Aqara t2 relay

Does anyone know about Aqara Single or double t2 relay supports routing or if it is an end device like the sonoff zigbee relay. Can not find anything on Aqara website about routing support.

Let me google that for you:

The T1 relay is also a router if you get the “with Neutral” version, according to this.
It would be safer to assume that the “no Neutral” version isn’t a router.

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So and where is on your first link written that is has routing functionality? I can google this pages by myself. So when you google something please check that the needed infos are found on that page. Also on the Aqara page nothing is written.

And what do I care about a link for T1 when I ask about the T2?

Sorry, thank you for your „help“ but it was not helping.

It’s written here in my first link:
" Once paired to your coordinator in Zigbee2MQTT, the device is identified as model LLKZMK12LM by manufacturer Aqara. Even though this has not always been the case with Aqara devices, this one is correctly labelled as a Router, capable or relaying Zigbee mesh traffic."

I also added a screenshot from the first link which clearly shows Device type: Router. If it had been an end device, that screenshot would have shown Device type: End Device.

You asked for:

The Aqara single relay is called the T1. The double relay is called the T2. I provided links for both because I was trying to „help“.

Here’s a handy tip for you:

