I just set one up with Z2M and am finding it to be very unreliable, meaning it will frequently (at least every day) completely freeze in some state and no longer update until I reset it by pulling the power.
For example, I have it in a living room and when I leave the room at night to go to bed, it will change to show no motion/presence/distance but when I come into the room in the morning it will stay in this state and not change at all.
Or sometimes when I am in the room and can see the state updating as I move around (or stop moving), after a few hours I’ll see that it is stuck in a certain state e.g. it shows presence and movement with a certain distance, and even if I leave the room for some time it remains stuck in this state. Again, the only way I’ve found to get it to work again is a power cycle.
Has anyone else experienced this?
edit: also, z2m shows errors in the logs with timeouts sending commands to the device, which explains why hitting the “restart device” button doesn’t work:
z2m: Publish 'set' 'restart_device' to 'Living Room Presence Sensor' failed: 'Error: ZCL command 0x54ef441000db40e1/1 manuSpecificLumi.write({"232":{"value":0,"type":16}}, {"timeout":10000,"disableResponse":false,"disableRecovery":false,"disableDefaultResponse":true,"direction":0,"reservedBits":0,"manufacturerCode":4447,"writeUndiv":false}) failed (Timeout - 5018 - 1 - 123 - 64704 - 4 after 10000ms)'