
#           - sensor.gemeten_energy_per_dag
#           - sensor.ongemeten_energy_per_dag

      - entity_id: sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_levering
        name: Teruglevering Zon
        color: orange

I can get the ā€˜sensor.solar_self_consumption_dailyā€™ to connect form both 1st column entities into the second:

either this:


Am I missing a section where we can connect a child to 2 different parents??

this might be very silly, but after some other chart issues, I have to askā€¦ can we not show negative values?

Returning to grid or consuming from grid being the most important value in my chartsā€¦ and I just realized it wont show because he chart only shows upward from 0, (and I even set a higher threshold to take away the 0.0 or 0.01 kWh entities)

this however also means my complete return to grid isnt shown.which is per definition a negative number.
I could create a template sensor and abs it, but how to distinguish the entity from being actually consuming or producingā€¦ as itā€™s the result sum of total production and total consumption.

amount exported is not necessarily a negative number. It is only negative if the reference point is energy imported.

I just colour it and works well to identify export vs usage.


sure I do the coloring too, and just made an abs template, figuring if the Net grid counter would go below 0, it would also cause the returned to grid sensor to grow, so the change would be noted anyways.

      - unique_id: saldo_totaal_dag_energie_afname
        name: Saldo totaal dag energie afname
        state: >
          {% set saldo = expand('sensor.grid_energy_teller_1','sensor.grid_energy_teller_2')
                    |map('float')|sum %}

yet, this poses the same issue as above, not all connections are displayed in the Sanky

consider this:


  - entities:

      - entity_id: sensor.energy_consumed_daily
        name: Verbruik Huis
        color: brown
          - sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname_t1
          - sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname_t2
          - sensor.solar_self_consumption_daily

      - entity_id: sensor.solar_energy_daily
        name: Opbrengst Zon
        color: gold
          - sensor.solar_self_consumption_daily
          - sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_levering

  - entities:
      - entity_id: sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname_t1
        name: Dal
        color: green
          - sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname
      - entity_id: sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname_t2
        name: Piek
        color: orange
          - sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname

  - entities:

      - entity_id: sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_afname
        name: Grid Afname
          - sensor.gemeten_energy_per_dag
          - sensor.ongemeten_energy_per_dag
          - sensor.saldo_totaal_dag_energie_afname
      - entity_id: sensor.solar_self_consumption_daily
        name: Verbruik Zon
        color: darkorange
          - sensor.gemeten_energy_per_dag
          - sensor.ongemeten_energy_per_dag

      - entity_id: sensor.calculated_totaal_dag_levering
        name: Teruglevering Zon
        color: orange
          - sensor.saldo_totaal_dag_energie_afname
# this is the new entity with connections to 'Grid Afname' and 'Teruglevering Zon' above
  - entities:
      - entity_id: sensor.saldo_totaal_dag_energie_afname
        name: Saldo
        color: red

which in addition to the missing link in the post above, also does Not show the connection to the ā€˜Grid Afnameā€™. The numbers are perfect up to 2 figures decimalā€¦

the gaps in those are easy to spot, there is a connection in the config, but they are simply not drawnā€¦

Abs doesnā€™t make sense in this case. You want to invert it. So -1*. By definition exported = -imported. Only one of them can be <0 at a time and wonā€™t be displayed. Then you can arrange both entities however you want

not really.
this entity returns negative if net metered is consuming, and positive if returning. If Iā€™d invert, I would be creating the same problem, but then in the opposite situation.

With the 0, abs variant, I now have an entity that takes out the minus, and remains 0 if negative.

this is another illustration of the same numbers:

what I dont understand is why there is no connection between Opbrengst Zon (bottom left) and Verbruik Zon next to it. Same for the missing connection between Grid Afname (to the left of the Center Red Saldo).

First of all, absolutely love this card @MindFreeze !

Now, I encounter something odd: I have this card 2x on the same dashboard, once without energy_date_selection (left), using todayā€™s values, and once with energy_date_selection: true (and the energy date selection card above, on the right).

