Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Anyone seen these? Not available till July 20th in NZ tho.

Hi, Just thought Iā€™d add that I went with a sonoff RF bridge. Was hoping I could have the bridge ā€˜learnā€™ the remote. No joy, at least via the native app.

Did you flash your broadlink to learn the remote codes? Did you follow any particular procedure to have bridge learn the remote?

no, didnt do anything special with my broadlink. just used the method below i found on the forums to learn the codes

Reboot HA - very important
In e-control app on icon add a new remote user-defined
Click + icon
Press save
Long press new button
Learn single
Press ā€œSweap Frequencyā€
Long press button on RF remote
In HA goto dev tools/services
Add server broadlink.learn and enter host:
Press call service
Short press button on RF remote
A notification willl appear containing the code.

Every time you learn a new code you will need to start HA.


$115 + GST. About the same as Fibaro Z-wave gear.

Thanks mate, I might have to flash my RF bridge by the looks.

Does anyone have a ESphome config for the arlec grid connect PC399HA?
Iā€™ve just got mine opened up ready to flash since tuya-convert doesnā€™t work for it. Also do I have to remove some capacitor for it to work? I thought you just had to short GPI00 to grnd during boot.


I flashed the Sonoff RF bridge with Tasmota and donā€™t see the RF codes from the remote in console. Not sure why. If it works with Broadlink, should it not work under Tasmota?

im not sure with tasmota/sonoff rf, it may be possible

but broadlink has its own integration with a service call of broalink.learn, so the app is learning the code and just passing it back to home assistant. not sure how it would work for you

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May I ask how on earth you got that diffuser off?
Thereā€™s no gap of any sort to pry it open and it LOOKS like itā€™s bigger than the hole that itā€™s in.

Hahaha, yep, it was a mission at first. I initially tried to pry it out with a small screwdriver but the plastic is really soft so I ended up slightly damaging that oneā€¦ donā€™t use a screwdriver.

The solution was to enlist the help of my girlfriend for a second set of hands. I basically tried to bend the outer rim back on itself in one area enough to get the diffuser to pop out of the slot it sits in (you might think you are going to break it but it doesnā€™tā€¦) just enough for her to slide something under it (use a credit card or similar) and then you can just pull it straight out

Thanks! I guess I need to get a girlfriend :slight_smile:

OK, I Got itā€¦ But I certainly bent the plastic a bitā€¦ hopefully it bends back.

Mine seems slightly different.

Can I ask why you are opening them up? They can be flashed with Tuya-Convert 2 OTA so no need to open them up. When I did that first one Tuya-Convert 2 hadnā€™t come out yet

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This one canā€™t. I got two and one could be but the other was trying to connect via a secure connection.

Feels like half a million attenots to connect serially so farā€¦ no luck.

Finally! Success!

It looks like the Shelly 1 PM has been certified now,


wow - thatā€™s big news! Thank you. Hopefully theyā€™ll certify the others too, well at least Shelly 1, dimmer and 2.5 would be nice.

certified by ā€œGloā€ - do we know who that is?

Hi @tbar05 @currest2620
The Broadlink supports many RF protocols, Sonoff Bridge only one.
You can flash the RF chip in the Sonoff Bridge to support more after you have flashed Tasmota onto the ESP chip but it was too complicated for me. I have both.

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ive just flashed some of the kogan plugs with power monitoring with tasmota, got the switch in HA no worries. i am using the below config to get the power monitoring

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Kogan1 Watts"
    state_topic: "tele/sw_kogan1/SENSOR"
    value_template: "{{value_json['ENERGY'].Power }}"
    qos: 2
    unit_of_measurement : "W"
    icon: mdi:flash-circle
    availability_topic: "tele/sw_kogan1/LWT"
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_available: "Offline"

the issue i have is that the power registers almost instantly on the tasmota interface, but takes maybe 90+ seconds to register in home assistant. any way to make it register quicker?

also, how are people calibrating the power? do you find it necessary or just happy with what is there

Global Mark


Yeah, I have flashed the bridge with Tasmota but I canā€™t see the codes in the console. Frustrating. If you have a link handy to flashing additional protocols let me know before I have to go out and get, yet another, bridge.