ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

I am in a similar situation where I want to my column to display time in hours and minutes rather than in decimal format. I tried your code and no part of it changes the columns from decimal label to hours and minutes. How did you end up getting that change to display?

Hi I am trying to make an energy dashboard with a date selector however it seems like can’t offset across month boundaries?
Can offset 7 days to get to 1st April:

No data is shown when offsetting 8 days to the 31st of March:

As you can see data has been recorded for the 31st:

Is this expected behaviour?

Hi all… I’m trying to show on a card the same data shown on the hourly graph of the energy dashboard.
In particular I would love to show these data (in red squares):

but I’m unable to find the right function for a group by or statistics… Any help? In the energy dashboard I use “sensor.cumulative_monthly_energy”, and I configure the apexchart card as this:

- type: custom:apexcharts-card
      graph_span: 18h
          height: 165px
          show: false
              show: false
        show: true
        title: Prelievo corrente
        show_states: true
        disable_actions: true
        - show: false
        - entity: sensor.cumulative_monthly_energy
          type: column
          float_precision: 2
            extremas: true
            name_in_header: false
            in_header: false
            func: last
            duration: 1h
            start_with_last: true
        - entity: sensor.consumo_energia_istantaneo
            in_chart: false
            name_in_header: false
            in_header: raw

The second series is to show the actual consumption value, live.

Any advice? I’ve tryed last, avg, sum, diff, delta, as funct, but nothig reproduce the same values of the energy dashboard…


I have the same question and could not find an answer: Is there a way to include a state in the “now”-marker?
I’d simply like to have the current state of the entity included. I’ve tried “{{ state(‘sensor.gosund2_watt’) }} also without the “state”, but always get " value.now.label is not a string” in return. Any ideas?

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 48h
  start: day
  offset: '-1d'
  show: true
  color: '#999999'
  label: now             # <--- value should go here
  show: true
  title: ''
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  floating: true
    show: false
  - entity: sensor.gosund2_watt
    type: line
    color: '#ff0000'
    stroke_width: 2
    curve: stepline
      name_in_header: false
      in_brush: true
      extremas: true
      func: raw
  - show: true
    min: 0
    max: 800
    decimals: 0
      tickAmount: 8
1 Like

How can I make a proper data_generator of the sensor attibute state below?
The graph should show “validfrom” as the timestamp and “volume” as the value.

This is how far I came, but it does not seem to work:

    data_generator: >-
      return entity.attributes.hydra:member.map((start, index) => { return [new
      entity.attributes.hydra:member[index]["volume"]]; });

State attributes of the sensor

  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64656908711
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64656908711
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-07T22:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-07T23:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64657863207
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64657863207
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-07T23:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T00:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64658817701
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64658817701
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T00:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T01:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64659702385
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64659702385
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T01:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T02:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64660590229
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64660590229
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T02:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T03:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64661481525
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64661481525
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T03:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T04:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64662375981
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64662375981
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T04:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T05:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64663273597
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64663273597
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 203738
    volume: 203738
    percentage: 0.009588370099663734
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T05:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T06:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64664174373
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64664174373
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 1446915
    volume: 1446915
    percentage: 0.06809412688016891
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T06:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T07:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64666015522
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64666015522
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 3550966
    volume: 3550966
    percentage: 0.16711124777793884
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T07:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T08:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64667253776
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64667253776
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 7319840
    volume: 7319840
    percentage: 0.3444717526435852
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T08:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T09:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64668164032
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64668164032
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 10793753
    volume: 10793753
    percentage: 0.5079454779624939
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T09:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T10:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64669077448
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64669077448
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 11511863
    volume: 11511863
    percentage: 0.5417295098304749
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T10:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T11:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64669994024
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64669994024
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 9024932
    volume: 9024932
    percentage: 0.42469173669815063
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T11:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T12:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64670913760
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64670913760
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 6175851
    volume: 6175851
    percentage: 0.2906154990196228
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T12:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T13:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64671836656
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64671836656
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 5653102
    volume: 5653102
    percentage: 0.2660120129585266
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T13:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T14:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64672762712
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64672762712
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 7324411
    volume: 7324411
    percentage: 0.3446510136127472
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T14:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T15:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64673691928
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64673691928
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 7249623
    volume: 7249623
    percentage: 0.3411257565021515
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T15:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T16:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64674624304
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64674624304
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 5476551
    volume: 5476551
    percentage: 0.25769075751304626
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T16:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T17:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64675559840
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64675559840
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 1945323
    volume: 1945323
    percentage: 0.09153279662132263
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T17:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T18:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64676498536
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64676498536
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 146292
    volume: 146292
    percentage: 0.006883342284709215
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T18:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T19:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64677440392
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64677440392
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T19:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T20:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64678385408
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64678385408
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T20:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T21:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
  - "@id": /v1/utilizations/64679333584
    "@type": Utilization
    id: 64679333584
    point: /v1/points/0
    type: /v1/types/2
    granularity: /v1/granularities/5
    granularitytimezone: /v1/granularity_time_zones/0
    activity: /v1/activities/1
    classification: /v1/classifications/2
    capacity: 0
    volume: 0
    percentage: 0
    emission: 0
    emissionfactor: 0
    validfrom: "2024-04-08T21:00:00+00:00"
    validto: "2024-04-08T22:00:00+00:00"
    lastupdate: "2024-04-11T06:35:50+00:00"
friendly_name: ned_voorspelling_zon

