ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

ahh ok, yeah it was the “transition” from/to today/tomorrow i was interested in ;), i made a “double” 2-sensor-entries, and first it seems ok, but still abit problems getting it as i want

Hi there,

Anyone knows hot to make a line graph with a dashed line? strokeDashArray seems to work only in annotations, or am i doing something wrong?



I’d like to plot my solar output of the day. However, when I use span → start:day, it shows the whole day, including the rest of the day that has not happened yet. How do I make it dynamically plot 00.00 until now?

Can Apex Charts display a sensor’s value in the header if said value is Text and not numerical?


Here’s an example that I use for 3 series.
Only the last series has a broken line.

    show: true
    curve: smooth
      - '#ADD8E6'
      - '#0096FF'
      - '#FFFF00'
    width: 2
      - 0
      - 0
      - 2


By reading the documentaion for the series Options. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you very much @Kertz1954

I’ve done that, but extend_to: now just shows the data up until now, but the x-axis itself still runs to tonight 00.00. I can not find how to have that up til now. This is my file:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Zonnepanelen
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  start: day
  - id: total
    decimals: 1
    opposite: false
      tickAmount: 6
      forceNiceScale: true
        show: true
  - id: current
    decimals: 0
    opposite: true
      tickAmount: 6
      forceNiceScale: true
        show: true
  - entity: sensor.zpc0825344_energy_today
    stroke_width: 2
    yaxis_id: total
    name: Vandaag
    extend_to: now
  - entity: sensor.zpc0825344_output_power
    stroke_width: 1
    yaxis_id: current
    name: Huidige opbrengst
    extend_to: now

How can I control which series is shown in the tooltip? There must be an easy way that I’m missing?

I only want to show one of the two series in the tooltip.

Found it:

      - 0
      - 1
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That’s because the default value for graph_span is 24h.

If you added this option and changed it to read your current hour time, you would get what you are looking for.

However this can be automated by creating a sensor that just reports the current hour. Then importing this sensor by using the custom:config-template-card. There is one posting in this thread that shows how this is done.

Then usings the following will display the result you are looking for.

  graph_span: ${{states['your new sensor'].state+'h'}}
    end: minute

Thank you! I will look into this, sounds a bit more complicated than I hoped but I should be able to make it. Just to check, I would have to make a sensor that just fills with the total energy generated in the current hour, as a sum? Or the current power over the past hour (so a kWh sensor or kW sensor?). And should this be from the last 60 minutes or the current hour? e.g. should it, as this moment show 12.07 - 13.07 or 13.00 - 13.07?

The sensor you create should show just the hour as now 13

Thanks, so 13.00 - now, and after 14.00 it will reset itself. And should it be the kWh or kW sensor? So the current usage or sum of usage of the hour?

Please do not add further questions to the one you initially raised which was how to display to current hour. Help your self and change your code to

graph_span: nh
    end: minute

and then sort out your other questions.

I’m trying, but graph_span: nh does not seem to be valid.

EDIT: I understand that n is a variable that I should change now ;). Thanks. This works!

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I have made this chart, but i think the columns is aligned to far to the left. Any ideas how i can align them to te center?

Share your code, instead of ( or with ) the pic, then people can try to “elaborate” from there , to figure it out
I.E in my latest “tests” i didn’t find the columns aligned to the left (out of the box) , thou depending upon the amount of columns, and the text (labels) below, you can end up with something that doesn’t look aligned

EDIT: it seems like it’s your stroke_width on the column that makes it look like that :wink:

Here is the code. When i change the stroke_width it isn’t directly to the left, but really far left

      type: custom:apexcharts-card
        title: ' '
        show: true
        show_states: true
        colorize_states: true
      graph_span: 10d
        start: day
        offset: '-9d'
          show: false
          enabled: false
        - entity: sensor.elpris_idag
          type: column
          color: '#03a9f4'
            func: max
            duration: 1day
          name: Idag
          extend_to: false
          stroke_width: 12
        - entity: sensor.snittpris_denna_manad
          type: line
          name: Snittpris
          stroke_width: 5
          fill_raw: last
          curve: smooth
          color: lightblue

I had my first go at setting up an ApexChart today. But it completely bogged down my Home Assistant and I only just managed to delete it and get control back.

It was scary how it made my HA almost unusable.

This is the chart I had created (still learning about how to best set up):

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Hot Water Power Diversion
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
graph_span: 2d
  start: day
  offset: '-1d'
  - entity: sensor.power_photovoltaics_fronius_power_flow_0_http_192_168_0_201
    transform: "return x / 3;"
    type: column
    opacity: 0.8
    color: rgb(250, 250, 0)
  - entity: sensor.power_hot_water_split_aircon
    type: column
    color: rgb(250,100,0)
    opacity: 1
  - min: 0
    max: 3000

Any clues on what I’m doing wrong or how to make it not completely bog HA down?


Not sure but maybe try reducing the span to 6 hours vice two days?