ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

Seems like your DB is corrupted: stop your instance, remove the database file and restart your instance (you’ll loose the history though… but it doesn’t work so…)

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thank you!
deleted the file home-assistant_v2.db and restarted HA - now it works :slight_smile:

So now I can try to generate a new graph which includes all 11 measurements and show it fullscreen :smiley:
Maybe I find a way to publish that

Many time the *home-assistant_v2.db become corrupt…

Is it possible, to open the more info? E.g. bei tap on the Header, or an entity?

If you are running on a raspberry pi with a SD card, that is not unexpected at all. SD cards are not made for so many writes.

Running on SSD and still I have 2 times in the past the problem :slight_smile: but I don’t really care… All info also injected into InfluxDB

Then you could try the mariadb addon and integrate the recorder with it. Rock solid for 3 years now.

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Still missing data in the apexchart when a sensor value doesn’t change. it leaves a blank in the apex graph.
The default graph card from hassio does show the unchanged value without problems for the same sensors

Added the fill_raw: last option to the config and still missing the columns of unchanged sensor values.

The sensors are type MQTT and also have the option force_update: true

What am i missing here so i can get the unchanged column to show in apexchart ?
Running on latest beta from apexchart in HACS

card code apexchart

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
graph_span: 1h
cache: false
  show: true
  show_states: true
    height: 500px
      enabled: true
      show: true
        zoom: true
        zoomin: true
        zoomout: true
        pan: true
        reset: true
  extend_to_end: false
  type: column
  - entity: sensor.energy_power
    name: power
    fill_raw: last
    color: red
  - entity: sensor.energy_solar
    name: solar
    fill_raw: last
    color: green

yaml code sensor

 - platform: mqtt
    name: "energy_solar"
    state_topic: "tele/energy_solar/SENSOR"
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
    icon: mdi:weather-sunny
    force_update: true
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "energy_power"
    state_topic: "tele/energy_power/SENSOR"
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
    icon: mdi:home
    force_update: true

No, unless you use group_by.

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func: sum
duration: 1m

and now it’s working perfect. Thanks for the quick reply

To be honest, I’m struckling where to start. I’m passing on to HA a rain_forecast.json file which holds the following format:


This represents unix time in milliseconds. I assume that this is the output otherwise created using the data_generator. Is this array than assumed to be the series:? and if so what naming convention should apply. Hope someone can give me a kick start.

When you say you are “passing on to HA a json file”: Is that part of any attributes of a sensor/entity somewhere?

It’s the output of a php script running on a separate windows 10 server, generating a json file which is copied across to home assistant config directory. I’m puzzled whether I should read the json file into a sensor in which case, how?
Hope this answers your question to be able to assist furthe.

Out of the box, I’m not aware of any component able to do that but using appdaemon, I believe you could achieve that quite easily. As soon as the data is available as an attribute of an entity, you’ll be able to use this card to display it.

Hi Guys,

I have some cards where I can see the stats of crypto prices. What im looking for is option that I can given a value for example: 0.9120

I see the graph of last 24h. I see buy price and sell price. But I want have in middle of screen 1 dot of the price where I bought it.

the yellow dot is a example (photoshop)


Sorry, I don’t have an answer to your question but I would love if you could share how you get the yellow “now” dot in the chart :slight_smile:

what I tried was to add a input_text with a value. But that isn’t work. because input_text is not a sensor. If this was working. Ill get a straight horizontal line over the 24h. That was nice as well…

So if we can use input_text that whole problem is solved haha

Huh? :slight_smile:
I meant how did you get this one, looks great and would like to have the same :slight_smile:

Photoshop to create a example… haha
