Success! After a number of trial and error attempts, I noticed the card I had tried the Autoconfig with now showed a good bit of data (no longer simply failing);
Upon examination of the yaml code, I picked up a number of very helpful hints. While the grid import and export did not show up correctly, I figured out how to adjust those. One template calculation I added is sensor.total_energy_consumed
And instead of arranging my loads by area, I arranged them by function;
height: 450
show_names: true
unit_prefix: k
round: 1
min_box_height: 3
min_box_distance: 5
show_states: true
show_units: true
energy_date_selection: true
- entities:
- entity_id: sensor.solaroutneg_wh
type: entity
name: Solar Generation
color: var(--warning-color)
- sensor.total_energy_consumed
- sensor.export_wh
- entity_id: sensor.grid_import
type: entity
name: Grid Import
color: maroon
- sensor.total_energy_consumed
- entities:
- entity_id: sensor.export_wh
type: entity
color: purple
name: Grid Export
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.total_energy_consumed
type: remaining_parent_state
name: Total Consumption
color: darkblue
- transportation
- space_heating
- water_supply
- kitchen
- offices
- studio
- lighting
- laundry
- entertainment
- unknown
- entities:
- entity_id: transportation
type: remaining_child_state
color: blue
name: Transportation
- sensor.120v_ev_charger_total_daily_energy
- sensor.juicebox_energy_added
- entity_id: space_heating
type: remaining_child_state
color: green
name: Space Heating
- sensor.heatpump_wh
- sensor.furnace_wh
- sensor.air_filter_energy
- entity_id: water_supply
type: remaining_child_state
name: Water Supply
color: green
- sensor.test3_wh
- entity_id: kitchen
type: remaining_child_state
color: green
name: Kitchen
- sensor.kitchen_ceiling_dimmer_2_energy
- sensor.refrigerator_energy
- sensor.dishwasher_total_daily_energy
- entity_id: offices
type: remaining_child_state
color: green
name: Offices
- sensor.annoffice_wh
- sensor.work_office_total_daily_energy
- sensor.study_electronics_total_daily_energy
- entity_id: studio
type: remaining_child_state
color: green
name: Studio
- sensor.studioplugs_wh
- sensor.studio_musician_lights_energy_2
- entity_id: lighting
type: remaining_child_state
color: green
name: Other Lighting
- sensor.front_porch_lights_energy
- sensor.back_porch_light_energy
- sensor.master_bath_light_energy
- sensor.studio_landing_light_energy
- sensor.side_porch_light_energy
- entity_id: laundry
type: remaining_child_state
color: green
name: Laundry
- sensor.clothes_dryer_energy
- entity_id: entertainment
type: remaining_child_state
color: green
name: Entertainment
- sensor.family_room_tv_energy_2
- entity_id: unknown
type: remaining_parent_state
color: gray
name: Not Yet Monitored
children: []
- entities:
- entity_id: sensor.120v_ev_charger_total_daily_energy
type: entity
name: Level 1 Charger
color: blue
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.juicebox_energy_added
type: entity
name: Level 2 Charger
color: blue
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.heatpump_wh
type: entity
name: Heat Pump
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.furnace_wh
type: entity
name: HVAC Blower
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.air_filter_energy
name: Air Filter
type: entity
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.test3_wh
type: entity
name: Well Pump
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.kitchen_ceiling_dimmer_2_energy
type: entity
name: Kitchen Lights
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.dishwasher_total_daily_energy
type: entity
name: Dishwasher
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.refrigerator_energy
type: entity
name: Refrigerator
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.annoffice_wh
type: entity
name: Work Office 1
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.work_office_total_daily_energy
type: entity
name: Work Office 2
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.study_electronics_total_daily_energy
type: entity
name: Study
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.studioplugs_wh
type: entity
name: Studio
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.studio_musician_lights_energy_2
type: entity
name: Studio Lights
color: green
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.front_porch_lights_energy
type: entity
color: green
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.back_porch_light_energy
type: entity
color: green
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.master_bath_light_energy
type: entity
color: green
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.studio_landing_light_energy
type: entity
color: green
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.side_porch_light_energy
type: entity
color: green
children: []
- entity_id: sensor.clothes_dryer_energy
type: entity
name: Clothes Dryer
color: green
- entity_id: sensor.family_room_tv_energy_2
type: entity
name: Family Room TV
color: green
type: custom:sankey-chart
min_state: 0
I’ll be adding more sensors to chase down other yet-unmonitored consumption. And I will see if I can add another layer for Home for a clean classification to provide the Home and Transportation categories
I’ve updated the chart to cleanly delineate what is Transportation and what is Home energy consumption, to see how close I am to residential net-zero (or beyond). Still have some circuits/outlets to meter/monitor and may still find some phantom loads (or ones requiring better oversight). This is a very helpful tool to keep track of electrical energy consumption, can’t say enough nice things about what @MindFreeze has done with this specialty chart!