Download the custom-template-card card and setup like this

type: custom:config-template-card
  - states['sensor.gosund2_watt'].state
entities: sensor.gosund2_watt
  type: custom:apexcharts-card
  graph_span: 48h
    start: day
    offset: '-1d'
    show: true
    color: '#999999'
    label: ${vars[0]}

I like this Card and was able to make some progress with my project.
But there are 2 Problems where I’m struggling.

My sensors values are seconds. It was easy to convert them in hours. But (how) is it possible to convert them in a Timestamp (HH:mm:ss)?
Unfortunately, I have no idea at all about Java.

And is there a way to change the scaling of the Y-Axis?
I would like to have a uniform scale with a 2-Step (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …)


This is my Code:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
    stacked: true
    height: 250px
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
graph_span: 7d
  - min: 0
    max: ~24
    decimals: 0
  type: column
  unit: Stunden
  transform: return x /3600
  - '#ffa500'
  - '#00bfff'
  - '#00008b'
  - entity: input_number.sonnenschein_letzte_10_minuten
    name: Sonnenschein
      func: sum
      duration: 1d
  - entity: sensor.tagesdauer_ohne_sonnenschein_1h_refresh
    name: Tag
      func: last
      duration: 1d
  - entity: sensor.tagesdauer_nachtstunden_1h_refresh
    name: Nacht
      func: max
      duration: 1d

Thank you!

Hello there,

Is it possible to always display the 0 value on the y-axis? I have a graph where new energy prices come in every day, and sometimes there are negative values. The way the graph looks now, it’s odd that the columns seem to be floating. Using the ‘min: 0’ configuration doesn’t achieve this because the negative values are not displayed.


Perfect! Works like a charm. Thanks! :slight_smile:


Can anyone say why it doesn’t show values of the last two sensors?

Sensor ”Yhteensä / kk” is a collector of sensor ”Yhteensä” and is cleared monthly. Further, ”Yhteensä” is a template sensor that sums sensors ”Kotona / kk” and ”Muualla / kk”. All the sensor values are shown below the chart.

Sorry, working on phone and wasn’t able to copy the code (formatting errors), therefore the screenshot:

It seems to have something to do with the statistics option, because the values are visible if I remove the option. But I want to have monthly values instead.

Never mind. I gave up and show the series as stacked so the sum now visible in that way.

However, the problem still is that it takes long time to see the updated sensor value in the Apexchart. I have forced the chart to update every 10s (I can see the spinning icon), but the sensor values are not just updated. Currently I have waited 10 minutes it to update the new values. If I click the sensor value in the header, HA history graph pops up and shows the correct value. Why doesn’t the Apexchart?

edit. It took 40 minutes to update the value to the chart. What could be are a reason for this? So it would seem like the sensor values are updated only once per 40 minutes to the chart, not after every value update as I would interpret it from the docs.

In the last Days I made a bit Progress.
I have found the way to set the Data Label Position.
Unfortunately I can only set the Position for all.

Is there a way how I can set a different Label-Position for each Entity?
I want the Labels of the dark Blue Bars at the top.

How can i invert the values of the second y-axes?

Instead to go upwards 0 to 3.7 it should show 0 to -3.7


Ciao, can you share the complete code of your card?
I am using Tado too, so i want to check his status like you do…
Garzie in advance…

Versione 1 (originale)


type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: Temperatura e umidità
    alignment: center
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: template
          action: none
        icon: mdi:minus
          action: call-service
          service: counter.decrement
          data: {}
            entity_id: counter.grafici_temperatura_ore
          action: call-service
          service: counter.reset
          data: {}
          target: {}
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:chart-box-outline
        content: >-
          {{ states('counter.grafici_temperatura_ore') }}

