Aqara FP2 Presence sensor

I’ve tried that but nothing appears.

Have you tried a full factory reset of the FP2? You can backup its current room configuration/ zones within the Aqara app. That way, after you factory reset it, you can at least restore the configuration. Perhaps it will then show up?

Yup done all that, but still nothing in HA.

Hello all,

hope someone can help me out here.
Been reading trough the thread but i cant get the FP2 into HA in anyway.
first im using an android phone (dont have an Iphone).
I can get the sensor into the aqara app, but only got it to show in HA 1 time orso, and when it did it couldnt connect (blue circle kept spinning) and never asked me for a pairing code.
is there a detailed howto to be found somewhere on how to set it up using an android phone.
also i see everyone talking about homekit controller, but they mean homekit device right, and this doesnt find any devices in HA…

please help as i want to get this to work.


Hi there, I managed to make this work:
-Leave the FP2 unplugged for a few min

  • Plug back in and directly go in HA, it detected FP2 for me.

It seems that FP2 enters discovery only after a power cycle for a limited time. Keep this in mind if you’re going to need to do another hard reset (press button 10 times)

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hi thanks for the response,

HA seems to see the device but when i click configure now it just keeps loading and in the end i get error message “error : config flow couldnt be loaded”

same when i try to add it using homekit device…


any ideas…thanks

ok so i got it working…

i unplugged all my Deco TP link WIFI extenders so i had only my original router (WIFI Point) working.
In my modem settings i disabled the 5 Ghz wifi and just enabled the 2.4 Ghz wifi.
Went trough the Aqara App setup and completed it, than i pulled the plug on the FP2 sensor and reinserted it again after wich it was found in home assistant and was able to configure it correctly.

After that i could enable the 5 Ghz wifi from my modem again and fired up all my TP Link WIFI extenders.

Works like a charm now

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as of the date of my posting I successfully installed the Aqara FP2 into my HA. I was having problems installing Aqara presence sensor into my HA because I am using an iPhone - which downloads the aqara home from the app store.

What I think worked is that I factory reset (10 seconds button pressed) my FP2, I then deleted the accessory from the apple home AND the aqara home app on my iphone.

I used an older samsung android phone to download the Aqara app from the playstore. I then logged in and connect the FP2 to the internet using the android phone. Apple is not involved at all this point.

After restarting both the HA and FP2, it does appear in the notification of my HA after a few minutes. Hope this helps someone.