Athom 3pin uk plugs. Not sure, jury is out on this one

As above i bought these last week…they turned up yesterday…spent last night messing around with one of them…

So far not too impressed…first and foremost i couldnt get it on the home assistant…initial connection using my phone was easy but after that not so much…

  1. Home Assisant first crashed (got stuck on the config screen) couple of reboots got me a bit further…
  2. Asked for a code which was 123-45-678 - which it a. wouldnt accept and b. from what i can see was not changeable…
  3. Then went looking for firmware which i couldnt find…athom website is pretty crashy and no sign of firmware either…
  4. Messaged seller and the first thing he said was dont update the firmware…red flag to me…if i cant update it what happens when stuff stops working? Model on the back says PG06

So, so far…not too good…ill throw up some photos from my phone in a bit…

This is the second plug ive bought and i expect it/them will be going back…cant seem to catch a break with something that just works…

I have Innr, Salus, and the huge Hive Zigbee plugs, all of them work really well.

I prefer the Innr since they’re Zigbee 3.0, but they don’t do power use monitoring. The others do but they’re only Zigbee 1.2.

This is the second plug ive bought and i expect it/them will be going back…cant seem to catch a break with something that just works…

Weird as you would have thought power monitoring would have been a given…thats a really useful feature…!

To be honest, most of the time I don’t care. I don’t use them for things where it’d be handy (like a dumb washing machine).

Well, at the moment its not a case of caring but more a case of finding something that works…which is proving to be difficult…

These work, these work, and these work. I’m sure there’s more Zigbee options, and there’s certainly plenty of Z-Wave options. It’s only if you want to stick with WiFi that things get tricky.

Cheers - ill keep them in mind…however while weve been chatting ive found a lad on ebay thats got 4 reflashed tasmota GP111 plugs so hes already done the hard work for me…i dont mind reflashing them…its just finding some that can be flashed!

I was going to buy some of these, but went with Local Bytes plugs in the end. Bought 6, all connected using Tasmota (they can be flashed to ESPHome but I just stuck with Tasmota) and like them so much I bought another 6!

Can’t say how long they will last as have only had the first lot for 3-4 weeks, but no issues so far.

I had 4 of these fail within 9 months and the seller would not replace them, only offer 50% off new ones. I binned them and bought Localbytes ones.

@comfysofa Did you buy the tasmota or the esphome version? The esphome configs are here. GitHub - athom-tech/athom-configs: Athom Technology Official Center

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I bought three Athom pre-flashed to ESPHome. Have worked really well. I did reflash and showed up in my ESPHome dashboard. There is a web site out there that has a template yaml and getting the first flash was a bit tricky but I worked it out!

  device_name: "athom-garage-plug-amp"
  friendly_name: "Garage Amp Power"
  project_name: "athomv2garageplugamp"
  project_version: "1.0"
  relay_restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  name: "${device_name}"
  name_add_mac_suffix: true

  board: esp8285
  restore_from_flash: true

  flash_write_interval: 180sec


  baud_rate: 0

  disabled: false

  port: 80

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Athom-Garage-Plug-Amp"
    password: "6gdmGXyxEmzP"


  package_import_url: github://athom-tech/athom-configs/athom-smart-plug-v2.yaml

  rx_pin: RX
  baud_rate: 4800

  - platform: status
    name: "${friendly_name} Status"

  - platform: gpio
      number: 5
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: true
    name: "${friendly_name} Power Button"
    disabled_by_default: true
      - timing:
          - ON for at most 1s
          - OFF for at least 0.2s
          - switch.toggle: relay
      - timing:
          - ON for at least 4s
          - restart_button

  - platform: uptime
    name: "${friendly_name} Uptime Sensor"

  - platform: cse7766
    update_interval: 10s
      name: "${friendly_name} Current"
          - lambda: if (x < 0.060) return 0.0; else return x;   #For the chip will report less than 3w power when no load is connected

      name: "${friendly_name} Voltage"
      name: "${friendly_name} Power"
      id: power_sensor
          - lambda: if (x < 3.0) return 0.0; else return x;    #For the chip will report less than 3w power when no load is connected

      name: "${friendly_name} Energy"
      unit_of_measurement: kWh
        # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0.001
        - multiply: 0.001

  - platform: total_daily_energy
    name: "${friendly_name} Total Daily Energy"
    restore: true
    power_id: power_sensor
    unit_of_measurement: kWh
    accuracy_decimals: 3
      - multiply: 0.001

  - platform: restart
    id: restart_button
    name: "${friendly_name} Restart"

  - platform: gpio
    name: "${friendly_name}"
    pin: GPIO12
    id: relay
    restore_mode: ${relay_restore_mode}

  - platform: status_led
    name: "${friendly_name} Status LED"
    id: blue_led
    disabled_by_default: true
      inverted: true
      number: GPIO13

  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "${friendly_name} IP Address"
      disabled_by_default: true
  - platform: sntp
    id: my_time

Ok - everyone is loosing me a bit…! that GitHub link - not sure what that is… @nickrout neither - mines an athom plug… @JulianDH - no idea what that is! :slight_smile:

Sorry i didnt reply sooner…was out at the flicks watching Avatar2…

What firmware is on the plug? Is it tasmota? Or is it esphome?

Hello I posted the configuration yaml I have used to OTA flash my Athom plug. I hope that is helpful. My plugs did come preflashed with ESPHome but I wanted to set up my own configuration file on my ESPHome dashboard. It was a bit of a fiddle but I worked it out. I have tickets booked for Avatar but reviews have been truely dreadful

Hi there. Not really sure what it is youve posted and how i was supposed to use it…! As i say im really new to all of this and the coding/scripty stuff is way out of my league at the moment…i sent the athom plugs back and ordered some already flashed gosun plugs…

Avatar: Well we really all liked it…! much like the first one…

I have the Hive plugs and they’re great routers in my network and seem to be able to carry a signal much more effectively than other manufacturers’ router devices. How do your Salus plugs stack up against the Hive plugs specifically as routers in your zigbee network? (I’ve had poor experience with Sonoff and Ikea router devices.)