          {% if states('counter.grafici_temperatura_ore') | int == 1 %} ora nei
            {% else %} ore nei grafici
            {% endif %}
          action: more-info
        entity: counter.grafici_temperatura_ore
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:plus
        content: ''
          action: call-service
          service: counter.increment
          data: {}
            entity_id: counter.grafici_temperatura_ore
          action: none
          action: call-service
          service: counter.increment
          data: {}
            entity_id: counter.grafici_temperatura_ore
    alignment: center
  - type: custom:config-template-card
      - counter.grafici_temperatura_ore
      type: custom:apexcharts-card
      update_interval: 1m
      graph_span: ${{states['counter.grafici_temperatura_ore'].state+'h'}}
        show: true
        title: Temperatura soggiorno
        show_states: true
        colorize_states: false
        - entity: sensor.grafico_riscaldamento_soggiorno_sta_riscaldando
          name: Sta riscaldando
          stroke_width: 0
          type: column
          color: '#F5B041'
          opacity: 0.3
            in_header: false
            legend_value: false
            func: avg
            duration: 2m
        - entity: sensor.tado_riscaldamento_soggiorno_temperature
          name: Temp attuale
          stroke_width: 3
          type: area
          color: '#f8e07d'
          opacity: 0.25
          unit: °C
            extremas: true
            name_in_header: false
            in_header: true
            func: avg
            duration: 2m
        - entity: climate.tado_riscaldamento_soggiorno
          attribute: temperature
          name: Temp desiderata
          stroke_width: 1.5
          type: line
          color: '#CC3333'
          opacity: 1
          unit: °C
            extremas: false
            in_header: false
            func: avg
            duration: 2m
  - type: custom:config-template-card
      - counter.grafici_temperatura_ore
      type: custom:apexcharts-card
      update_interval: 1m
      graph_span: ${{states['counter.grafici_temperatura_ore'].state+'h'}}
        show: true
        title: Umidità soggiorno
        show_states: true
        colorize_states: false
        - entity: sensor.tado_riscaldamento_soggiorno_humidity
          name: Umidità
          stroke_width: 3
          type: area
          color: '#7AB7FF'
          opacity: 0.15
            extremas: true
            name_in_header: false
            in_header: true

Versione 2 (senza temperatura desiderata; non vedi il grafico colorato solo perché in questi giorni l’aria condizionata è spenta)


type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: Grafici
    alignment: center
  - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
      - type: entities
          - type: custom:slider-entity-row
            entity: >-
            full_row: false
            grow: true
            name: Ore da mostrare nei grafici
        state_color: false
        show_header_toggle: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
              background: transparent;
              border-style: none;
              padding-top: 22px;
      - type: custom:config-template-card
          - >-
          type: custom:apexcharts-card
          update_interval: 1m
          graph_span: >-
            show: true
            title: Temperatura
            show_states: true
            colorize_states: false
            - entity: sensor.ac_app_9_camera_ale_grafico_sta_raffrescando
              name: Sta raffrescando
              stroke_width: 0
              type: area
              color: '#F5B041'
              opacity: 0.3
                in_header: false
                legend_value: false
            - entity: climate.ac_app_9_camera_ale_condizionatore
              attribute: current_temperature
              name: Temperatura
              stroke_width: 2
              type: area
              color: '#f8e07d'
              opacity: 0.25
              unit: °C
              fill_raw: last
                extremas: true
                name_in_header: false
                in_header: false
            style: |
              ha-card {
                background: transparent;
                border-style: none;
      - type: custom:config-template-card
          - >-
          type: custom:apexcharts-card
          update_interval: 1m
          graph_span: >-
            show: true
            title: Umidità
            show_states: true
            colorize_states: false
            - entity: climate.ac_app_9_camera_ale_condizionatore
              attribute: current_humidity
              name: Umidità
              stroke_width: 2
              type: area
              color: '#7AB7FF'
              unit: '%'
              opacity: 0.15
              fill_raw: last
                extremas: true
                name_in_header: false
                in_header: false
            style: |
              ha-card {
                background: transparent;
                border-style: none;

Versione 3 (quella che mi piace di più, ma ti sconsiglio di utilizzare perché purtroppo il creatore del tipo di grafico utilizzato non porterà avanti il progetto; non vedi il grafico colorato di verde solo perché l’aria condizionata è spenta in questi giorni)

