Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

I wrote a guide to get the Mercator Ikuu Zigbee Pro Hub SGW003 working as a Zigbee gateway via Home Assistant, using a fork of the LocalTuya project.

The setup below will give you BOTH local control and Cloud connectivity at the same time with the standard hardware.
This gives full local control AND cloud control of your devices at the same time.
No device hacks, firmware flashes or 3rd party Zigbee controllers needed.


The Clipsal Iconic zigbee switches will fit in an architrave, the dimmers wonā€™t.

Packing up my Xmas lights ā€¦

  • several with 2xAA battery packs, which Iā€™m wondering about converting to mains power (with a relay or wi-fi power plug) for next year
  • several strings of cheap LED lights no longer working. Is it worth the effort to try to repair, rather than the being a good consumer and simply throwing out and replace every couple of years ?

Iā€™m a pensioner who wouldnā€™t be safe with a soldering iron :frowning:


So I got delivery of one of those pucks and without realizing it I shorted it when I screwed it in through the antenna as I was putting the switch back in place to cover it, so now I am waiting on delivery of one of those actual smart switches they have to use instead as they are cheaper.

So advise and lesson here is if you go with those pucks make sure that you keep clear of the antenna coming out of it when installing cover plates lol.

Yep. I actually had a fan controller that arced out itā€™s antenna to some nearby metal. Turned out there was 240V on the antennaā€¦ from new! Needless to say it let the magic smoke out and never worked.

I opened it up after testing it with a stand alone power cable at the desk that I used to configure my shelly 3em and there was that magic smoke smell as well as black burn around the exit point of the antenna hole, so yea.

Mine wasnā€™t an accident though, it was a manufacturing issue. I had it in my hand when the antenna touched metal and arcā€™d in my faceā€¦ not cool.

So I installed the Zigbee Standalone switch without issue and it was able to connect to my HA setup by just holding the power button on it for 10s once it was turned on at the power panel side, I may go ahead and swap the rest of my light switches to one of these once I see how well this unit does.

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This was the unit I was looking at to replace the charcoaled unit type i had (Aeotec), however, they were sold out.

I think they are back in stock but the shop never got back to me on a pre-sales question and in the meantime I found out the Tradfi from Ikea for $20 is legal, works and is a cheap Zigbee option - there is no physical button, which is very annoying and no power monitoring (but i have whole house power monitor )so in the end, good-enough is good enough. So far reliable, but only had them a week.

Hi all, was directed here from a dedicated thread. I need to get a sparky in soon to do some work and was seeking some recommendations for devices that are certified, locally controllable and operate on Zigbee, WiFi, or Thread/Matter.

Bathroom vents:

  • Any smart ones (not necessarily connected) that have automated venting when they detect high humidity/shower use?

  • If not, best bet to use an in-wall/inline switch? Any recommendations as I donā€™t have any in-wall switches yet.


  • Must be remote controllable, either by RF or Wifi/Zigbee.

  • (Hereā€™t the tough one) Must either have a dome that can fit a Hue bulb OR have a light that can at least have brightness, if not RGB controlled.

    • If using inbuilt LEDs, must have a decent integration available to expose them as normal light entities that can be controlled.

Smoke Alarms:

  • Has there been any aside from Nest?

TIA for any recommendations!

Probably the easiest solution here is to use something like the ZigBee switches mentioned a few posts above. Get a two gang so you can control the light and fan separately. The sparky will need to ensure a neutral is available at the switch location. Then you can put a humidity sensor or your choice in the room to automate the fan control but have the flexibility of the ZigBee button also controlling it directly.

Many options in this thread (eg). To fulfill the next point, use a dumb fan with a smart controller.

Using a smart bulb in a dumb fan, then ensure the smart fan controller is setup to not try to dim / control the light since the smart bulb will need power voltage at all times.

Is this to be additional to the legally required ones in the house or to replace those ones? If you want to replace the legally required ones I would add ā€˜smartsā€™ to the normal dumb detectors as I mentioned earlier in this thread. Though not a cheap solution, you only have to do it to one of the detectors as long as they are interconnected (unless you want them to report individually)

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Fantastic, thank you so much mate. Will have a thorough read. Donā€™t suppose you have any good Brisbane-based sparky recommendations?

Unfortunately not, Iā€™m in Perth.

Iā€™m slowly paying the premium with my clipsal wiser fitout at my house, about half way done now.

Have just ordered a 41ECSFWM - AC fan controller.
This one is a bit of a punt because I donā€™t see it as a supported device in Z2MQTT. Assuming that itā€™s not, has anyone been through the hurdles of getting a zigbee device added to Z2MQTT?

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We are based in Brisbane North, IOconnex

Anyone get the email from Athom about the soon-to-be-released plugs?

This is the one here -

Looking at the image, it appears to had the CE mark, and been updated to a ā€œV3ā€. I know their last AU plug didnt seem to last too well, and some people had issues. Never used tasmota personally, would be more interested if it was running ESPHome, but appears its only a new version of the tasmota/matter plug

I wonder if they ā€œaccidentallyā€ used the wrong logo.


So far so good no issues with that Zigbee Light Switch, will be ordering 2 more 1 gangs and a 2 gang for the rest of my switches in the home for uniformity sake since they are very nice design wise.


I have now swapped all my light switches with the zigbee based ones and the only issue I had was to chip away some brick where the 2 gang one was to be slotted in.

I am waiting on a zigbee based door sensor to arrive so I can tie in my ceiling light and corner lamp to when I open the front door when it gets night.

No other issues with the actual product itself at this time.

Probably the easiest solution here is to use something like the ZigBee switches mentioned a few posts above. Get a two gang so you can control the light and fan separately. The sparky will need to ensure a neutral is available at the switch location. Then you can put a humidity sensor or your choice in the room to automate the fan control but have the flexibility of the ZigBee button also controlling it directly.

This is what I have going with my exhaust fan that is tied to the light atm in my bathroom, I use the govee H5179 set to trigger the exhaust fan at 90% (ie when I am having a shower) and to turn it off after an hour whilst the smart plug for the dehumidifier (since it turns on when power is turned on) and is set to turn on a above 60% and off once its under 40%.

I would need to run a new cable to separate the fan from the light by an electrician so this is the solution I have working at this time.

I have been also using the home assistant plugin for my stream deck xl to make some quick access controls when I am at my desk for my AC, smart plugs and what not heh.

Yes. Not interested. They need to fix reliability / durability and conform to local standards.

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