Aqara Smart Plug reporting energy unavailable

Hi Home Assistant Gurus!

it as been hours that I research to fix this issue but I think is out of my knowledge so if someone can help I will rely appreciate!

2 months ago a bought 2 Aqara Smart Plug the EU version and connect these to HA with ZHA. Everything work as expected! I decide to buy another but this time for a different seller (same reference but on Amazon). And when I connect this one Smart Energy Monitoring is not available. I contact the Amazon support and they send me a new and same problem happen…

I go deep on ZHA and Zigpy to understand what is going on and their is my findings:

  • Both working and not working device have the same Zigbee Signature and same Firmware
  • Both report the sum of energy delivered on Metering cluster (0x0702) attribute current_summ_delivered (0x0000). Yes crazy this one
  • And error show-up in the log for the failing device Error adding entities for domain sensor with platform zha. Details after the list
  • Both report the same value for Metering cluster (0x0702) attribute summa_formatting (0x0303)
  • Another error show-up on the log that is pretty strange about a foreign key contraints violation in the zigbee.db. I try to run the query by hands and it works without violation

Error log in ZHA

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: components/zha/core/channels/
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8:25:15 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:25:15 PM

Error adding entities for domain sensor with platform zha
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 382, in async_add_entities
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 614, in _async_add_entity
    await entity.add_to_platform_finish()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 782, in add_to_platform_finish
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 539, in async_write_ha_state
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 572, in _async_write_ha_state
    state = self._stringify_state()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 545, in _stringify_state
    if (state := self.state) is None:
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/sensor/", line 371, in state
    value = self.native_value
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/", line 174, in native_value
    return self.formatter(raw_state)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/", line 471, in formatter
    return self._channel.summa_formatter(value)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/core/channels/", line 196, in _formatter_function
    return self._summa_format.format(value).lstrip()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'format'

Query with the violation that I couldn’t reproduce:

INSERT INTO attributes_cache_v7 VALUES ("54:ef:44:10:00:21:2f:3c", 1, 0, 4, "LUMI")
  ON CONFLICT (ieee, endpoint_id, cluster, attrid)

I don’t understand how this query can fail with an ON CONFLICT statements …

After all these research I’m stuck in debugging it so a bit of help will much appricate :smiley:

Thanks in Advance

PS: I already look at this Is Aqara EU smart plug supposed to support Energy metering? and my Home Assistant setup is up to date with the last version of everything