Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Stop showing off, we know you’re a guru… lol

Thanks very much mate, 2 questions.

1- you didn’t put in GPIO04 : LedLink does that matter or did you forget?
2- how can I now edit this to suit their power switches? It should be the same right? Just change the GPIOs?

I’ve put my esphome configs on github:

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You might want to check your router. The device my not have rebooted as

Worst case, take it back to Bunnings. I done this with one of Deta 2G Switches.

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Did you try the experiment (adding invert to the outputs)?

So just confirming that the Arlec Smart 4 Blade 130cm from bunnings have not been successfully flash with tasmota or esphome and working in HA yet? I was wanting to buy one but don’t want to unless i know it is working.

I just made a special order at Bunnings for the Deta Quad Gang Switch and Deta Inline Switch. I want a closer look. I’ve already converted the 2 Gang switch, but had the impression that a Quad design would not work without a redesign of their relay board.

Should be in 5-10 days, but I’m on leave for 2 weeks end on next week.


Seems to do the trick! Now to work out the best way to do the wiring conversion and keep them IP68ish!

Why would brilliant do such a thing :sob:

I didn’t put it in as it wasn’t integral to the operation of the plug and my fingertips were getting sore :wink:

Seriously though, is the led RGB ?

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If it not a signal inversion, but a wiring change (which makes more sense). Just cut off the plug of the first light (of the other model) with a bit of lead, swap, and reconnected with the wires in the correct order. Then from this point this model light might work.

I just check the output on my (aldi) lights. Using pin-2 as common, I give about -11V on pin-1 (near 0V on others) when Red, -11V on pin 3 when Blue, and -11V on pin-4 when Green.
You might to try the test on your Bunnings’ unit. Because I’m reading a negative voltage, they must put +12V on pin-2, the control pins ‘pull-down’ to Gnd.

Oh, why would Brilliant do this, because Bunnings often insists the product range they sell are unique, so you can’t be made them price match.

Yeah I’m pretty sure it is mate

But I believe @diramu’s configs will work nicely

Thanks guys

Hey Leyton, Tuya won’t report the state if it’s been turned on with the remote right?

Got my hands on a Deta Inline switch from Bunnings at Rose Bay today and flashed with tuya-convert no problems, uses the same esphome config as the rewireable plug with button and LED both working;

  devicename: deta_inline_b173
  upper_devicename: Deta Inline B173
  hotspot: Deta Inline B173 WiFi
  password: Password

  name: $devicename
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285

  ssid: !secret ssid
  password: !secret psk

    ssid: $hotspot
    password: $password


  port: 80


  password: !secret api_pwd

  password: !secret api_pwd

  - platform: status
    name: $upper_devicename Status

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO1
    name: $upper_devicename Button
      - switch.toggle: relay

- platform: gpio
  name: $upper_devicename
  pin: GPIO14
  restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
  id: relay

    - switch.turn_on: led

    - switch.turn_off: led

- platform: gpio
  name: $upper_devicename LED
  id: led
  pin: GPIO13
  inverted: True
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The Tuyasmart App updates almost instantly when I use the remote. (note this is the Tuyasmart android app - the home assistant tuya plugin only detected my pedestal fan from my tuya account and not the ceiling fan)

Ah thanks for the clarification. I was hoping we had a winner there by just using the HA tuya integration.

Very helpful information.

For those who would like to show the deta light switch as a light in HA instead of a switch, here’s the one I edited (original thanks to @diramu)

Change the light_name and dname to what you like

  dnum: "1"
  dname: deta_2g_switch
  sname: d2gs
  location: spare
  full_name: ${location}_${dname}_${dnum}
  short_name: ${location}_${sname}_${dnum}

  name: ${full_name}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: "SSID"
  password: "PASSWORD"

# Enable Home Assistant API


# Enable logging

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO16
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    id: "light_name_1"
      - light.toggle: light_1
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO12
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    id: "light_name_2"
      - light.toggle: light_2

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO13
    id: relay_1
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO14
    id: relay_2

  - platform: binary
    name: "light_name_1"
    output: relay_1
    id: light_1
  - platform: binary
    name: "light_name_2"
    output: relay_2
    id: light_2

Hey Brad !
Is the inline switch the one that looks a bit like a sonoff ? If so does it have a switch input or just active and neutral in and out ?

So are these ok/designed/marketed to be wired by your average consumer (unlicensed electrician)?

Unless they are a screw in light globe or plug in to an outlet, no.

Welcome to Australia

@jivesinger yes it looks similar to a Sonoff, no it doesn’t have switch terminals unfortunately but does have active, neutral and earth in and out.

@subzzz no it must be installed by a licensed electrician to be compliant.