📳 Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

So before it will trigger the automation the power must be above 10 watts for 5 min. If it goes below 10 watts within the 5 min then it will not trigger the automation. Saying below 15 watts is not below 10 watts as it could be 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 watts. I think you meant to say 10 watts but can’t be 100%.

I have tested it here again and it works perfectly.

Check your settings and if it was below 10 watts. If you cant find it then could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks for the replies.
I think I figured out what happened. I was thinking about it and remembered traces exist so I went and looked at the trace for this since I haven’t run laundry since I started with this blueprint.
It said two days later before the end of the trace.
I think what happened was that since I use telegram for notifications I wanted to check to see if they were working so I manually ran the custom section by hitting the three dots and selecting Run. This showed me that I could get a notification and then I forgot about it. Seems it was running that whole time and two days later I got that spurious energy reporting then it dropped down and the automation finished .
Best I can figure anyway. Gonna try again and see how it goes.

Yea that could be it, nice find.

Blacky :smiley:

I just wanted to show and get verification if I did this correctly for the number part cost-wise. Is this correct?

No, you have the Start kWh helper in where the cost helper should be. Example here:

How do i show for cost or how do I set it up for cost?

Am i the only one having an error :

Error rendering data template: TypeError: unhashable type: ‘list’

any idea how to fix it?


Thanks @RonnieLast :+1:

You have to create 3 number helpers.

  1. For the cost of electricity - This can be used in multiple automation’s.
  2. For the start - Can only be used once for one automation.
  3. For the end - Can only be used once for one automation.

This link in in the FAQ and shows you how to do this. It also gives you a screen shot of my electricity number helper click here.

What you are doing is using the same number helper in ‘Power Tracking - Cost per kWh’ and ‘Power Tracking - Start Number Helper’. So please create another number helper for your electricity cost and input it into the ‘Power Tracking - Cost per kWh’ input. Below is the example as well.

First create the number helper like this

Once created enter it into a UI dashboard. Then look at the rate they charge you on your electricity bill and set the number helper using the slider.


If your rate changes you can always update the cost here. You then can use this number helper if you have more than one automation and if you change it all your automation will be updated.

For the advanced user you can have this number helper change throughout the day but remember that it calculates the cost on the end of the cycle. Example if your rate is $0.45 between 3pm and 9pm and all other times it is $0.35 then if your appliance starts at 2pm and ends at 9:00:01pm then the rate will be $0:35 and that may not reflect the true value.

Blacky :smiley:


I am not seeing it, please check if it is this automation. If so can you provide the screen shot and also provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

I made this helper for it and included it in my UI dashboard now.

Thanks for the response, yes sorry a bit scarce to debug :sweat_smile:

yaml is

alias: Sechoir Tracking
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/appliance-notifications.yaml
    power_sensor: sensor.prise_nous_a1z_3_puissance
    start_appliance_power: 21
    start_notify_device: []
    include_end_notify: enable_end_notify_options
      - 6adb5f767cef37579f14b3df7171a74b
    end_message_title: Sechoir
    end_message: Yippee le séchoir est fini
    include_power_tracking: enable_power_tracking
    power_consumption_sensor: sensor.prise_nous_a1z_3_puissance

hope this helps


Nice one
 I can see your max value is 100000000
 if you just put ‘1’ or your maximum cost of electricity (depending were you are in the world) you slider in the UI will be easier to use as the range is smaller.

How did you go now all working?

Blacky :smiley:


Yep that helps. You need to create a start and end helper and enter them into the inputs.

  • Power Tracking - Start Number Helper
  • Power Tracking - End Number Helper

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

I’m in the USA would i still need the max value at 1?

Oh my
 sorry :sweat_smile: 
 i’ve changed that, let’s wait for the next dryer now :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:


This is only for the ‘Power Tracking - Cost per kWh’ helper.

In the USA normally your rate per kWh is less than $1. So setting 1 represents the maximum the value can go. So if you set your min to 0 and your max to 1 use the slider and see how it works. Then set your electricity rate per kWh that is shown on your bill.

Blacky :smiley:


All good glad your up and running.

Blacky :smiley:

Hello @Blacky, I use notification groups to send out notifications. Can you add them to the drop down menu? Same for Alexa devices?
This avoids creating custom actions for this.
And my dishwasher is going to 0 watts somwhere in between for quite some time. Is it possible to add a second trigger for the end notification. Like if counter went to 0 watts the second time, send notfication. I could work around it with setting a delay of 15 mins, but then also the finish notification will come very late.
The dead zone does not help as the washer has a sensor that measures the turbidity of the rinsing water and the cleaning cycle can varie a lot based on this. The dip to 0 usually happens in the last 20-30 mins during drying process.


Hey @Blacky :star_struck:

I have a HACS integration (Energi Data Services) which fetches spot prices from the area im living in, in Denmark. It gives me a sensor called (sensor.energi_data_service) which represent the precise kWh price.

Is it possible for me to use this instead of a Helper in - “Power Tracking - Cost per kWh”?

Thanks in advance :sunglasses:


Absolutely, I’ll update the blueprint to allow you to select the sensor directly. Just keep in mind that the blueprint calculates the cost based on the sensor’s price at the time of completion. Since the sensor’s price can fluctuate, the accuracy of the calculated cost may vary.

Stay tuned for the update.

Blacky :smiley: