ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

Thanks for the reply, is the 2 yaxis working a bit different in this card vs the actual apeccharts? The documentation suggests you can do it using seriesname, but I see your post suggests you have to define the max, min ranges manual (may not work well for outside temperatures between winter and summer) and it is limited for how many series in each axis.

No it’s not working differently. The problem with how it works now with ApexCharts is that axis are affected to series, when actually what you’d want is that series are affected to axis.

I found that seriesName is not consistent because for multiple series using the same “fake axis”, the auto-scaling min/max are only based on the first serie.
It probably would work okay-ish though for your use case. However, you have a typo seriesname -> seriesName :wink:

Not sure if this helps, but I use the follow ‘yaxis’ values under ‘apex_config’ to generate the shown chart with 2 visible y axis and 3 fixed scale y axis under a single left y axis. Not auto scale as you are trying, I am kind of a ‘fixed scale’ advocate as you see by my feature request at github :wink:

        - seriesName: Backyard Govee Temp
            text: 'Temperature °F'
          show: true
          showAlways: true
          showForNullSeries: true
          opposite: false
          reversed: false
          logarithmic: false
          tickAmount: 6
          min: 30
          max: 100
          forceNiceScale: true
          floating: false
          decimalsInFloat: 0
        - seriesName: Backyard ATC MI Temp
          show: false
          showAlways: true
          showForNullSeries: true
          opposite: false
          reversed: false
          logarithmic: false
          tickAmount: 6
          min: 30
          max: 100
          forceNiceScale: false
          floating: false
          decimalsInFloat: 0
        - seriesName: Front Hall ATC MI Temp
          show: false
          showAlways: true
          showForNullSeries: true
          opposite: false
          reversed: false
          logarithmic: false
          tickAmount: 6
          min: 30
          max: 100
          forceNiceScale: false
          floating: false
          decimalsInFloat: 0
        - seriesName: 'Backyard Hue Light Level'
              text: 'Light Level LX'
          opposite: true
          show: true
          showAlways: true
          showForNullSeries: true
          reversed: false
          logarithmic: false
          tickAmount: 6
          min: 0
          max: 20000
          forceNiceScale: true
          floating: false
          decimalsInFloat: 0

Can you please share you’re code for this graph ?

Thanks @RomRider once again.

Here you go.

- type: custom:apexcharts-card
      height: 300px
      tickAmount: 5
  graph_span: 24h
  stacked: true
    start: day
    offset: -1d
    - entity: sensor.energy_grid_usage
      name: Grid
      color: ROYALBLUE
      type: column
        legend_value: false
      data_generator: |
        let now = start.getTime();
        const data = JSON.parse(entity.attributes.data);
        return data.map((entry) => {
          const lNow = now;
          now += 30 * 60 * 1000;
          return [lNow, entry];
    - entity: sensor.energy_solar_feedin
      name: Solar Export
      color: ORANGE
      type: column
        legend_value: false
      data_generator: |
        let now = start.getTime();
        const data = JSON.parse(entity.attributes.data);
        return data.map((entry) => {
          const lNow = now;
          now += 30 * 60 * 1000;
          return [lNow, entry];

Thank you. That saves a lot of research :smile:

Thanks for sharing! Always interesting to see the code of beautiful charts. Tried to replicate but my columns are way to narrow so I’m not getting the right effect. Do you know what I need to change, can the width be changed somehow?

Hello. I’d like to make a basic radialBar chart for showing a battery level. However I cannot get it to work. Somehow it always returns a value of 0% (sensor state value is 63). What am I missing?

- type: custom:apexcharts-card
  chart_type: radialBar
    show: false
    - entity: sensor.battery_level
      stroke_width: 2
      min: 0
      max: 100                        
          background: 'transparent'
            show: false
            show: true
      show: false

Thank you very much for your help.

Thank you @RomRider for building this resource. I’m planning on making good use of it.

I’ve come up to a roadblock which I think has been discussed above from a couple of different angles but I can’t fathom a fix.

I’m displaying two entities as seperate series on a line graph, Temperature and Humidity. As individual graphs the Y axis auto scales nicely, starting at around 18 centrigrade and rising to around 23. As soon as I combine the two series onto one chart both Y axis (axises… axees?) start at 0 pushing the lines way up to the top of the chart. I’ve read the reference on the apex chart site and it mentions using a function to return suitable minimum levels but I’m not sure how to implement that.

My current code:

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
graph_span: 24h
  show: true
  title: Lucy's room Temperature and Humidity
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  - entity: sensor.lucy_temperature
    name: Temperature
    curve: smooth
      func: avg
      duration: 30min
  - entity: sensor.lucy_humidity
    name: Humidity
    curve: smooth
      func: avg
      duration: 30min
    - title:
        text: Temperature
      decimalsInFloat: 0
      #min: 18
    - title:
        text: Humidity
      decimalsInFloat: 1
      opposite: true
      #min: 29

You’ll see that I’ve been playing with adding in fixed minimums but currently have that hashed out.

1 Like

Limit number of columns by by displaying aggregated values instead of raw once.

why not use fixed minimums? That will scale a multiple y axis if that is your issue.

I can get it to look like I want using fixed minimums, but it seems very inelegant to hard code that when it works so beautifully with just a single y axis.

There is a range function in the apex docs but it doesn’t appear to be available (I put it in one of mine but no change).

range: Number

range takes the max value of y-axis, subtracts the provided range value and gets the min value based on that. So, technically it helps to keep the same range when min and max values gets updated dynamically

functions are not available through the card. The fact that it starts at 0 seems like a feature/bug of ApexCharts. Nothing much I can do on my side. I think you’re best with setting a min and a max manually. At least for now.

Doesn’t seem to work indeed.

The multiple y-axis seems a bit odd… for some use cases it works, for others, not. That’s as much as you can get for now I think. I’ll try to see if I can submit some issues upstream or maybe look at the code of ApexCharts one day if I have time :slight_smile:

Appreciate the reply. min/max it is.

Hi, ok i made a chart to show my monthly gas and elec usage.
Since its monthly it should only update every day or something
I’m not sure my code is correct though,
can somebody look pls?

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
        graph_span: 12m
        update_interval: 1hour
        cache: true
          end: month
          offset: '-1hour'
          show: true
          title: Maandelijks overzicht
              format: MM
              show: true
              showAlways: true
            forceNiceScale: false
            decimalsInFloat: 0
            type: area
            height: 300
            show: true
            width: 1
            show: true
            enabled: false
            distributed: true
            type: gradient
              shadeIntensity: 0.1
              opacityFrom: 0.25
              opacityTo: 1
              inverseColors: true
                - 0
                - 90
                - 100
          - entity: sensor.maandelijks_energie_dagtarief
            type: column
            name: Stroom dagtarief
            float_precision: 2
              func: max
              duration: 1m
          - entity: sensor.maandelijks_energie_nachttarief
            name: Stroom nachttarief
            float_precision: 2
            type: column
              func: max
              duration: 1m
          - color: 'rgb(128,128,128)'
            entity: sensor.maandelijks_gas
            type: column
            name: Gas
            float_precision: 2
              func: max
              duration: 1m

thank you

All your units are in minutes not in months.
Also grouping by Months is not supported, the best you can do is 30days for eg.

Possible to give me an example? 1m is 1 month no? 1min is mintues i thought

Ok i got it working now

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
        graph_span: 365d
        update_interval: 1hour
        cache: true
          end: month
          offset: '-1hour'
          show: false
              format: MM
              show: true
              showAlways: true
            forceNiceScale: false
            decimalsInFloat: 0
            type: area
            height: 300
            show: true
            width: 1
            show: true
            enabled: false
            distributed: true
            type: gradient
              shadeIntensity: 0.1
              opacityFrom: 0.25
              opacityTo: 1
              inverseColors: true
                - 0
                - 90
                - 100
          - entity: sensor.maandelijks_energie_dagtarief
            type: column
            name: Stroom dagtarief
            float_precision: 2
              func: max
              duration: 31d
          - entity: sensor.maandelijks_energie_nachttarief
            name: Stroom nachttarief
            float_precision: 2
            type: column
              func: max
              duration: 31d
          - color: 'rgb(128,128,128)'
            entity: sensor.maandelijks_gas
            type: column
            name: Gas
            float_precision: 2
              func: max
              duration: 31d

It’s showing like this:

Why is january and february at the end of the chart?

(i’m just using dsmr, so its normal i dont get graphs data before