We had been painted indoors that day, so the Heat Recovery Ventilator was on high for about 48 hours, otherwise just comes on low about an hour every day.
Card works ok when using energy, no matter if 3 of 5 sections.
But when using power the connections get lost quite often.
I’m not yet sure if that’s a result that the card isn’t catching up state changes in time or something like that. I doubt this being the case since the machine idles more or less means it’s surely not related to an extensice load. Any chance one could force the card checking values? Sort of an update_interval as known from ESPhome sensors?
ups … that was an easy one, it solved the issue straight.
May I ask another thing.Would you mind updating the readme on github? I recently stumbled across a “remaining:” which I wasn’t aware of simply because not being documented. The one to be placed right below the chidrens.
I do fear I likely missed all the 99 dead cool options which are undocumented aswell
Remaining is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Only works for backwards compatibility. type: remaining_parent_state is the correct way of doing the same thing.
Love this card and this thread has been very helpful to getting this far. One frustrating issue I cannot seem to overcome is color blending and how to make sure the final entities carry the correct color from the parent. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to alter the final blue color and this results in some harsh lines which you can see most clearly in the ‘Second Floor Load’ branch. Anyone have this issue or know what might be causing it? Thank you in advance!
You just have to specify color for all relevant entities. So use the long form with entity_id: and color: instead of just listing the entity id.
Also everyone please stop using remaning:. It is deprecated. Use type: remaining_parent_state instead. There are examples in the README.
Since you re-newed the information about remaining: (I removed it straight after your recently given explanation) 2 times within 1 week , may I suggest you mention this on your github, best bet using RED BOLD text saying deprecated or something like that?
Poeple like me tend to a) read the options but also b) look in here for example YAML to get started.
Thank you, appreciate the reply! Incredible work on this. I grabbed ‘remaining’ from earlier messages in this thread without checking the docs on it so thanks for that too.
Managed to get a basic energy flow Sankey chart working, however I cannot get the Energy Date Selection aspect to work. It works fine in HA’s energy dashboard, but the Sankey chart will only show today’s figures, clicking back a day or two does nothing.
@MindFreeze thank you. When I do that, for some reason I get error to say an entity is not found (but it works ok in the sankey without this set as true)?
Perhaps you have an entity without history. Either very new or somehow not setup for history. Try starting from an empty card and adding entities 1 by 1 to see which one it is. There was something peculiar with the state_class property but I don’t remember what it was exactly.
@Mindfreeze an chance we could have a multiline name for an entity? I do ask because I run out of smart plugs to measure every device but the great sankey card does allow me to see upon which of the 3 phases some items belong to. Means I would like to put these names to the final entity sort of:
- various
name: dishwasher
eg collecting names representing the ‘various’ consumers.
I tried to use energy_date_selection: true and energy-date-selection: true but none of them work.
I change the dates but the values don´t change.
Can you help?
Yes, my energy dashboard works fine. I can change the period and the graphs change accordingly.
It looks that I have the same config as you do but mine doesn’t work
Have to come back to you on that one.
Doesn’t work, well it does up to some % … I got a vertical stack with 2 sankey cards in.
First one is the energy consumption with repect to the time selector.
Below I tried the same entities but this time with actual power consumption.
As you might guess this is under heavy fluctuation depnding upon various consumers being switched on or off to waste the photovoltaics overproduction before selling it for next to nothing to the energy provider.
throttle does help partly but I still end up with sections being drawn unconnected.
I thought about using rieman sum with a 3-5 second time which is next to the same but current consumption but this won’t work since then I need to establish temp entities to cover all the ‘remaining_partent_state’ entities.
Any idea about how throttle does work at the moment? Does it delay the overall update or does it collect states in time but sort of act like an update_interval to the viuals only? Later would be ideal I’d say.