📳 Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC


I would say YES and the watts will be your temp sensor reading. So your ‘Start - Appliance Power Setpoint’ and your ‘End - Appliance Power Setpoint’ will be the temp reading. Obviously you will not be able to use ‘*The Power Tracking Option *’.

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:


No problem, your welcome.

Not 100% sure what you saying but if it is a light to flash when start of finished then you can use the custom actions.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks for reply
The current version stops flashing (long) after just 12 flashes so if you are out side or away from home for an hour or so you don’t see it flash -

So an additional option /should be great

flash… XX times
or… for X minutes
or …. until (eg) entity / button pressed

Hi. Only 3 days in to my Home Assistant journey so forgive me if this question is obvious :smiley:
I have set up my washer and drier with the blueprint and it seems to be working great.
The thing is that i would like to have the status (Ready, Running, Finished) in a card. How can I make this happen? I would guess I need an entity with this?

Also, is it possible to add a magnetic sensor for the doors so that it is possible to track Finished/Emptied?

Thanks for the great blueprint by the way :smiley:


It does not have a status (Ready, Running, Finished) and it works of power consumption for when it is finished. Currently is does not have the ability for a magnetic sensor but I will put it on the list.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi Blacky, many thanks for the update with the power monitoring and cost. I have it working here now and it’s fantastic. Well done!

Just some feedback - The three number helpers required by the blueprint were initially unclear to me - I initially thought that I could just specify a “Cost per kWh” and ignore both “Power Tracking - Start Number Helper” and “Power Tracking - End Number Helper”, but the notification didn’t work when I did this.
I’d suggest that you add in a piece of text to help explain the requirement for all three. It’s actually a pity that these number helpers can’t be dynamically created by the blueprint… perhaps something to pass onto the HA dev team?

Also you probably need to specify that the Power Tracking Start and End number helpers should be configured with sufficient size to take the kWh values from the power sensor. In one example that I’m looking at I already have 27,852.31 kWh on the power sensor, so if I had created an undersized number helper with a smaller maximum value then it would probably have caused an error in the script at runtime.
I’d suggest 1,000,000 as a maximum value.
Also the step size in the number helper should be around 0.01 so that it doesn’t round-down the kWh value.
Here’s one of my number helpers as an example:

Or… Is the BP app capable of this alreday and I am missing something ? thanks

@zephyr22 I implemented this using a boolean helper job_cycle that I set in the custom actions for start and finish.

custom actions in the blueprint

      - service: script.trockner_actions
          action: start
      - service: script.trockner_actions
          action: finish

the script

alias: Trockner - Actions
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ action == 'start' }}"
            alias: "Action: start"
          - service: input_datetime.set_datetime
              timestamp: "{{ now().timestamp() }}"
              entity_id: input_datetime.dryer_1lt_start
          - service: input_boolean.turn_on
              entity_id: input_boolean.dryer_job_cycle
            data: {}
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ action == 'finish' }}"
          - service: input_boolean.turn_on
            data: {}
                - input_boolean.dryer_is_ready
          - service: input_boolean.turn_off
              entity_id: input_boolean.dryer_job_cycle
            data: {}
          - service: input_boolean.turn_on
              entity_id: input_boolean.dryer_finished
            data: {}
        alias: "Action: finish"
mode: single
      text: null
    name: Action
    description: "AuszufĂźhrende Aktion: start, finish"
    required: true

to display appliances in my dashboards I use the decluttering card

      type: custom:mushroom-template-card
      primary: '[[primary]]'
      icon: >
        {% if is_state('[[status_indicator]]', 'off') and is_state('[[switch]]',
        {% endif %} 

