Aqara cube T1 Pro: No zha_event fired

I’m trying to use an Aqara Cube T1 Pro in home assistant. I paired it with no issues, it got detected with a Switch entity. I tried to use this blueprint but no actions was working, so i went to the developers tools and listened for zha_event but there was nothing whatsoever, shaking the cube was toggling it’s Switch entity and that’s it.

I tried clicking on the pairing button 5 times as suggested online, but it had no effect.

After deleting and re-paring it a couple of times, things got weirder: there was not Switch entity anymore and shaking the cube was turning on all devices on my zigbee network (but still no zha_event). After deleting and repairing a couple more time I got it back to having a Switch and not messing with my devices, but no more sign of anything useful happening.

At this point I don’t know what to do, anyone using this cube have any recommendations?

Same here. Tried to press the button in hundreds different ways and re-paired the device.

The magic triggers never appear…

Anyone found a way to this ?

I was in the exact same situation. The cube was added as switch and I could only toggle it on/off by shaking it. Nothing was showing up when listening to zha_event. I tried to remove and re-add the cube from ZHA about 10 times. I tried clicking the button 5 times about a 100 times. Nothing was working! Then… I realized my ‘new’ Sonoff 3.0 Plus dongle firmware was from 2021, which was before the T1 Cube launched. It took a lot of tinkering for a newb to figure out, but I was able to flash update my dongle to a 2022 firmware (the 2023 was not working). After updating the firmware and then removing and re-adding it to ZHA one last time, it now works like a charm.

I highly recommend checking your zigbee dongle firmware date and try updating it if needed.

@supersixcannon “I highly recommend checking your zigbee dongle firmware date and try updating it if needed”. How do I check FW versaion?

The press button 5 times worked! I had already tried it lots of times, the key was to do it REALLY FAST, now it will flip, push, rotate, and distinguish all the sides