ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

That’s because there are null values in the graph and is related to a problem in the ApexCharts library. You can maybe fix it using fill_raw: last.

1 Like

Fantastic! It worked :+1:

Any thoughts on this @RomRider

The y-axis should be an array:

      - y: 13

Thankyou. I should have noticed it was an array in the doc - https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/annotations/

I love this! Is it possible for you to share your theme?

Here is the complete theme code. It contains more than usual theme, but it should be clear by comments what these do. For example Color palettes define color gradient that can be used in different charts, Color definitions define major interface colors, to which I’m referring later on in theme for consistency, further sections define various elements of UI and how these colors are applied. Please note that it contains also several sections for custom components, like Z-Wave chart, HACS, custom text divider row, mini media player… I think I captured most of color definitions properly, but this is definitely work in progress :slight_smile: Enjoy!

Ubiquiti v1:
  #Color palettes
  green1: "#3BCC64"
  green2: "#2AA74F"
  green3: "#217E3C"
  green4: "#155628"
  green5: "#0B2D16"
  green6: "#010502"

  lemon1: "#BFEO41"
  lemon2: "#A9CD21"
  lemon3: "#85A11A"
  lemon4: "#617513"
  lemon5: "#3D490C"
  lemon6: "#1B1D05"

  yellow1: "#FFDB1A"
  yellow2: "#E6C200"
  yellow3: "#B39700"
  yellow4: "#806C00"
  yellow5: "#4E4100"
  yellow6: "#191600"

  orange1: "#F5A624"
  orange2: "#DBBC09"
  orange3: "#AB6D09"
  orange4: "#784E07"
  orange5: "#452F05"
  orange6: "#121003"

  red1: "#FO3A3E"
  red2: "#E61116"
  red3: "#B60E12"
  red4: "#870A0D"
  red5: "#580708"
  red6: "#290304"

  pink1: "#A252E3"
  pink2: "#8A26DC"
  pink3: "#6F1DB2"
  pink4: "#541686"
  pink5: "#390F5A"
  pink6: "#1E082E"

  magenta1: "#6A34E0"
  magenta2: "#531EC3"
  magenta3: "#401797"
  magenta4: "#2E106B"
  magenta5: "#1C093F"
  magenta6: "#0A0213"

  darkblue1: "#003C9E"
  darkblue2: "#00296B"
  darkblue3: "#001538"
  darkblue4: "#000205"
  darkblue5: "#000102"
  darkblue6: "#000000"

  lightblue1: "#006ffff"
  lightblue2: "#0059cc"
  lightblue3: "#004399"
  lightblue4: "#002d66"
  lightblue5: "#001733"
  lightblue6: "#000100"

  cyan1: "#57A0FF"
  cyan2: "#0368F0"
  cyan3: "#0152BD"
  cyan4: "#003CBA"
  cyan5: "#002657"
  cyan6: "#001024"

  #Color definitions
  dark-background: "#1C1E2E"        #var(--dark-background)
  medium-background: "#242635"      #var(--medium-background)
  light-background: "#2C2E3C"       #var(--light-background)
  components-background: "#242635"  #var(--components-background)
  bright-text: "#ffffff"            #var(--bright-text)
  dimmed-text: "#A4A7B4"            #var(--dimmed-text)
  dark-text: "#444856"              #var(--dark-text)
  cyan-text: "#1bbfff"              #var(--cyan-text)
  alert-text: "#ff3366"             #var(--alert-text)
  accent-color: "#006FFF"           #var(--accent-color)
  cyanish: "#00b8fe"                #var(--cyanish)
  greenish: "#7cff73"               #var(--greenish)
  dark-magenta: "#7b55d5"           #var(--dark-magenta)
  light-magenta: "#fc70f3"          #var(--light-magenta)
  pinkish: "#ff6e7a"                #var(--pinkish)
  yellowish: "#ffba6b"              #var(--yellowish)
  # Labels
  label-badge-background-color: var(--medium-background)
  label-badge-text-color: var(--bright-text)
  label-badge-red: var(--alert-text)
  label-badge-green: var(--greenish)
  label-badge-blue: "#0000ff"
  label-badge-yellow: "#FF0000" #var(--accent-color)
  label-badge-magenta: var(--dark-magenta)
  label-badge-cyan: var(--cyanish)
  label-badge-gray: "#888888"

  app-header-background-color: var(--medium-background)
  app-header-text-color: var(--bright-text)
  # Main Interface Colors
  primary-color: var(--accent-color) #var(--cyan-text)
  light-primary-color: var(--accent-color) #var(--light-background)
  primary-background-color: var(--dark-background)
  secondary-background-color: var(--medium-background)
  divider-color: var(--dark-text) #var(--dark-background)
  material-background-color: var(--medium-background)
  material-secondary-background-color: var(--accent-color) # probably to be corrected
  background-color: "#FF0000" #var(--cyan-text)

  # bars in system monitor status
  ha-bar-background-color: var(--light-background) #secondary-background-color
  #alert-color ???
  # Text
  primary-text-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  secondary-text-color: var(--dark-text)
  text-primary-color: var(--bright-text)
  disabled-text-color: var(--dark-text)

  # Sidebar Menu
  sidebar-icon-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  sidebar-text-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  sidebar-background-color: var(--medium-background)
  sidebar-selected-background-color: var(--light-background)
  sidebar-selected-icon-color: var(--bright-text)
  sidebar-selected-text-color: var(--bright-text)

  # Cards
  ha-card-border-radius: "6px"
  ha-card-header-font-size: 20px
  ha-card-header-letter-spacing: "1.49px"
  ha-card-header-color: var(--bright-text)
  ha-card-background: var(--medium-background)
  paper-card-background-color: var(--medium-background)
  paper-item-icon-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  #paper-material-display: "#ff0000"
  ha-card-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)
  card-background-color:  var(--medium-background)

  # Nav Menu                                                                   
  paper-listbox-background-color: var(--light-background)
  paper-font-button-text-transform: "uppercase"

  # Table
  table-row-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  table-row-alternative-background-color: var(--secondary-background-color)
  data-table-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)

  # States and Badges
  state-icon-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  state-icon-active-color: var(--orange1)
  state-icon-unavailable-color: var(--dark-background)

  # Sliders
  paper-slider-knob-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  paper-slider-pin-color: var(--accent-color)
  # Slider colors used by slider row only
  paper-slider-active-color: var(--accent-color)
  paper-slider-container-color: var(--dark-text)
  #round-slider-bar-color: "#ff0000"
  #round-slider-path-color: "#ff0000"
  # Switches
  switch-checked-button-color: var(--accent-color)
  switch-checked-track-color: var(--dark-text)
  switch-unchecked-button-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  switch-unchecked-track-color: var(--dark-text)

# Toggles
  paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: "#ff0000"
  paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: "#ff0000"
  paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color: "#ff0000"
  paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color: "#ff0000"

