Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Hiyas, solid thread. Figured I’d drop a couple questions in.

@thecubical have you installed your srltech fan controllers? how do they behave, any humming etc? I assume you replaced the 3 speed capacitor type wall switch. Do you get 6 speeds or have you limited it with tasmota/tuyamcu?
Did I see somewhere that light will be dimmable with these?

@sparkydave similar questions to you in regards to the brilliant controller

I have 4 fans I’d like to control, the srltech look like my goto, although id prefer the 3 switch fan only version as I have dimmed LED downlights on a separate faceplate with dimmable switches atm.

Now here is a tricky one regarding power meters and zigbee2mqtt, probably VIC specific.
Has anyone used the cc2531 to connect to their zigbee mains power meter?? Like this Rainforest Power monitor .
Anyone more familiar with the cc2531 aware of its capabilities in this area, needs to meet HAN zigbee requirements I think, which I assume being open spectrum the cc2531 will meet. I have a cc2531 on its way. But if anyone has attempted this or has a rainforest unit that could provide the data streams for an example that may be helpful. Anyway I shall update when it arrives, power company may flat out veto it.

Was there a consensus on in wall light switches in general? Zwave aeotec Nanos seem to be the answer, are there any solid Zigbee ones? The 3asmart ones seem very hit or miss, or has the reliability of these picked up with zigbee2mqtt? anyone seen a price for the melec, any other contenders?

Cheers again for the great thread


both the srl and brilliant fan controllers had a small amount of hum to them at different levels, i didnt have them hooked up to an actual fan though so I can’t be sure what it would be like in that actual situation.

And yes they do also support dimming.

Curently my config above allows all six speeds , but you could easily add rules to say if the speed is set to one of the inbetween speeds to just increase it to the next one.

@thecubical Ahh I see, I have heard different things on the humming being ok or bad for the fan motors. Dimming all in the one switch would be nice thou I guess. would need to plaster up some holes.

Ahh just found this too 3aSmart zigbee fan I will have to go back through the thread and see the outcome of nue and zigbee2mqtt was. These use the capacitor! I was sure someone would find a way to do that.

This thread is really useful. Thanks!

I’m just wondering if there is a summary wiki page of all the devices that are certified in Australia and known to work (the various tuya options, magichome devices, etc etc). Thanks!

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@sparkydave why would anyone in their right mind want to use that convoluted ESPhome stuff :wink:

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Flexibilty, a sense of “doing it yourself”, lack of dependence on MQTT, and others which my brain can’t think of at the moment.

I am aware, I was pointing him to the Tuya-convert config info.

Blah blah blah. All I can see is excuses :slight_smile:

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Each to their blah blah blah own I guess :slight_smile:

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I’ve been able to get some Brilliant RGB+W 20699 B22 globes working with Tasmota. I had incorrectly assumed these would be the same as the 20741 E27 globes, but they are different; using an SM16716 LED controller instead of separate PWM channels for the RGB leds. I had to sacrifice a globe to figure out the pin assignment though. I’ve put some more details here, which will hopefully be useful for someone:


Brilliant 200 Watt SMART LED Dimmer Mech
seems the best option in my opinion

A couple of weeks ago, I asked if anyone knew a good way to retrofit a lamp to make it smart.

As fate would have it, a new product due for release shortly fixes exactly that. The Shelly Button ( is a plastic housing that fits a Shelly 1, and includes a button.

Sounds perfect to me. I’ll let you know how it goes when my shipment arrives.


Only thing with the Shelly… its not going to be-

Aeotec used to do an inline switch which does exactly the same thing as this Shelly, yet it was Aus certified. Unfortunately they are discontinued.

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Just put a smart bulb in the lamp and use something like Xiaomi Zigbee button to control the on/off. I use them all around the house for different tasks. They have the advantage of single, double and long clicks to performs different tasks as well.

or a smart plug… that’s what I use.

Agreed, I do the same. I think his wife wants a physical button to press from what I can tell.

yeah… can’t live with em can’t shoot em… I use Hey Google so never need a physical button… even my wife will (begrudgingly) use that.

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Yeah. My bad. It won’t be certified. I was just following up on my previous (and on-topic) post.