Audi MMI support

Same error unfortunately:

This error was resolved by the latest update for me. But now i have one sensor so yea… :joy:

I have a etron as well. For me it looks like there is a limited number of calls that can be done to the car between each time it is used. After starting to use this add on, the app on my iPhone can no longer connect when the car has been parked for a little while.

My logs show 400 bad request, not 500. So maybe not the same issue?

All my sensors have unavailable state, no error in log though… Upgraded to 115.2

Anyone seeing this also?

Also all of my sensors are gone, but I do see in log some indication of problems with logging in:

2020-09-20 07:14:09 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.audiconnect.audi_connect_account] Login to Audi service failed, trying again in 10 seconds
2020-09-20 07:14:22 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.audiconnect.audi_connect_account] Login to Audi service failed: 500, message='', url=URL('')

Mine is down, but it’s a server issue, my app on my phone isn’t connecting either.

Just come up with idea to check it and it is the same for me… app is not working, error retrieving information… So indeed seems like something on audi side.

I just installed and I got all my sensors back. I used S-PIN and set NO as location.

It is all working again for me


I’m a HA newby, but want to use the Audo connect integration. Could someone give a short hint how to enable debugging and where that goes?

I added

# Logging
  default: debug
    custom_components.audiconnect: debug

but after a restart nothing shows up in /config/home-assistant.log, just the regular messages.

I see this message in the log

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/audiconnect/", line 162, in update
    if not await self.connection.update(None):
  File "/config/custom_components/audiconnect/", line 105, in update
    vehicles_response = await self._audi_service.get_vehicle_information()
  File "/config/custom_components/audiconnect/", line 163, in get_vehicle_information
    data = await self._api.get(
  File "/config/custom_components/audiconnect/", line 72, in get
    r = await self.request(
  File "/config/custom_components/audiconnect/", line 55, in request
    raise ClientResponseError(
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: 401, message='Unauthorized', url=URL('')

So it seems that the login is successful, but the get vehicles api call fails.
Does anybody has a running setup?

I’m running the version from GitHub

I removed the integration and re-added it with location ‘NO’ like @yggster did and 23 sensors appeared and worked for a while (Before I had only around 10 sensors).

However after a restart I got the exact same 401 Unathorized message in the log that @markus7017 has and all sensors show ‘unavailable’. After yet some more reboots now the sensors do show their values again.

Oddly enough for me, in the US, all my sensors are working all the time, however my location never updates.

Still not able to use some of the stop/start features - I’d love it if I could stop the charger if outside a certain timewindow :slight_smile:

It looks as if something is broken again, since this morning I am no longer allowed in:

2020-10-21 09:43:33 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.audiconnect.audi_connect_account] Login to Audi service failed: 403, message='Forbidden', url=URL('')

Same here:

Login to Audi service failed: 503, message=‘Service Unavailable’, url=URL(‘’)

10:24:36 AM – Audi Connect (ERROR) - message first occurred at October 13, 2020, 3:48:50 PM and shows up 430 times

yep, it seems that the client_id is no longer valid

I saw an update on HACS, though sensors are still unavailable

H, I’m implementing the binding for openHAB and see the same problem. Maybe we could work together as a team overcoming this blocker for OH and HA.

It seems that

  • there is a new client_id - maybe that’s not the root cause
  • the request to get the ID token is blocked

Maybe they are blocking access to the App API for client_ids associated with the browser UI.
A new client ID is c7c15e7f-135c-4bd3-9875-63838616509f@apps_vw-dilab_com

