ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

Hi all, is there anyway of changing the fontsize of the extrema objects on a graph?

Yes, you can do that. Here’s an example of my least favorite chart !! :slightly_smiling_face:

Great tip. Works fine. Thank you very muc :smiley:

You can also add a total to your tooltip for the yaxis part by adding the following code.
Note, increase the array_list to 5 (5 series) and change the text to match each series name.

      formatter: |
        EVAL:function(value, { series, seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w }) {
          const array_list = ['Electric: €','Gas: €']
          let currentTotal = 0;
          let detailTotal = '';
          let x = 0 * 1;
          series.forEach((s) => {
            currentTotal += s[dataPointIndex];
            detailTotal = detailTotal + array_list[x] + s[dataPointIndex].toFixed(2).replace(".", ",") + '<br>';
          return '<div class="custom-tooltip">'+
            detailTotal +
            '<span><b>Total: €</b>' + currentTotal.toFixed(2).replace(".", ",") + '</span>' +
        formatter: |
            value = ''; 
            return value;

However I still have a problem. ${states['input_number.max_spotpris'].state} is converted to '0.27', a string. I tried to convert to float with ${states['input_number.max_spotpris'].state | float } but that doesn’t work. Any other way to convert to float?

Try this;

${states['input_number.max_spotpris'].state * 1}


i use the InfluxDB integration. I want to plot a graph from the database.
I use this code, but the graph stays on loading.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Solar Monthly Production
  show_states: false
  colorize_states: true
    height: 270
    extend_to_end: false
    min: 0
    max: 100
    show: true
    width: 1
    show: true
graph_span: 12 month
  end: month
  - entity: sensor.influx_outside_temp
    type: column
    name: Monthly Production
    color: green
      datalabels: true
      duration: 1month
    data_generator: |
      console.log(start); var params = new URLSearchParams({
          u: "homeassistant",
          p: "homeassistant",
          db: "homeassistant",
          q: "SELECT \"value\" FROM \"kWh\" WHERE \"entity_id\" = 'gw2000_xs_totaal_vermogen_vandaag' AND time < now()"

      var myInit = { method: 'GET',
                      headers: {
                          'Accept': 'application/json',
                      mode: 'cors',
                      cache: 'default' 
      const request = async () => {
          var result = [];
          const response = await fetch('' + params, myInit)
          const json = await response.json();
          if (json["results"] && json["results"][0] && json["results"][0]["series"]  && json["results"][0]["series"][0] && json["results"][0]["series"][0]["values"]) {
              for(var val of json["results"][0]["series"][0]["values"]) {
                  result.push([new Date(val[0]), val[1]]);
          } else {
              console.log("error: " + json)
          console.log("return: " + json) 
          return result;
      } return request();
update_interval: 1m

I don’t know the exact output of the url but if i use:“value”+FROM+“kWh”+WHERE+“entity_id”+=+‘gw2000_xs_totaal_vermogen_vandaag’

I get this data:

Sorry i don’t see any code … maybe you forgot to read first Topic, in regards to presenting


I can see the code, only the ‘’’ doesn’t work like expected.

( ``` ) because it’s back-ticks you should use

This is great. Thanks!

1 Like

Thanks, i think this looks better.

hmmmm, and what outcome do you expect ? … a graph of sum: of all days, sorted in month , and span 12 month ?

For now i have daily data, so for now every day a bar is fine. Maybe there are some things showings months, but if i have a graph, i will fix it.

??? montly production, duration month, end month grap_span 12 month,
Solar Monthly Production … yeah, some thing showing months, for sure

I have tried many things, this is the default code for me.

Would you mind sharing that one?

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to have a chart combined with area filled with a gradient and line.

Unfortunately only same entites are shown with gradients. Others don’t. See below: The third chart (PV-Power) isn’t shown as a gradient, the green one is.

Does anyone know a solution? Would be very happy :slight_smile:

Here is my config:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 24hours
  show: false
  title: xyz
  show_states: false
  colorize_states: true
  - entity: sensor.verbrauch
    name: Eigenverbrauch
    color: green
    float_precision: 0
    yaxis_id: eigenverbrauch
    type: area
  - entity: sensor.myenergi_mein_zuhause_power_import
    color: DodgerBlue
    float_precision: 0
    name: Netzbezug
    type: area
  - entity: sensor.myenergi_mein_zuhause_power_export
    name: Einspeisung
    yaxis_id: einspeisung
    color: Purple
    float_precision: 0
    type: area
  - entity: sensor.pv_power_total
    name: PV
    yaxis_id: pv
    color: Orange
    type: area
  - entity: sensor.battery_charge_power
    name: Aufladen
    color: Pink
    yaxis_id: aufladen
    float_precision: 0
    type: area
  - entity: sensor.battery_discharge_power
    name: Entladen
    color: Turquoise
    yaxis_id: entladen
    float_precision: 0
    type: area
    opacity: 0.3
  - entity: sensor.gosungrow
    name: SOC
    color: black
    float_precision: 0
    yaxis_id: SOC
    type: line
    opacity: 1
    extremas: false
    func: avg
    duration: 4m
    type: area
    height: 600
    show: true
    lineCap: square
    width: 2
    extremas: true
    show: true
    enabled: true
    - id: eigenverbrauch
      show: true
      showAlways: true
      showForNullSeries: true
      reversed: false
      tickAmount: 7
      decimalsInFloat: 0
      opposite: false
      min: 0
      max: 7000
    - id: netzbezug
      show: false
      opposite: false
      min: 0
      max: 7000
    - id: einspeisung
      show: false
      opposite: false
      min: 0
      max: 7000
    - id: pv
      show: false
      opposite: false
      min: 0
    - id: aufladen
      show: false
      opposite: false
      min: 0
      max: 7000
    - id: entladen
      show: false
      opposite: false
      min: 0
      max: 7000
    - id: SOC
      show: true
      showAlways: true
      showForNullSeries: true
      reversed: false
      tickAmount: 10
      decimalsInFloat: 0
      forceNiceScale: true
      floating: false
      opposite: true
      min: 0
      max: 100
      - gradient
      - solid
      type: vertical
      shadeIntensity: 0.8
      inverseColors: false
      opacityFrom: 0.6
      opacityTo: 0.3
        - 0
      format: HH:mm

hey guys, im in to apex card and i like it.

  1. As i have it now for example my offpeak tariff is 23:00 - 7:00. Apex card shows offpeak info on 0:00-7:00 when offpeak is over at 7:00 (146kWh) and i want it to show my full offpeak info (172 kWh)

my code looks this way now

- type: vertical-stack
              - type: custom:apexcharts-card
                  show: true
                  title: Day tariff
                graph_span: 14d
                  - min: 0
                  - entity: sensor.main_counter_data_daily_peak
                      func: diff
                      duration: 1d
                      period: hour
                      type: sum
                      align: start
                    type: column
                    color: '#7b99b5'
                  start: day
                  offset: '-13d'

you r missing this

Dejavue , haven’t ive seen this post resently ( few days ago) somewhere else ?

Anyway, A day goes from 00.00 to 23.59, so don’t expect that you “just like that” , will see yesterday consumption, in todays
what you see in your “History-line-graph” is what it is ( A line-graph )
SO what you need is to collect/summarize ,00.00>07.00 + 23.00>23.59 ( you have 2 daily peak periods )

Another question is:
Is " Main counter data Daily offpeak" the same as " sensor.main_counter_data_daily_peak " ?

Why do i get a feeling that you show half of what you are trying to accomplice ?