Aqara P1 motion sensors go available, and I can't seem to get them back at all

I have at least 2 Aqara P1 motion sensors that have been working just fine for a couple months that suddently went unavailable for no apparent reason. A couple threads here indicate that you can just repair them and all will be fine, but I have been unable to do that. Both simply never show up again. I can hold down the button for 5 seconds, I see the blue light blink 3 times (indicating factory reset, I suppose) and all that. But I cannot for the life of me get them to connect again, even if I stand right next to my HA hub. It’s like they’re dead.

I’m using a conbee II.

Any suggestions as to how to proceed? I saw one person had success with installing an aqara wired switch in the vicinity of the motion sensor. But that assumes I can get them reconnected at all.

Also note I have 2 other P1 sensors in the same area that continue to work just fine. I just wonder when they might go bad.

there are a few other posts on the FP1 and its ‘oddities’…do check them, e.g.
New Aqara Human Presence Sensor FP1 - Hardware - Home Assistant Community (

Thanks, but this isn’t the presence sensor, it’s the regular motion sensor.

Hah… if you ask me… it is a glorified motion sensor… :slight_smile:

It is more sensitive to presence than motion…but if I place this 30cm from me, it forgets I am there in <10mins

For anybody reading, one way I got one of these sensors working again was to remove the batteries completely, then go into the Zigbee integration and add the sensor again. It used the same name as before.

Unfortunately, doing the same for another motion sensor did not work this way.

If I just decided to drop trying to directly connect these devices to the HA hub and instead just buy an Aqara hub and integrate that, would it be likely that’ll I’ll no longer have these problems?

I can’t depend on them it seems as it stand and I bought and configured 14 of them. When will the rest just stop working?