Argon One Active Cooling and Active Linear Cooling Addon

Thank you very much for this add-on!

having just installed this add-on, (so probably missing the obvious here), I am awaiting the arrival of the M2 case, but please let me ask if we can set the fan speed levels manually too? I read that we can set the temp thresholds but cant find anything on the fan speed.

watching this video shows that should be possible in the native script Argon suggests?

btw, do we need to use the I2C to be able to control the fan, or is that an extra (separate) utility for other purposes.

thanks for having a look

Both add-on and native script use i2c, add-on have 2 modes of operation regarding fan speeds, normal and quiet.

ok, thanks for explaining.

might be a nice FR then, to suggest manual setting of fan speeds per threshold :wink:

normal mode have fan speeds at 33,66 and 100%; when you will get your case will see that noise is almost the same for all 3 speeds;
Quiet have fan speeds at 1,3,and 100% which is linear noise level and did not affect much cooling.
For each you can select 3 threshholds temp.

Ive now found this GitHub - Misiu/argon40: Home Assistant support for Argon ONE Pi 3 & 4 cases and Argon Fan HAT

which allows for this, see Configuring the fan, (need to scroll down a bit for that section).

Wonder if that CC also works on the new case, it seems a bit more versatile, because it allows what I was looking for:

- alias: 'Argon One: Fan speed 55% (>55°C)'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.pi_cpu_temp
    above: 55.0
      minutes: 1
  - service: argon40.set_fan_speed
      speed: 55

- alias: 'Argon One: Fan speed 100% (>60°C)'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.pi_cpu_temp
    above: 60.0
      minutes: 1
  - service: argon40.set_fan_speed
      speed: 100

I’ve seen that too, i’ve used before addon was issued, now i’ve changed to addon as its easier to use and i dont need more customization.

I also used that before, but I liked the Add-On more, so I changed.

Hi, may I know did you actually try the Misiu component with the latest OS and Core? It seems that this custom components do not have it in HACS and need to be manually install. I’m wondering if this is still working with the latest OS and Core.

No, I tried it last year when I bought my Argon One case. I think it was with a Home Assistant Operating System 5.0 beta.

@KCYeoh No I havent, the case still has to arrive :wink:

wondering if there is a custom component available for regulating the official Raspberry fan too?

custom component not even necessary: Raspberry Pi CPU Fan Automation - #36 by DarrenHill

Hi, just want to post an update here. The Misiu/argon40 is still working with the latest Core and OS. I installed them through HACS.

nice!. Just to be sure, the only thing needed for that is the CC itself? no I2C enabling needed?

You still need to enable the I2C, but it is just one time deal.

ok thanks. It’s just that it isnt in the manual there… Or did I overlook it reading it the 10th times I checked.
btw, Argon has arrived just now!

dont want to talk about @misiu s add-on too much here, but cant find a dedicated thread? Anyone got a topic thread for that?

I forgot that part :sweat_smile:
The easiest way is SSH the pi and run raspi-config :slight_smile:

since I got my Argon case today, there’s been no way I get the fan to run… its way too cool :wink:

Schermafbeelding 2021-06-24 om 23.56.26

did try to set the config to a lower threshold, and was a bit surprised by the noise the fan made at only 1%… guess its a good thing I have it in the attic after all…

can someone help me figure out how to make the argon one reboot after power failure. i dont need all the other active cooling stuff as it sits in a server room.

I think you only have to set the jumper on the Argon One board to the correct position (I don’t have it here, so I can not write it). It is written in the Argon One documentation.