Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

The light are in actually in parallel, but its the same problem. Basically there is nothing you can do to make these lights work together without hacking the lights physically.

If you do find that they reverse roles with this firmware change, you could build a circuit that takes the output of one set of light, inverted the signals, and passes it out to the other type of lights. Its simple enough but requires power.

Did you check Blakadder

I don’t believe that device is Aus certified though, but I could be wrong.

That is a shame, very compact.

Compliance does not matter (much) for things you plug yourself into a GPO. It not being wired into the house.

Firstly, I disagree, secondly, the topic of this thread is Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

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Disagree with what? Electrically Certified Hardware are devices which a qualified electrician will have to install. Anything you plug in yourself should be pass Australian standards, but most probably don’t but likely passed some others country’s standard (hopefully not China)

“For electrical safety, in-scope (is designed or marketed as suitable for household, personal or similar use) electrical equipment must not be sold unless the item is marked with the RCM in compliance with AS/NZS 4417.1 & 2 and the EESS.”

Happy to be corrected by someone with more knowledge on the matter than myself. @sparkydave


Thanks mate, but can you explain it in more depth please? What’s tuya_connect?


start from here: Home · ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert Wiki · GitHub
there are lots of tutorials everywhere

Thanks, I’m really not that much of a noob lol
I’ve flashed many tuya so far, my question was about the deta light and power switches. How do I put them in flashing mode?
Do I have to wire them to mains first?

Edit: got it, connected to mains then held down any of the buttons for 5 seconds to put into flashing mode, same as the other devices. Sorry about the confusion

It’s a shame though they couldn’t make these switches without the need for the neutral!
Gonna have to route some neutral wires, pain!

Just to confirm there are no esphome configs for:
Deta 6911ha
Deta 6930HA Plug

Apologies. I mistyped tuta-connect vs tutya-convert (on a train to a #SydFest event at the time)
The main point with tuya-convert, you need to put the device in pairing mode, every device is different, so somethings you actually have to real the manual :nerd_face:. some just come up, others require multiple power cycles or button pushes
 in a special sequence)

I have converted the deta 6912ha, 6922ha and 6930ha to esphome. I can give you the configs but can get you the template for tasmota. Once you have these, all the work has been done, you can basically translate them to an esphome config.

I will put them on at some point.

I can walk through a translation tomorrow if you wish (it’s a bit late). Has anyone seen this done before?, I could start a new topic on this, as this is stretching the bounds of this tread. (aside: maybe we need a discord channel for HA in Australia)

I trend to use esphome over tasmota (but I use both, I even have/had an espurna device or 2).

  • tasmota is easiest to use to develop an unknown device (esp8266) (then translate to esphome)
  • currently tasmota is best for devices with an tuya_mcu (esphome really only knows lights/dimmers, but I’m hopping to extend this)
  • esphome is better for button control but not perfect (please change my mind).

Superhouse discord has a HA channel that is very quiet.
Maybe we can spice it up a bit :wink:

Nope ! The multi click and press duration are invaluable and instantly makes any dumb switch smart

So I couldn’t hold my horses and tried to Deta 6930HA Plug on my own before you even posted.
Ended up semi bricking the thing lol

esphome can’t upload to or see it ERROR Connecting to failed: [Errno 113] No route to host
I can however manually press the button lol

If you could pass me the configs for 6912ha, 6922ha and 6930ha that would be great!


Which model did you purchase as there seems to be at least 2 that bunnings sell:
(model DCF5240HA)

(model DCF4002WHA)

I wonder if there is a hardware difference in the controller. I have the second and have full control in the TuyaSmart app but looks like I might need an RM pro and go with RF signals for offline control.

This is correct. I take it this is in response to Mark above with:

This doesn’t fly in Australia, hence the purpose of this thread. A device which is certified in another country is as good as not certified when brought to Aus unless it has been further tested and certified by one of our accredited certifying bodies.

China is not the only one to worry about here. In the USA they have a system where equipment manufacturers are allowed to certify their own gear in-house and not necessarily to the correct standard that is expected. (who knows what goes on behind closed doors)


Yes, thanks for confirming.




I put some info here a while ago. It’s not very detailed but might get you started: DETA Wall Switches

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Thanks mate, but I was hoping for the esphome configa if anyone has come up with one

  name: deta
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: 'ssid'
  password: 'password'
    ssid: 'deta'
    password: 'ap_password'

  password: 'api_password'

  password: 'ota_password'

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO16
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "Button_1"
      - switch.toggle: relay_1

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO12
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "Button_2"
      - switch.toggle: relay_2

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Relay_1"
    pin: GPIO13
    id: relay_1

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Relay_2"
    pin: GPIO14
    id: relay_2

Typed on my phone so may be some typos but should get you started