Arlo: replacement pyarlo module

The camera motion sensor stays on as long as the camera thinks there is motion. Then it turns off.

The doorbell motion is different, it only reports the start of the motion so I added to timer to turn it off.

Ok thank you i have a Arlo pro that reports movement for over a minute at a time i guess i have some more fixing to do.

I don’t know if it is how it is supposed to work but it works for me.
What i did is to go in the Arlo app on my phone.
In the mode section select the setting (little pen) of my custom mode called home for motion detection.
Select if motion on (my camera name) setting.
Set my camera to detect motion.
Checked record video.
Went on the setting. (touching the little pencil)
Set a fixed record time of 10 seconds the minimum and saved.
Select Do nothing in the recording section.
Saved again. (top of the page)

And now on home mode the camera will detect motion for 10 seconds without recording video like i wanted.
If i do all this again but set the recording time to 1 minute the sensor will report movement for 1 minute.

Weird or is it how it supposed to work? Anyway works for me

just a minor distracting question on motion - arent your batteries flatting out quickly? When I use it I cant even get a week out of them with all the movement in the house

I just activated it on a full battery i will report you back in a week about the power usage.

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I have mine set to “record until activity stops” and they seem to average around 20 seconds.

@woodmoose @ffm777 This branch has an all-in-one snapshot (camera.aarlo_request_snapshot_to_file) to file for testing: snapshot-to-file, it uses the same parameters as the original snapshot service request.

Why not put these issues in the github so they can be tracked? This has to be overwhelming for @sherrell. Also, it would allow assistance and collaboration.

@vjmindlab Thanks mate, I’ll give a try to your code :wink: edit. actually, your method is similar to the hack I was using - so hopefully sherell new branch will help. Thanks tho.
@sherrell I will try it ASAP and let you know - thanks again for your amazing work !!

OK so I just gave it a try.
For now, it seems to have a longer delay than when using the hack that I mentioned previously.
I receive the previous image too (but that might come from my automation as I tried without putting any delay)…

It would be great to have a way to send the notification with picture attached only once it has been saved… don’t know how to proceed though.

@woodmoose I could do a web socket, can you hook into one of those?

If anyone wants to try the new stream: functionality this branch contains a test implementation: camera-stream

A couple of notes:

  • it only works in virtualenv, the ffmpeg in the docker image doesn’t support the stream types
  • I’ve only tried it with chromecast devices but it looked like it worked
  • you will need to have the ffmpeg dev libraries installed for stream to install, the following works in Ubuntu
sudo apt install libavformat-dev
sudo apt install libavdevice-dev

You can try a different stream type by changing the user-agent:

  username: !secret arlo_username
  password: !secret arlo_password
  user_agent: linux

@sherrell Oh man, I feel so sorry - it’s beyond my knowledge - might be something possible but I’m not the one who can answer such question… sorry …

Everything is merged to the master branch. virtualenv users can stream to a picture-glance card now.

@sherrell might be a crazy and impossible request but would be totally amazing to add a face/person detection, using an external library? Is that a stupid request?

Also, is the stream new feature available for hassio?

You should be able to hook this into the Arlo cameras Face and person detection with Deepstack - local and free! I say should, I haven’t actually tried.

And stream doesn’t work in hassio (and docker) because ffmpeg is broken in the distribution, I think they need to change the way it builds. I’ll work out how to raise a bug about this.

sorry to bother you but how would I do that? does this work with the generic picture card as well?

This only works if you’re using virtualenv.

You just upgrade to the latest home-assistant - 0.90 and it provides the streaming interface - enable it by adding stream: into your configuration.yaml - and when you click on a picture-glance image it will start live streaming. You can all also call camera/stream to send the stream to another device.

The aarlo-glance card doesn’t support it yet. I have it working in a dev branch I’m just finishing up the configuration options.

Got it - not sure about the user-agent stuff - chrome on my Mac just waits … - well I am not using chrome so I guess again a feature thats not supposed to work in Safari …

I really hope there is a way to make streaming work on hassio. Other than that the component is absolutely great. I have completely replaced the Arlo app with it. Streaming is the only thing missing…

I should have explained the user-agent better, the user-agent doesn’t affect your browser but how the back end connects to the Arlo servers. And this in turn determines what kind of live stream Arlo sends you went you start streaming.

The default returns an rtsps stream and the alternative returns an rtmp stream. I added the option to see if I (or anyone) could get ffmpeg to work in the docker or hassio images.

If you’re using virtualenv you don’t need to worry about it.