Anyone willing to help set up my Home Assistant?

Hello, I currently have home assistant installed on a raspberry pi and that is about the extent of my understanding of it. I would like to get some third party installations taken care of but I do not know how to do that. Examples would be wyze, blink, thermostats, lights, locks, etc.

If anyone is willing to help me walk through some of this or at least provide some sort of tutorial I should be able to handle it but I also need somebody who can answer questions when I get stuck.

Thank you so much for your time,

Will help as much as I am possible.

Can you get to homeassistant.local:8123?

What type of lights, locks and thermostats?

Start with lights, usually the easiest. What kind have you got?

I can connect thru http://IPaddress:8123/lovelace/default_view to access HA

  • Wyze Locks, Thermostats, and Cameras
  • Google Nest Thermostat
  • Blink Cameras
  • Smartthings hub for door locks Quickset, Schlage Zigbee, Zwave
  • Amazon Alexa
  • tp-link lights and plugs
  • ecovacs vacuums
  • Ring doorbell
  • Rachio Sprinkler
  • MyQ garage

Also, MyQ and Ring connected automatically

Thanks for the info. I’ve posted additional info at AllHailJ.

Much appreciated

I do have a good tech background, but not script savvy.

I don’t see the additional info yet.

Can you go to configuration → Integrations. Add integrations and search for tp-link in the pop up. If you leave the host blank it should auto-discover.

Here is the rachio integration explained

and here is the ring doorbell setup

amazon alexa requires a paid subscription

Automatic setup via Home Assistant Cloud

With Home Assistant Cloud, you can connect your Home Assistant instance in a few simple clicks to Amazon Alexa. With Home Assistant Cloud, you don’t have to deal with dynamic DNS, SSL certificates, or opening ports on your router. Just log in via the user interface and a secure connection with the cloud will be established. Home Assistant Cloud requires a paid subscription after a 30-day free trial.

For Home Assistant Cloud Users, documentation can be found here.

Link to install is here.

I did and it did not discover any of the plugs that I use.

do you have one of these plugs?

Supported Devices

HS110 (supports consumption sensors)
KP115 (supports consumption sensors)

Strip (Multi-Plug)

HS107 (indoor 2-outlet)
HS300 (powerstrip 6-outlet) (supports consumption sensors)
KP303 (powerstrip 3-outlet)
KP400 (outdoor 2-outlet)
KP200 (indoor 2-outlet)
KP40 (outdoor 2-outlet)
EP40 (outdoor 2-outlet)

Wall Switches

HS220 (acts as a light)



Thank you.
Rachio and ring are set up now.
I will look into getting a cloud subscription to connect the Alexa in the future. But thank you for that also. Alexa return

There is an alert on tp-link


TP-Link’s latest firmware for Kasa Smart Home devices closes the port (9999) previously used for local control, rendering Home Assistant unable to communicate with these devices. Please see this tweet for details from TP-Link, release notes for firmware are not readily published by TP-Link. Please see this discussion on our community forums for more details.

Update 2020/11/23

TP-Link is offering Home Assistant users a custom version of the latest firmware that will allow the local API to continue to work. You will need to raise a support ticket with TP-Link and provide the MAC address of your switch(es). Please see our blog post for more details.

We encourage all affected users to raise a ticket with TP-Link to help them understand the size of their user base using Home Assistant.

Update 2021/07/01

It has come to our attention that since February 2021 TP-Link has stopped offering users the custom firmware version allowing the local API to continue working. They have confirmed via email to users who tried that they won’t be helping any longer. You can read their message on their community forum here for the exact information.

If you are considering purchasing these plugs, we would advise you to look at better and local alternatives.

I have hs105

Here is the google nest setup

and for the ecovac

and for Blink

To integrate Wyze devices you are going to need HACS.

I am unfamiliar with yaml

I’ve installed HACS. I do not know how to use YAML.

Thank you so far for your help.


Also, I have FIET Bulbs to control.

yaml is not that bad. For the most part it is clearly detailed in the installation instructions. You can use the GUI to setup automations.

If you go to HACS → integration you can add integration and when you see they pop-up type wyze and you can install the wyze integration.

I not familiar with FEIT - wifi, z-wave, zigbee? or are their smart switches.

Here is the smartthings integration

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