For the card with energy_date_selection, I only see my ā€˜baseā€™ sensors, not the ones I created with helpers to group together the underlying energy consumption sensors (using the ā€˜groupā€™ helper, and ā€˜sumā€™).

Can you please help me fix this?

For reference, hereā€™s the relevant part of the code for the left one, the right one has the same but energy_date_selection: true added under show_names: true

  - type: custom:sankey-chart
    show_names: true
      - entities:
          - entity_id: sensor.house_daily
            name: House
            color: indigo
              - sensor.living_room_daily
              - sensor.network_daily_consumption
              - sensor.office_daily
              - sensor.masterbed_multimedia_daily
      - entities:
          - entity_id: sensor.living_room_daily
            name: Living Room
            color: midnightblue
              - sensor.utility_daily_fridge
              - sensor.utility_daily_living_multimedia
              - sensor.living_room_hue_energy_daily
          - entity_id: sensor.network_daily_consumption
            name: Network
            color: purple
              - sensor.network_daily_consumption
          - entity_id: sensor.office_daily
            name: Office
            color: darkred
              - sensor.office_daily
          - entity_id: sensor.masterbed_multimedia_daily
            name: Master Bedroom
              - sensor.masterbed_multimedia_daily
      - entities:
          - entity_id: sensor.utility_daily_fridge
            name: Fridge
            type: passthrough
            color: darkblue
              - sensor.utility_daily_fridge
          - entity_id: sensor.utility_daily_living_multimedia
            name: Living Room Multimedia
            type: passthrough
            color: darkblue
              - sensor.utility_daily_living_multimedia
          - entity_id: sensor.living_room_hue_energy_daily
            name: Living Room Hue
            color: darkorange
              - sensor.rear_energy_daily
              - sensor.left_front_energy_daily
              - sensor.right_front_energy_daily
              - sensor.rear_table_energy_daily
              - sensor.dining_energy_daily
              - sensor.reading_energy_daily
          - entity_id: sensor.network_daily_consumption
            name: Network
            color: purple
            type: passthrough
              - sensor.network_daily_consumption
          - entity_id: sensor.office_daily
            name: Office Gear
            type: passthrough
            color: darkred
              - sensor.office_daily
          - entity_id: sensor.masterbed_multimedia_daily
            name: Master Bedroom
            type: passthrough
              - sensor.masterbed_multimedia_daily
      - entities:
          - entity_id: sensor.utility_daily_fridge
            name: Fridge
          - entity_id: sensor.utility_daily_living_multimedia
            name: Living Room Multimedia
          - entity_id: sensor.rear_energy_daily
            color: var(--warning-color)
            name: Rear
          - entity_id: sensor.left_front_energy_daily
            color: var(--warning-color)
            name: Left Front
          - entity_id: sensor.right_front_energy_daily
            color: var(--warning-color)
            name: Right Front
          - entity_id: sensor.rear_table_energy_daily
            color: var(--warning-color)
            name: Rear Table
          - entity_id: sensor.dining_energy_daily
            color: var(--warning-color)
            name: Dining
          - entity_id: sensor.reading_energy_daily
            color: var(--warning-color)
            name: Reading
          - entity_id: sensor.network_daily_consumption
            name: Network
            color: purple
          - entity_id: sensor.office_daily
            color: red
            name: Office Gear
          - entity_id: sensor.masterbed_multimedia_daily
            name: Master Bedroom Multimedia

The energy_date_selection option uses history data from HA. It shows the difference between the beginning and end of the selected period. This is reverse engineered from HA energy dashboard.

So if some entities arenā€™t showing properly, they either have no history yet, or they have to be configured with state_class somehow.

Best way to debug is to check the history view.


Have made ā€˜newā€™ helper sensors that are not limited in time. Iā€™ll wait and see in the coming days if it delivers, but looking into the history view shows data being built up.

Thanks once again for this awesome card!

I suspect itā€™s to do with the fact there is no remaining energy in Grid Afname to go to Saldo.

Your leftover energy is coming from opbrengst Zon. So you need to sort out the calculations to ensure the energy is going to the correct location.