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: Grafici
    alignment: center
  - type: custom:history-explorer-card
    cardName: Appartamento 9
      - type: line
        title: Temperatura (verde = sta raffrescando)
          - entity: sensor.ac_app_9_camera_andrea_grafico_temperatura_sta_raffrescando
            name: sta raffrescando
            color: RGBA(60,179,113,0.5)
            fill: RGBA(60,179,113,0.5)
            width: 0
            process: |
              ( state > 0 ) ? state = Math.round(state*10)/10 : "unavailable"
          - entity: sensor.temperatura_app_9_camera_andrea
            name: temperatura
            color: rgba(244, 209, 96, 1)
            width: 2
            fill: rgba(244, 209, 96, 0.2)
            process: |
              state = Math.round(state*10)/10
          showSamples: false
      - type: line
        title: Umidità (verde = sta raffrescando)
          - entity: sensor.ac_app_9_camera_andrea_grafico_umidita_sta_raffrescando
            name: sta raffrescando
            color: RGBA(60,179,113,0.5)
            fill: RGBA(60,179,113,0.5)
            width: 0
            process: |
              ( state > 0 ) ? state : "unavailable"
          - entity: sensor.umidita_app_9_camera_andrea
            name: umidità
            color: rgba(122, 183, 255, 1)
            width: 2
            fill: rgba(122, 183, 255, 0.15)
            process: |
              state = Math.round(state)
          showSamples: false
    showCurrentValues: true
    combineSameUnits: true
      interval: 60
    defaultTimeRange: 12h
    defaultTimeOffset: 15m
    header: hide
      toolbar: bottom
      selector: hide
    labelsVisible: false
    labelAreaWidth: 35
      showDuration: true
    showUnavailable: true
    legendVisible: false
    lineMode: curves
      buttons: rgba(0,0,0,0.05)

Le soluzioni 1 e 2 richiedono di creare un template sensor che ho dettagliato a lungo nei miei precedenti messaggi e che ti scrivo qua:

  #### GRAFICI RISCALDAMENTO (codice aggiunto il 10 gennaio 2023) E RAFFRESCAMENTO (codice aggiunto il 1 giugno 2023)
  #### Sensori creati per avere la serie "Sta riscaldando / sta raffrescando" nei grafici relativi alla temperatura delle stanze. La logica è la seguente:
  #### Ho creato un apex-chart card volto a mostrare il grafico del riscaldamento / raffrescamento in ogni stanza.
  #### Il grafico ha tre serie:
  #### 1) serie uno: temperatura attuale
  #### 2) serie due: temperatura desiderata
  #### 3) serie tre: sta riscaldando / sta raffrescando -> serire che colorara il grafico se tado sta riscaldando / l'aria condizionata sta raffrescando.
  #### Per la serie tre ho dovuto creare dei sensori fittizi (i vari template sensor qui sotto creati) tali per cui
  #### - quando il riscaldamento / aria condizionata è 0 -> il sensore non fornisce alcun valore (risultato ottenuto con la funzione availability, la quale disattiva il sensore [availabiliy = 0] quando tado non sta riscaldando / l'aria condizionata non sta raffrescando)
  #### - quando il riscaldamento / aria condizionata è diverso da 0 -> fornisce il medesimo valore della temperatura attuale, cosicchè ho una serie che si sovrappone perfettamente alla temperatura attuale

  - sensor:
      - name: Grafico riscaldamento soggiorno - sta riscaldando
        state: "{{ states('sensor.tado_riscaldamento_soggiorno_temperature') | float }}"
        availability: "{{ states('sensor.tado_riscaldamento_soggiorno_heating') | int}}"

La soluzione 3 richiede il seguente template sensor:

  - sensor:
      - name: ac - app 9 - camera Andrea - grafico temperatura - sta raffrescando
        state: >
          {% if is_state("climate.ac_app_9_camera_andrea_condizionatore","cool") -%}
            {{ states("sensor.temperatura_app_9_camera_andrea") }}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif %}
  - sensor:
      - name: ac - app 9 - camera Andrea - grafico umidità - sta raffrescando
        state: >
          {% if is_state("climate.ac_app_9_camera_andrea_condizionatore","cool") -%}
            {{ states("sensor.umidita_app_9_camera_andrea") }}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif %}

:warning: Naturalmente devi scaricare tutte le card HACS che vedi utilizzate nel codice



Grazie, can you tell me how you configure the counter?

Seems like a common want, but I haven’t found anything. Is there a way (seems like it would be possible in JS if nothing else, but way beyond my ability) to add thousands separator commas to an axis label? So 1000 2000 3000 4000 would show as 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000, etc. on the axis.

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It’s a banal helper! You can create it through UI or through yaml… You can use an input number or a counter. It’s the same!

UI example:

Yaml example:

  # GRAFICO (numero di ore da mostrare nei grafici di temperatura e umidità)
    name: riscaldamento - app 9 - camera Andrea - ore da mostrare nei grafici
    icon: mdi:chart-areaspline
    min: 1.0
    max: 24.0
    step: 1.0
    unit_of_measurement: h
    mode: slider
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I’m sorry if I missed it but, how do you make the chart as wide as the screen? No matter what I do it only takes up the same width.

Click the “pencil” in top right corner, the click pencil to the left, edit view, chose Panel view

If you want more cards in your view, you should either use Grid, or start with a vertical-stack

You use most likely Masonry-View

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