Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Thanks for clarifying. Which ones would you recommend to stick behind the lights.

Also, how do you integrate them into HASS?

What driver set is it using cp2102, if so it should be available for win10 as I use one

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This is what I bought. I am having another hunt for a working driver now…

EDIT: about to try this install

I use the Aeotec Z-Stick. For other items, see my post above.

There is a link for the Win10 driver on that page you linked

@sparkydave, have you tried this?

I’m on Win 8.1

but having a better look now, cheers

The issue is this note…


but apparently there is a work-around as per that other link I had above

Dude… :rofl:


yeah… I know. I unfortunately missed the free upgrade to Win 10 when it was on offer

I can’t talk, I still use W7. It’s so stable, I haven’t seen a reason to upgrade. I did get a free W10 key when they were available though, just for the future.

I just tried the work-around and it didn’t work :angry:

Pretty sure you can still get the free upgrade actually…


Actually some models, the POW 2 for example, float at mains voltage. This is why it is not recommend that sensors be connected to the POW2. You do run the risk of electric shock even if touching the GPIOs, 3.3V 0V or antenna on these models.

Not so much in Australia where our neutral is earthed at multiple points (MEN), but in some other countries where a non MEN electrical system is used :grimacing:

Surprised no one here has mentioned that Tradfri is now available from Ikea in Aus, Im running a heap of them now no issues, replaced all my flashed sonoff’s.

With the Kogan power switches, can you just flash tasmota direct to them, and not bother with tuya convert?

The upgrade still works for me, I did the free win10 upgrade the other day. I did it from a new install with my existing product key.

Tuya convert is an alternative to the serial. It doesn’t determine the firmware being flashed. It does come with tasmota by default though.
I flashed two kogan smart switches using tuya convert to esphome and two with a serial connection to esphome.

Ubuntu has a free upgrade for any version of windows…

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Have you used the ikea range with HASS, how do you find them? What do you do with the light switches? My problem is the switches and lights get out of sync.

Rock solid, But I’m using the Ikea gateway and a single remote, with 5 lights paired to it.

My trick is, In the tradfri app, I have a single light associated with the “room” the remote is in, all the other lights sit in a different “room” and can’t be controlled with the remote, even though they are paired to it.
The other light are solely controlled by Hassio.

I even have 2 lights outside in IP66 sconsons on the side of the house.

Yes the Ikea lights are a little strange, but $13 for a 940lm wifi white light, everyone should try them, was so easy with Hassio