        {% if is_state('[[status_indicator]]', 'on') and is_state('[[switch]]',
        'on') %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if is_state('[[status_indicator]]', 'off') and is_state('[[switch]]',
        {% endif %} 
      entity: '[[switch]]'
      secondary: |
        {{ states('[[power]]') }} W
          {% if is_state('[[status_indicator]]', 'on') %}
            / {{ states('[[elapsed_time]]')}}
          {% endif %}
      icon_color: >-
        {% if is_state('[[status_indicator]]', 'off') and is_state('[[switch]]',
        {% endif %}  {% if is_state('[[status_indicator]]', 'on') and
        is_state('[[switch]]', 'on') %}
        {% endif %}
        action: none
        action: toggle

card for my dryer

type: custom:decluttering-card
template: appliance_template
  - primary: Trockner
  - switch: switch.switch_1lt_socket
  - status_indicator: input_boolean.dryer_job_cycle
  - power: sensor.switch_1lt_power
  - icon_off: mdi:washing-machine-off
  - icon_on: mdi:washing-machine
  - elapsed_time: sensor.dryer_1lt_elapsed_time


1 Like


No problem thanks for the update.

Agree, thanks for the feedback. Click Here

I will provide some of my toughs through the development.

Cost number helper. I initially used an input but if you had multiple automation you would have to go into each automation every time your rate changed so having the rate in one number helper allows you to easily adjust and keep track in one spot. You can also use this in other automatons.

Start & End number helpers, allows you to use it in custom actions and you may also decide to utilize it somewhere else in your HA, add it to a dashboard or see history etc

Glad you are up and running and thanks for your feedback.

Blacky :smiley:


Sorry I am just not sure of what your are trying to do.

Blacky :smiley:

Seeking to have some control over how long the flashing light option runs for.

Presently it only flashes 12 times … then stops

So if you are not present when it flashes … you are unaware that it has finished the wash

Many thanks for your patience blacky


So how are you making the flashing light. I am amusing this is in the custom action. If it is a custom action then you can do anything you like.

Blacky :smiley:

Yes via Custom Actiom -End Time

How can I make it FLASH for more times ? (increase the value duration?)

Or continue flashing until a certain button is pressed?

Thanks Blacky

It looks like your options are sort and long. If you wanted to customize it maybe consider using a script to flash your lights with a button to cancel it and then run the script in the custom action.

Blacky :smiley:

many thx !
so its NOT a setting option within your Blueprint? (flash xx times etc)
thats what I was suggesting as an idea for next version

meantime … time to learn scripts :slight_smile:
thx Blacky

No this is why I was getting confused and asked a lot of questions.

Always happy to help if I can.

Blacky :smiley:

no worries Blacky

because it came up as an option within your Blueprint as an option I thought you must have coded it :slightly_smiling_face:

anyways… you BP is terric and works great every day … except my wife now calls out “your washing light is ON …can you hang it out ?” :slight_smile:

very best


Thanks Rick, glad you and your wife like it. Thanks for keeping us updated as it is relay nice to know how you went.


Blacky :smiley:

Trying out your blueprint and having an issue with a sudden brief increase in power usage.
No reason the washer would use that much power for such a short amount of time so I just assume it to be a mistake in monitoring by the plug.
Are there recommended settings to avoid this type of mistake in reading power consumption?

I have the blueprint set to start at 10 watts, delay for 5 minutes, dead zone of 1 minute, end below 15 watts end delay 1 minute.

Here is seems that since the 525 watts was above 10 watts and then subsequently stayed below 15 watts for a minute, so it triggered.

To me it looks like this shouldn’t be happening, but I got the message at 06:40am!
Anyone have any thoughts?

That’s not a blueprint issue, it may have been an actual consumption event; some devices do this as part of a defrost cycle or mechanical exercise or such. I say that as it’s only showing ~500w consumption. Many or all of the inaccurate events that I have seen have registered values of 100,000 or even 10,000,000w rather than what you are seeing here. I applied an outlier filter to these sensors as they have a habit of doing that from time to time.
If it’s an actual problem then you’ll need to apply a filter to it, but I’d ignore it unless it’s really a problematic event.