šŸ“³ Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

Very Slick!

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I canā€™t get this blueprint working somehow. I filled it in correctly. I also filled in the notify start and end. Somehow it is not triggered. Could it have something to do with the fact that my power plug updates every 10 seconds?

@Blacky thanks for the watchdog!! :slight_smile:


For it to start with this set up it must go from below 10 watts to above 10 watts for 15 seconds. Note you have used a comma in your ā€˜Start - Power Time Delayā€™ 0,25 it should be a dot 0.25

EDIT: Make sure you update to version 2.2 as well.

Blacky :smiley:


No problem, thought you would like it :+1:

Blacky :smiley:

New Update 2.2

Bugs Fixed :bug:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the automation running if you did not adjust the ā€˜Watchdog - Time Frameā€™.

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Blacky :grinning:

Just wondering if it is possible to put the finished runs in an overview, for example a list with the details for each run of your appliance(s) with the previous details like start/end time, total runtime, kWh, expenditure, appliance name, etc.

Hi @Blacky,

Iā€˜m on newest version since today.
Pretty cool! :sunglasses:

My energy counter counts in Whā€¦

Do you plan to choose between Wh and kWh and calculate it in the Blueprint?

So, the result should be in kWh.



It is all possible but it would have to be done in the end custom action. You then would need to develop something to record the data and store it in a data file.

Blacky :smiley:


Currently no. You would need to create another sensor that changes your Wh to kWh and then use that sensor.

You would do something like this.

Go to settings > device & services > helpers > create helper > template > template sensor > add the name and information you like and in the state template add the code below with your wh sensor entity id. Just check that it is correct value as I am doing this without checking it works. If all is okay then try using your new sensor now in kWh in the blueprint.

{{ states('sensor.your_sensor_entity_id_here_in_wh') | float / 1000 }}

Blacky :smiley:

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Here an example, and it is still running


In the latest release you now have ā€œEnd - Repeat Countā€ in the ā€œPower Settingsā€. You can use it on your spikes and set it for something like;

  • End - Appliance Power Setpoint = 500
  • End - Power Time Delay = 1
  • End - Repeat Count = 2

Then after the second peak drop you will be notified in 1 min.

You also now have ā€œWatchdogā€ that you can use.

Hope this helps you.

Blacky :smiley:

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I just tried this automation - with some simple settings (mainly default power as that seems to work). Added start and end notification. Added start and end service to notify via Apprise->Telegram. Nothing fancy.
When the automation attempts to run, I see this in the logs:

Error rendering variables: UndefinedError: ā€˜homeassistant.util.yaml.objects.NodeStrClass objectā€™ has no attribute ā€˜hoursā€™

Not sure what is wrong. I donā€™t have any hours setting in the power settings section. I have not touched the ā€˜Timeā€™ section, or Duration so not sure what is wrong and how it relates to ā€˜hoursā€™. Any pointers to help resolve?


Could you check the version you are on. If you are on version 2.1 could you update to version 2.2. To do this just click on the blue button at the top again and follow the steps.

If you are on version 2.2 could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on ā€œ</>ā€ and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

@Blacky Whilst testing I did a new automation with the same values. This time I didnā€™t click on and off the settings and browsing - only setting up stuff I wanted (the same as the original). This one seems to work (just tried it and got the start notification!). I am guessing when I first set it up, I ummm and ahhhā€™d over what settings and feature I wanted and suspect there was some lingering value that was not unset maybe.

BTW - I am on 2.2 for reference.


Very interesting, wounder if there may be a bug in it :thinking:. If you still have the old automation that didnā€™t work, would you be so kind to provide your YAML so I can test it here.

Blacky :smiley:

The helper is helping fine :sunglasses:

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Amazing blueprint. Iā€™ve had no issues with it. Even managed to get past my initial issue where my dryer does this weird ā€œtumble once every 5 minutesā€ thing for an hour or so after the load is done.

The only feature request I have is for more customisations on notifications for android. Iā€™d love to be able to pick the notification icon at the least.

Hey. Love this blue print. But Iā€™ll need some advice/help. When the automation end I receive the notification with the cost, which is great.

Is there a way to have the last cost has a variable that can be displayed on a dashboard and also use it to make a total by day ?


Welcome to the community.

Thanks for your kind words.

See example below. It is in watchdog. You can copy and paste any icon you like into your title or message. This will work in your start or end input too.

Hope this helps you.

Blacky :smiley: