Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

50% of the way there!

I first consideration/hesitation was going to be how will flashing this unit impact the connectivity between the wired and wireless units.

Looks like someone on that forum has got the Arlec Smarthome Hub to work

Devices are more expensive than Aqara/Xiaomi with Z2M ā†’ but definitely faster to obtain !


Hey all, I have finished with getting the Arlec Smart Home Hub to work on Tasmota. Here is what I did. Remember, to add a new device, use the Tuya app and add it as per normal.

  1. Initially pair the hub using the Tuya app
  2. Flash the hub using a serial connection to the TYWE3S module with a standard Tasmota Image.
  3. Set up MQTT
  4. Go to the console and issue these commands:
Rule1 ON TuyaReceived#CmndData DO var1 %value% ENDON ON TuyaReceived#Cmnd==54 DO >Publish BleBridge/tele/command %var1% ENDON
Rule1 1
  1. Set up Node RED to listen on the BleBridge/tele/command MQTT topic then create a new function >to process the messages using this code
var inputstr = ""
inputstr = msg.payload.slice(6);
msg.payload = inputstr;
return msg;
  1. The output code will be something like this. For example for a door or motion sensor
    055B010100 - Sensor idle
    055B010101 - Sensor triggered
    0564020400000064 - Battery level 100% (64 in hex)
    For the battery level for example
    05 identifies the device number
    640204 identifies the DPID
    00000064 identifies the data

thank you! all switched over to esphome, was painless enough. im not sure what took me so long to try it. i didnt really know where to start, so thanks for the help

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Hi all, I seen that someone has worked out the arlec hub to tasmota, has anyone worked out how to retrieve the bluetooth info from the Arlec montion and door sensor.

Iā€™m using a Bluetooth nodemcu and esp-home to get bluetooth data from a xiaomi temp sensor and as a presence to HA, I purchase an arlec motion sensor to see if I could do the same with no luck so far.

Are those 3d printed pogo pin mounts?

Looks a bit like this:

nice, thanks for that

I ordered. mine from the original creator as I donā€™t have a 3d printer.

He also makes and sells various other helpful items that you can browse through on Thingiverse.

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This is amazing news. It means the 4x BrilliantSmart movement sensor spotlights I bought cheap from Aldi (which have the TYWE3S chip) can be flashed into Tasmota. Now to work out the OTA flashing procedures.

Edit:. Actually, the floodlight might use the RTL8710bn. I probably need more sleepā€¦

Hi guys, anyone using a thermostat integrated with home assistant? I am looking for one to control my underfloor heating in the bathroom. Thanks.

Looks cool, but 49 euro shipping. yikes

Yeah. I canā€™t remember how much I paid, but it was still cheaper and easier than buying a 3d printer and going through the trauma of sourcing all the parts and building it :stuck_out_tongue:

Bought this a little while ago Brilliant 24W 410mm Smart Salisbury WiFi CCT LED Ceiling Light and flashed with tuya-convert today.
Model / SKU is 20814/05
Template below, slightly different to the Brilliant Cordia mentioned in this thread. (I am not an expert in this, but this is working me for)
{ā€œNAMEā€:ā€œBrilliant Salā€,ā€œGPIOā€:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,47,0,37,0,0],ā€œFLAGā€:0,ā€œBASEā€:48}

I have submitted to

Edit: template updated as colour slider was inverted :slight_smile:

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Do you want to set temperatures etc (as in a traditional thermostat) or simply know what the temperature of the room is and then trigger an on/off for the floor heater ?

I have used a heap of the XIaomi Temp and humidity sensors around the house - these report back through ESPhome on an ESP32 and then i trigger actions for heating etc based on those - set points etc remain in the web interface rather than at the device


UBWH are selling smart plugs pre flashed with Tasmota

ā€¦for $46 each!

still, interesting they are doing this

Doesnā€™t matter what kind of thermostat controlling the floor heater, just need possibility to manage it from Home Assistant. Looking for any available options.

I also have Xiaomi temp and humidity sensors (Zigbee) - so based on this I want to turn on or off the heater. But if it has builtin temperature sensor it might be even better.

Well then you can use a XIaomi Temp and Humidity sensor (f you already have Zigbee then use that) or get a Bluetooth one and setup a ESP32 to monitor it with ESPHome and send the results back to HA.

Not sure how much current your floor pulls when it is running - but setup a Smart plug of your choice (upto 10amps) for HA to control on/off of the floor elements - if your floor pulls more than 10 amps then just have the SmartPlug activate a 240v contactor/relay to handle the higher load.

If you wanted to get fancy you could feed the output of the temp sensor to node-red and the input from your desired HA thermostat there and use a PID algorithm to turn the floor on and/off to reach the desired setpoint.


I donā€™t think node red is needed for a pid controller. But if there is a ready built one in there, it may be a good time to get up to speed on node red.

So I have the Kogan Smarter blind driver. First impressions are the somewhat good news is that it is based on a ESP chip, the bad news is that it it has a newer firmware, so it canā€™t be flashed with tuya convert OTA at the moment . I will do some dismantling to check whether I can flash it manually sometime over the next two week hopefully. That said, it also has a 433 Mhz remote (uses a CR2450 battery) and so I should be able to use that in the meantime until I get it onto Tasmota or ESPHome. My hope is to install this on a roller blind that has a 1.8m x 1.8m in the long term, so I will also test this on the main blind I want to use it on and let people know how it all goes.