When performing the login sequence

09:50:52.933 [DEBUG 293   | : OAuth: Get signin form
09:50:52.934 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:53.109 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP POST, data=_csrf=0c24b853-1019-4370-9c61-40539e008445&relayState=9360806beaaa0d7e93af0b92878d20d964e33c34&hmac=9a2a090e81832e3f79543e58db2029e9e105c62a8a827ecf757987b7f34f3aff&
09:50:53.172 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 303 -> /signin-service/v1/c7c15e7f-135c-4bd3-9875-63838616509f@apps_vw-dilab_com/login/authenticate?relayState=9360806beaaa0d7e93af0b92878d20d964e33c34&
09:50:53.173 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:53.280 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP POST, data=_csrf=0c24b853-1019-4370-9c61-40539e008445&relayState=9360806beaaa0d7e93af0b92878d20d964e33c34&hmac=e8bb643e8394c5af48290c52e2dd499577d6ae5b56cb9c2a270cba54f164ea21&
09:50:53.720 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->
09:50:53.720 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:53.803 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:53.804 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:53.906 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:53.906 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:53.995 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:53.996 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:54.097 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:54.097 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:54.195 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:54.196 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:54.300 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:56.021 [DEBUG 280   | : Logging in, [email protected]
09:50:56.022 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:56.119 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:56.119 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP GET, data=
09:50:56.217 [DEBUG 1132  | HTTP 302 ->

09:50:56.218 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP POST, data=_csrf=null&relayState=null&hmac=null&
09:50:56.308 [WARN ] org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler:359   | Handler CarNetAccountHandler tried updating the thing status although the handler was already disposed.
09:51:19.387 [DEBUG 1117  | HTTP POST, data={ "user_id" : "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "grant_type" : "authorization_code", "code" : "eyJraWQiOiJlOTU0NzU3ZGY2NGI4YWRiIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.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.QjHXYbsB4ap3jki4DXpqZvgVGZNZ096FLqpCr6kBPiWJsS28QdPTvIQa59piJaHht94oRDdi_IBUsIIHelBkuEinIEl0jnu02L1OhrM-V-zhQuwyWtqi_5rN9ocT1YKlp_g7GgTKmWs_DFahqnmcoMdLuuahpTtwljKWUoEQYKh8hl0Lq_2YtRbbgEYzY-CDvdtQIyNsNcC7PmoyBMcjk3zyhPmO2M22Gjd6moZqsP_jxb7vgwihrN2PW7WvhXrk35VWoy_WO-Izyvy58Vo8m9_8cvfWzTXTrhTc4HCEXy1YnPzpRJ319nIOKCEK5JYZ0e7Oy0rpw_-b42n38TCWEROM-TA_A1wp_v6iAyc6QQTUIYlPjtfXFDfWZRMWgWuOExa0nqvH0doD9DmiVutEMn5vyYDbxSnqE0Nrp6ehTSdJga_6NlIPFmcEaMFzNM9kwe5lo9yemZy6DqHNCdlLW8F30S8VwOzUgJjVQzML03vf3jJhzqleSuyJazuSjt5wjCY2YTbkY4E44f8txoZB9C1CgSaoVP3CkHHL3JQVsF96XqybtZ6CfPOuJbi2MbxSs5sXgqvJ4CwIGp09cZ4FRk6RsjRLx-EVPyQVkDjSoJ52Z_bgf6HAe6dot1sfOy5pB7aTer7ekuWfwyh-rDs55lrGUwUwSEbgfOOrb78IgT4", "redirect_uri" : "myaudi:///", "response_type" : "token id_token" }

it ends up in

Authentication failed POST (HTTP 403 Forbidden), result = {"error":"forbidden_client","error_description":"Access forbidden"}

I noticed that there is a userId, which is at least part of the 302 URLs, also including that to the token request or removing the “client” doesn’t help.

1 Like

No, that has a good reason. The US seems to be a dedicated platform (at least from an auth point of view). AFAIK the platform is still accepting/requiring the “old” auth mechanism, which is no longer working for the EU platform, which also serves Canada.

For this platform we saw some changes last month.

  1. User authentication is done via OAuth using the same mechanisms like the Web UI
  2. The Audi id token was generated in the same way as before
  3. which is required to create the VW access token
  4. and also for token refresh

The recent change

  • still performs the Web-based OAuth
  • but blocks the client_id/type when requesting the access token
  • therefore no other API call can be performed

Maybe it’s just setting a different client_id, maybe the implemented a new auth flow. We need to understand how the App works and do the same, otherwise this will be a dead lock.

This is also explainable. I suppose you installation created an access token before the changes became active, since then the integration performed “only” token refresh. After the restart the integration needs to acquire a new access token, which then fails due to changed auth flow.

Any ideas?