Aqara FP2 Presence sensor

I had the same issue. The fix was to make sure phone is connected to WIFI 2.4 and when I enter the code for device, select device not listed, then if finds device. Good luck it took me 2 days of trying.


I just posted about this. Maybe it will help: Aqara FP2 hard to find. Here's how I got mine

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Ok, got one in from AliExpress today and haven’t been able to complete the setup in either the Aqara app or through HomeKit. Kept failing at the binding step and giving an “add failed 74” error. BUT then… it suddenly showed as available in HomeKit Controller, so I pulled it in. Now I’ve got three entities (presence, lux, & identify) in HomeAssistant, but it still doesn’t show up in the Aqara app and won’t let me add it again because it thinks it has already been added. So the good news is I can using it in HomeAssistant. Bad news is I can’t set up the zones or any of the configuration.

Anyone out there have any ideas?

I had same issue till I noticed in the aqara app I had to go under accessories to see them.

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Update: Was able to get the FP2 successfully set up by using an iPad. Never had any luck with the iPhone, but iPad worked straight away. Have some concerns with the accuracy, but continuing to play with the settings.


Did you solve this. I’m also having trouble and have HA in docker / portainer environment.

Ya, it was a networking configuration problem. I had my home assistant docker on a custom docker network, in which case the home kit integration doesn’t discover the device. Once I switched the docker to use the host network it worked fine. I’m sure there’s some kind of mDNS reflector thing you can configure to make it work on a custom docker network but I haven’t had the time to look into it.

Just noticed new version of iOS app is available, but I’m not home… curious to learn how much (if) it is improved over last version…

Thanks. Changing to Host didn’t solve the problem for me but it did spark automatic discovery of smartthings and nest which could be useful.
Not sure how to progress with f P2 though.

Maybe you can configure a hidden 2.4Ghz network on each AP?!
Most of the smart devices are using 2.4Ghz anyway…

The AP seems to be the issue for me, both broadcast the same 2.4Ghz network but the FP2 sensor only wants to connect to a single one. Tried switching channels as well, but no dice

Make sure your server and the fp2 are on the same vlan. That’s the only other issue I can really think of.

Please report if true > Exception in async_write_ha_state when dispatching homekit_controller_XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX_state_updated · Issue #92436 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Hi, I m really struggling to get a setup with this FP2 as all my lights and things are from different companies and need to find a way into home assistant yellow with if possible Android devices if not what will be the easiest and cheapest way to try to get it to work? as I moment the Fp2 can do nothing from my Alexa or Google to my lights and LEDs. The company I purchased said I needed a iPad or some form of using iPhone which I really don’t want to start messing with it if I can. I also have no clue on phones at all now! And I’m more into trying to get my medical devices working with it to warn me!


I don’t understand? What brand(s) of lights are you using?
Are you struggling to add the lights to HA?

The Aqara FP2 can be added to Home Assistant with the Aqara Home app on your phone in combination with the Homekit Controller integration for HA.

The biggest issue for me is that the FP2 sensor detects my cat jumping on and off the sofa 10x during night.
This triggers the sensor + automation to turn on the lights…

Any suggestions?

I’m using different lights for different things but to test this Sensor I was just trying a light from a switch.

This is the one I use but is not really a light I use that often but thought easier to test this to see it turn a light on. I use Android but now trying to use Home Assistant Yellow but not at all setup yet as again Im struggle to get things to work at all this is including the newly bought Home aSSISTANT YELLOW to try to get this Sensor to detect but then seeing I need to have a iPhone so I just ordered a cheap iPad for the sake of this though I do not really want to start messing with iPhone things its bad enough now on medical things with Android but I have everything working within aLEXA and google with smartlife at present until I can find a better way to do it all.

This is the switch I use to turn a light on no need to use the switch though!

Sorry I don’t have a cat problem only outside me feeding the birds and can pee in my shed I don’t want :zipper_mouth_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: but thanks for letting me know as it will then set things off if a cat gets in or a dog :innocent: :rofl: :bone: :man_facepalming: :man_shrugging:

thanks, I’m hoping with help to try to get HomeKit controller but again there is two types and no clue what to get to get all my lights working from lots of different companies I know it can be done but its getting it all to work in the first place like this Sensor. Was told Google will not do it though in the instructions says google compatible so they need to be more clear on these setups as its very expensive and very time-consuming to keep alive with it all!

The company called Seeed who I got it from promised me twice now to send me details I still not received anything!

I cannot even get one Zone to work properly never mind two and again expensive as I thought one sensor needs many zones where is again miss leading as you need a sensor for each room!

The Led lights I use are these

When you mention HA what do you mean Home Assistant panel? As no I can get them in there but sensor will not work with them in there through Google or Alexa! what the issues Im having and the Sensor really knowing where Im lights where coming on when ever they felt like it, I tried a routine to turn light on when I enter the room and I get nothing or it then turns on when it feels like it! why I think the device is faulty?

Thank you for your hint with the HomeKit Controller.

Unfortunately, I have trouble understanding it. I have 6 of the sensors and would like to add all of them, of course. I would like to do this without any apps.

Did I understand correctly that it also works without the Apple Home app? If so, how exactly? Unfortunately I can’t find any information on how to pair the sensor with Home Assistant. I can’t find the HomeKit controller either. I am always directed to “Home Kit Device”.

How do I get the sensors connected to Home Assistant without third parties and detours?

I atually added it to aquara home app and removed it, but still nothing to see in home assistant. An IP was grabbed by the sensor, but home assistant wont discover

I use a Raspberry Pi 3B with Home Assistant as Docker.

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

HomeKit controller has been renamed HomeKit Device in latest version


Looks like the firmware update to 1.1.9 is rolling out in the US. I’m updating as I type.