# Drop down list arrow
  iron-icon-fill-color: var(--secondary-text-color)

# Z-Wave Graph specific colors
  zwave-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)           # main window background color
  zwave-battery-emty-color: var(--dark-background)                  # background color for emty battery
  zwave-group-background-color: var(--secondary-background-color)   # grouped devices background color
  zwave-group-border-color: var(--light-background)                 # border of group rectangle
  zwave-group-label-color: var(--primary-text-color)                # color of group label
  zwave-zoom-highlight-color: var(--primary-color)                  # zoom area background color
  zwave-zoom-border-color: var(--light-background)                  # zoom area border color
  zwave-legend-header-color: var(--primary-text-color)              # text of legend header
  zwave-legend-item-color: var(--secondary-text-color)              # legend item text color (not for node colors)
  zwave-node-hub-background-color: var(--light-background)          # zwave hub background color
  zwave-node-hub-outline-color: var(--greenish)                     # zwave hub border color
  zwave-node-hub-text-color: var(--greenish)                        # zwave hub text color
  zwave-1-hop-background-color: var(--light-background)             # 1st level node background color
  zwave-1-hop-outline-color: var(--cyanish)                         # 1st level node border color
  zwave-1-hop-text-color: var(--cyanish)                            # 1st level node text color
  zwave-2-hop-background-color: var(--light-background)             # ..........
  zwave-2-hop-outline-color: var(--light-magenta)
  zwave-2-hop-text-color: var(--light-magenta)
  zwave-3-hop-background-color: var(--light-background)
  zwave-3-hop-outline-color: var(--dark-magenta)
  zwave-3-hop-text-color: var(--dark-magenta)
  zwave-4-hop-background-color: var(--light-background)
  zwave-4-hop-outline-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  zwave-4-hop-text-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  zwave-failed-background-color: var(--light-background)
  zwave-failed-outline-color: "#ff0000"
  zwave-failed-text-color: "#ff0000"
  zwave-unconnected-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
  zwave-unconnected-outline-color: var(--dimmed-text)
  zwave-unconnected-text-color: var(--dimmed-text)

  # HACS
  hacs-status-installed: var(--greenish)
  hacs-status-not-loaded: var(--dimmed-text)
  hacs-status-pending-update: var(--accent-color)

  # Text divider row
  text-divider-color: var(--secondary-text-color)
  text-divider-font-size: 15px
  text-divider-line-size: 1px
  text-divider-font-weight: normal
  text-divider-margin-top: 0.25em
  text-divider-margin-bottom: 0em
  text-divider-text: var(--bright-text)

  # Mini Media Player
  mini-media-player-base-color: var(--primary-text-color)
  mini-media-player-accent-color: var(--cyan-text)
  mini-media-player-icon-color: var(--mini-media-player-base-color)
  mini-media-player-button-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.25)
  mini-media-player-overlay-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
  mini-media-player-overlay-color-stop: 25%
  mini-media-player-overlay-base-color: white
  mini-media-player-overlay-accent-color: white
  mini-media-player-media-cover-info-color: white
  mini-media-player-background-opacity: 1
  mini-media-player-artwork-opacity: 1
  mini-media-player-progress-height: 6px
  mini-media-player-scale: 1
  mini-media-player-name-font-weight: 400

Hi all,
thank you for this card @RomRider!
Maybe i miss it, but is there any way to remove the legend at all? No state (like legend_value) but also no name? Even if i have number of series >1

Thanks for your help.

Yes, from here https://apexcharts.com/docs/options/legend/ you have the info:

    show: false

Hi Tdw! Thats a nice looking card. Do you mind sharing the code for the whole card on the screenshot?

I have to say that, When i read the repository, I didn’t catch the apex_config world behind.
Now it’s much clear.
Thank you again!

I’m willing to introduce this feature (a sort of brush on which you can select the timeframe displayed on the main graph). You will be able to define any number of series which will end up in the bottom chart and also display them the way you want (like a normal serie).

What do you folks think?

        - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          item_classes: 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3'
            - type: markdown
              style: |
                ha-card { 
                  box-shadow: none; 
                  background-color: var(--dwains-theme-primary);
                  font-size: 25px;
                  color: rgb(148,148,148);
                  text-align: center;
              content: >
                **Server - Main**
            - type: custom:apexcharts-card
              chart_type: radialBar
                show: true
                show_states: true
                colorize_states: true
                  height: 250
                  fontFamily: "Julius Sans One"
                  foreColor: rgb(148,148,148)
                    enabled: true
                    easing: 'easeinout'
                      enabled: true
                      enabled: true  
                  show: false 
                  position: top
                - entity: sensor.glances_cpu_used
                  name: CPU Load
                - entity: sensor.glances_etc_hostname_used_percent_2
                  name: SSD
                - entity: sensor.glances_ram_used_percent
                  name: Memory
                - entity: sensor.glances_swap_used_percent
                  name: Swap
              style: | 
                    ha-card {
                      border: 0px solid green;
                      background-color: '#262628';
                      box-shadow: none;
                      font-size: 13px;
                      color: rgb(148,148,148);
                      height: 260px;
            - type: custom:apexcharts-card
              graph_span: 1d
                show: true
                show_states: true
                colorize_states: true
                  show: false
                  height: 150
                  fontFamily: "Julius Sans One"
                  foreColor: rgb(148,148,148)
                  - title: 
                      text: Temp
                    min: 90
                    tickAmount: 3
                    decimalsInFloat: 0
                  - title: 
                      text: CPU
                    min: 15
                    tickAmount: 3
                    decimalsInFloat: 0
                    opposite: true
                - entity: sensor.glances_core_0_temperature
                  type: column
                  name: Temperature
                  color: green
                    func: avg
                    duration: 1h 
                - entity: sensor.glances_cpu_used
                  type: line
                  stroke_width: 1
                  color: gold
                    func: avg
                    duration: 1h
                    in_header: false
              style: | 
                    ha-card {
                      border: 0px solid green;
                      background-color: '#262628';
                      box-shadow: none;
                      font-size: 13px;
                      color: rgb(148,148,148);
                      padding-right: 5px;
                      text-align: center;
                      height: 200px;
            - type: markdown
              style: |
                ha-card { 
                  box-shadow: none; 
                  background-color: '#262628';
                  font-size: 12px;
                  color: rgb(148,148,148);
                  text-align: center;
              content: |
                Uptime: {{ states('sensor.linux_uptime_text') }}
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You are doing amazing work that has really improved the visualization options in HA! Thanks!
So as I understand it, this is a ‘zoom in’ of the upper chart on a portion of the lower chart. I do use such visualizations in jupyter to drill down into details, however I would wonder if this might cause some slow down within HA if a number of longer history queries are specified. Keeping the HA UI performant is something to be mindful of.
When I open HA views, it is often in a ‘snapshot’ or ‘leanback’ mode rather than a drill down mode.

But hey, I’m not gonna stop your wonderful innovation!

Has anyone experienced these graphical “issues”? The first screenshot is from my computer and the second one is from my phone (Android, Pixel 5). The second one looks a bit strange with the area gradient. If I change time span to 12h it looks good. 24h used to work but all of a sudden I got this issue.

Edit: Not it looks the same on my computer so not a mobile related issue.

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
  title: ''
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
graph_span: 24h
    min: 0
    forceNiceScale: true
    decimalsInFloat: 0
    opposite: false
      show: false
        fontSize: 10px
        fontFamily: Segoe UI Light
    height: 175
    show: false
    borderColor: '#404040'
    strokeDashArray: 3
    position: back
    show: false
    enabled: false
    width: 1
    type: gradient
      type: vertical
      shadeIntensity: 0.8
      inverseColors: false
      opacityFrom: 0.6
      opacityTo: 0
        - 0
  - entity: sensor.nibe_105703_40008
    name: Framledningstemperatur
    type: area
    color: 2eb9ff
    float_precision: 0
style: |
  ha-card {
     --ha-card-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
     box-shadow: none;
     margin: 8px 0px 28px 8px;
     font-size: 15px;
     font-family: Segoe UI Light;
   div#header__title {
     font-size: 10px;

This is a bug in ApexCharts when there are null values in the graph. You should be able to use fill_raw: last to fix it.

1 Like

Great - thanks!

Would be very nice, can make good use of that !

Just installed new cardmon 3.0 and now a bunch of console errors:

That’s a bug in Apexcharts, nothing I can do about it. But don’t worry it’s not a problem. It doesn’t affect the functionalities

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