Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Well I have one. Mine’s a “TSP EZB R200831” “PUCK R200821 B201123”.
It’s not PoE, it doesn’t connect to the network that way either. They just use a cat6 cable to connect to to the air con controller for ease. All the dampers in the ceiling connect back to the controller with RJ11 telephone cable.
The connection to the tablet is power and serial over the cat6 cable to interface with the controller, pretty propriety I’d say.
Sorry to disappoint.

Oh and then the tablet connects to wifi to create the cloud connection so you can control it away from home.

So then just one final question to make sure I’m 100% across it for the sparky - they’ll come out, replace the timer with a normal fuse, then connect the Shelly to my fusebox and I’ll connect that to HA? That seems easy enough!

Not quite. There should already be a fuse or circuit breaker for the hot water unit that then feeds via the timer. The sparky should only need to replace the timer with the Shelly.

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@sparkydave I had that coming didnt I :rofl:

@ryanbeaton Does it not charge the tablet also? That was all I was after, somewhere to “hang” a tablet cleanly and keep it charged.

I might investigate my own solution and 3D print something that would fill a standard gpo faceplate.

Thanks - have sent you a PM.

Here is one for sale

and another one

And here is a magnetic POE charger on Aliexpress.

I saw that earlier but couldn’t work out what those central pins were meant to connect to.

It comes with a special case you put the iPad in. If you “view more” and scroll down you eventually get to it.

Nah, it doesnt even have a battery in it. Unplug that cable and it turns straight off. If you turn off the aircon at the breaker or have a power outage it’s straight off too.

Pro tip for shorter links, everything after the .html can be deleted from a link before posted.

Cheers mate. I think I’ll have a look at a DIY solution. If/when I do I’ll post it back here :+1:t2::+1:t2::sparkling_heart:

Usually I would just link a word but I am replying on a tablet.

All good, just a little OCD at times in that dept when it comes to it so I like to make sure folks are aware when they can share them proper.

All fixed now I am on a computer

Any recommendations for an Aus certified zigbee switch and energy monitor I can plug in to a GPO?

I’ve got a few EKO wifi ones from bunnings that have been doing the job with tuya-local but one has now failed on, wouldn’t mind moving to zigbee units.

For certified ones I recommend the v2’s from OZSmartthings, they are a little larger so you may need to keep a space between with an unused socket point but they are working very well for me so far.

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Just thought I’d leave this here in case useful for anyone in the future, as I don’t think Brightgreen lights have been mentioned already in this thread:

I’ve had the opportunity to test out a Brightgreen surface mount downlight with a built-in Zigbee-compatible driver the past few days. The light in question is a D900.SH-CR-2.8K.5.8K-55-W-ZIGBEE (Surface Lights - Brightgreen I believe). Unsure if they use the same driver for their Zigbee-compatible recessed downlights, but I’d guess probably a fair assumption?

Anyway - it largely works well with ZHA. Easy pairing, fast response, reliable (over a couple of days at least), etc. It identifies as a “043 by BRIGHTGREEN_SMART_LIGHT”. The driver draws 0.46W on its own (i.e. power on, connected to HA, light off), the whole light draws about 14.10W at maximum brightness (a bit less than the claimed 16.5W), and 0.90W at minimum brightness (all measured with a Power-Mate Lite).

Just a couple of caveats to note:

  1. Brightness adjustment is not completely smooth - there’s a few noticeable “steps” along the way, like the driver pauses on a certain power level momentarily before continuing the brightness adjustment.
  2. Brightness transition time when the light is already on is quite slow, and this transition time can’t be controlled. It takes about 5-7 seconds to go from 1% to 100% (or vice versa) regardless of the transition value specified in the light.turn_on call - HA instantly sees the brightness change to the requested level, but the light/driver itself takes its time adjusting. When the light transitions from off → on or vice versa, the transition value is respected however.
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Hi all,

Thought I’d ask here as this is the only Aussie focused thread.
Can anyone recommend a comprehensive irrigation automation?

I have a rainbird controller with multiple zones, also have a couple of ecowitt soil moisture sensors. So far it’s just been manual activation to water the garden etc. But would love to automate it all based on BOM and moisture sensor stats.

I’ve wasted so much time trying to figure out the SmartIrrigation integration but to no avail.

Thanks in advance

You would most likely use


and setup your automation’s when you have those devices setup in your instance.

For BOM its via: