Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

I suspect i’m going to need to update some firmware on my GPOs if I can ever convince mercator to fit the poweroff issue (working hard on harassing them).
I’ll have to learn your craft to do so without a hub I suspect.

i have a few of the zigbee ones as well, lot of info on the zigbee2mqtt page about it being related to the 250V safety cutout (wifi version not effected by this)
one manufacturer overseas has upgraded theres to 260V but i would hazard a guess it would nolonger pass certification if they did

on another note, once i get this one completed and in the wall, ill see about pulling the zigbee chips and replacing with esp tags

Yeah I’ve been sending that data to Mercator, it’s affecting a bunch of similar products. I’ll keep an eye out to see how you go too

There are a few Kogan 1 and 2 gang smart switches on the AllBids auction site at the moment.

They are marked as factory seconds and this mob sting you 22.5% as a buyers premium !! but pretty cheap at the moment.

These are most likely the non-ESP variety so will need Tuya or openBekin or a transplant.

Not sure if I am allowed to post links to this type of site but can update if it is OK.

I ended up getting a Conbee II stick which was immediately discovered by HA and the integration just loaded no issue. Plugged the globes into lamps for testing and they were also easily discovered.

All good. Or so I thought.

So I take one globe and put it in the light fitting just outside the kitchen. It connects and works.
OK, good start.

Then I put the next globe in the outdoor fitting outside the laundry, with direct line of sight to the other one.

Then it all goes to poo. These things just won’t work when placed outside. Neither light would operate. The outdoor kitchen light is ~5 metres from the Conbee II.

Signal strength sucks and they are as useless as the Tuya / Arlec globes I have.

Tried reconfiguring, switching off/on, changing location of the Conbee stick (it’s on a USB extender cable) but it makes zero difference.

Bring the globe back inside and it works fine.


I’m in the process of doing electrical upgrades. I’m considering getting the Oz Smart Zigbee Relay Switch and then a momentary push button. As per the attached links.

The only thing i’m thinking is that I won’t be able to tell if the light switch is on or off. Contemplating doing that through a light sensor.

Any thoughts on this approach?

That is unusual. Did you try different zigbee channels? Also if you have the same issues with wifi then perhaps you have an interference or shielding problem?

I’m not aware of Zigbee channels.

I am using a slightly different approach, following this guideline:

I was originally m looking for something Zigbee. What exactly do you have going here? And are the Shelly Dimmer’s also RCM certified?

Shelly 1 PM is certified. Combined with a Shelly Motion 2 it is awesome. We did not bother swapping out the normal switch. Just using the Shelly in edge mode so just like a 2 way switch. But now we never touch the switch. I have 4 more Shelly 1 PM’s on order. I wish they had a certified plug.

Of all my devices, the Shelly stuff seems to be most bulletproof. Also have a Shelly UNI and Shelly Button.

Bought a Wiz plug from Bunnings and it goes offline after a few hours, yet the Wizz bulbs seem OK. The Tapo P110 plugs (from Good Guys) seem to be good and are now fully supported. They also include power monitoring (have 4 of them). Lifx Bulbs seem to be solid too. They used to be a bit sketchy but now seem OK. I did not want to add an additional Zigbee layer but fully wired the house with network cable over 10 years ago so run 2 WAP’s

I have half a dozen of those momentary switches connected to Shelly dimmers and honestly they are not great.
They feel horrible and register a press maybe 9 out of 10 times.
WAF is low.
As mentioned above I also have a Clipsal 3 position momentary on order to compare.

If you are using zigbee2mqtt then this is what you need Improve network range and stability | Zigbee2MQTT Even if not using Z2M it has some useful info that you should be able to use.

Is there such a thing as a smart outdoor sensor light for us, that works with HA?

The ones available through Bunnings tend to be the (currently) un-flashable Tuya ones, so there’s not much of an option if you’re not keen on LocalTuya.

Maybe try going and having a read then. The way you post makes it seem like you’re blaming others for not solving your problem for you.

Just lost in translation I guess.

I was just stating the fact that I wasn’t aware of them. I am now.

I did go and read about them and discovered that my ZHA integration has no option for setting the channel but it would seem the MQTT version does.

I believe the default is channel 15 and all the reading on it I did suggested not to change it as that was likely to be the best option for avoiding issues.

You can change the channel in ZHA Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant but yes you have to re-pair all your devices which for you is no issue (me with 64 devices…problem :grin:)

Also if you are using wifi channels from 1 to 6 then channel 15 could experience some interference with the worst being channels 3-4 (the others should only interfere if they are both physically close to each other). So if you are using channels 1 or 6 you should be ok but you could move to channel 26 to get them right apart.

Thanks. Just so I understand, that’s all that is required? i.e. adding that YAML code and then re-pairing devices?

I ask because when I read the item it say something about having to factory reset the radio, and I don’t really understand what that means. Sounds like some sort of reset of the Conbee II stick but I am coming up blank with a search on that.

Just checked, my router’s 2.4 GHz Wifi is using channel 6. I don’t know what channel(s) my two wifi extenders use, I can’t see anything about them in their info pages (Telstra Gen 3 units).

I note that article suggests avoiding channel 26 on the Zigbee as not all Zigbee devices can use that channel. I guess I can try it - just need to understand whether the above method is all that’s required or if there is more to it.

Just not keen to fumble in the dark and end up breaking what I have.

I don’t use ZHA so I can only assume it will be same as Z2M. When I changed the channel and restarted Z2M all of my devices were missing. I then just repaired them all. I am guessing where it says the device has to be reset that ZHA does that when it changes the channel.

If you have an Android phone you can install “WIFI ANALYZER” which will show you all of the networks being broadcast in range of your house and that will show you what channels those Telstra extenders are using. I used that to deconflict my WiFi access points and zigbee network.

I think it can’t hurt messing around with the channels as you only have two bulbs at the moment. I’m using channel 26 and haven’t had any issue with devices connecting.

I totally agree with the suggestion to bring a bed side light outside and move it around and see how that responds. The coach light you have definitely looks to me to be something that may shield the signal.

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