Australian Animated Radar using BOM Public FTP

Hi Tom, as David said the weather forecast card is the one by MPFrankland which is called Darksky however I use ALL BoM data other than the icons (which are Darksky) for the same reason you said, the Darksky data for Aus is rubbish.

The previous screenshot was cut off, the full weather forecast card looks like this:

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Did you edit the card js file to add the extra info at the op of your card that is not seen in the MPF’s version (sunrise, sunset etc…)?

Um… it IS shown in his card… (you might be on a real old version?)

Ok. The pic is from the first post about the card. It has obviously been updated since then.

It was originally designed for Dark Sky. I use it with my personal weather station and BOM forecast for the forecasts, and then Dark Sky to fill in the blanks.

The new 0.90 version of HA changes custom components slightly. I got the error:

[homeassistant.loader] Integrations need to be in their own folder. Change camera/ to bom_radar/ This will stop working soon.

Changing the name of the directory and python file works. The github repo might need an update to reflect the changes?

Hi SparkyDave; I love your weather card (and I’m in the same city as you judging by the background photo!). I currently use dark sky for the animated weather card, and a separate BOM component (for more accurate weather). How do you go about using the BOM sensors in the animated card?
(apologies if you’ve already answered this, I had a quick read but couldn’t find anything)

Hey mate, yeah Perth…

I have all this in a package. Excuse the #'d out lines, however they will give you some links that you need. eg: the bom_radar custom_component (this thread). I then use the custom Darksky card by mp frankland in Lovelace.


  - platform: darksky #        DarkSky sensors (separate to component)
    api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
##    name: Perth Weather
#    scan_interval: '00:15:00'
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 4
      - 5
##      - 6
##      - 7
##      - summary
##      - precip_type
#      - precip_intensity
##      - precip_probability
#      - precip_accumulation
##      - temperature
##      - apparent_temperature
#      - dew_point
##      - wind_speed
      - wind_bearing
##      - cloud_cover
##      - humidity
##      - pressure
      - visibility
      - icon
#      - ozone
#      - minutely_summary
##      - hourly_summary
##      - daily_summary
##      - temperature_high
##      - temperature_low
##      - apparent_temperature_high
##      - apparent_temperature_low
##      - precip_intensity_max
##      - uv_index

  - platform: bom #             Bureau of Meteorology Australia (separate to component)
#    station: IDW60901.94608  # main Perth city station (doesnt seem to work for the Weather parameter)
    station: IDW60901.94610  # Perth airport station
    name: Perth
      - apparent_t
#      - cloud
#      - cloud_base_m
#      - cloud_oktas
#      - cloud_type_id
#      - cloud_type
#      - delta_t
#      - gust_kmh
#      - gust_kt
      - air_temp
#      - dewpt
      - press
#      - press_qnh
#      - press_msl
#      - press_tend
      - rain_trace
      - rel_hum
#      - sea_state
#      - swell_dir_worded
#      - swell_height
#      - swell_period
#      - vis_km
      - weather
      - wind_dir
      - wind_spd_kmh
#      - wind_spd_kt

  - platform: bom_forecast
    product_id: IDW12300
    name: Perth Forecast
    forecast_days: 6
    rest_of_today: True
    friendly: False
    friendly_state_format: '{min} to {max}, {summary}'
      - 'max'
      - 'min'
      - 'chance_of_rain'
      - 'possible_rainfall'
      - 'summary'
      - 'detailed_summary'

#  - platform: generic
#    name: Weather Radar
#    still_image_url:

  - platform: 'bom_radar'   #
    name: "Perth Rain Radar"
    product_id: 'IDR703'

Thanks for that - really appreciate it! I’m working tonight, but looking forward to giving it a go this weekend!

here is the lovelace section

  - title: Weather
    icon: 'mdi:weather-partlycloudy'
    background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/images/elizabeth_quay_perth.jpg") fixed
      - type: 'custom:dark-sky-weather-card'
        entity_sun: sun.sun
        entity_daily_summary: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_detailed_summary_0
        entity_current_conditions: sensor.dark_sky_icon
        entity_humidity: sensor.bom_perth_relative_humidity
        entity_pressure: sensor.bom_perth_pressure_mb
        entity_pop: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_chance_of_rain_0
        entity_temperature: sensor.bom_perth_air_temp_c
        entity_apparent_temp: sensor.bom_perth_feels_like_c
        entity_daytime_high: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_max_temp_c_0
        entity_visibility: sensor.dark_sky_visibility
        entity_wind_bearing: sensor.bom_perth_wind_direction
        entity_wind_speed: sensor.bom_perth_wind_speed_kmh
        entity_forecast_high_temp_1: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_max_temp_c_1
        entity_forecast_high_temp_2: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_max_temp_c_2
        entity_forecast_high_temp_3: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_max_temp_c_3
        entity_forecast_high_temp_4: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_max_temp_c_4
        entity_forecast_high_temp_5: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_max_temp_c_5
        entity_forecast_low_temp_1: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_min_temp_c_1
        entity_forecast_low_temp_2: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_min_temp_c_2
        entity_forecast_low_temp_3: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_min_temp_c_3
        entity_forecast_low_temp_4: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_min_temp_c_4
        entity_forecast_low_temp_5: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_min_temp_c_5
        entity_forecast_icon_1: sensor.dark_sky_icon_1
        entity_forecast_icon_2: sensor.dark_sky_icon_2
        entity_forecast_icon_3: sensor.dark_sky_icon_3
        entity_forecast_icon_4: sensor.dark_sky_icon_4
        entity_forecast_icon_5: sensor.dark_sky_icon_5
        entity_pop_1: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_chance_of_rain_1
        entity_pop_2: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_chance_of_rain_2
        entity_pop_3: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_chance_of_rain_3
        entity_pop_4: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_chance_of_rain_4
        entity_pop_5: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_chance_of_rain_5
        entity_summary_1: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_summary_1
        entity_summary_2: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_summary_2
        entity_summary_3: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_summary_3
        entity_summary_4: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_summary_4
        entity_summary_5: sensor.bom_perth_forecast_summary_5
        static_icons: true
        sunset: true
        locale: en
        old_daily_format: false
        tooltips: true
        tooltip_bg_color: 'rgb( 75,155,239)'
        tooltip_border_color: orange
        tooltip_border_width: 1
        tooltip_caret_size: 10
        tooltip_fg_color: '#fff'
        tooltip_left_offset: -5
        tooltip_width: 100

As you can see I only use Darksky for the icons, no actual weather data. The Darksky data for Perth sucks

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I know what you mean - I only use it because it looks so good - looking forward to some yaml work tomorrow😄

So Brendon, native support for BOM radar in 0.92.0! Appreciate having your component so thanks!


I saw that!! Pretty exciting :slight_smile: thanks all for coming on the radar journey with me :wink:


No thank you!

Nice work Brendan.

Man, how on earth did I not find this before? Awesome work, thanks very much. My weather tab for Lovelace hasn’t felt complete without radar.

So there was no mention of this component on the 0.92 update, but it is showing on the components page at

However, there is an error regarding Pillow, so perhaps it’s not quite ready and the component page was updated in error. Note that installing Pillow will make it work, but obviously that shouldn’t be necessary for a core component.

So for anyone wanting to use this on 0.92, use:

  - platform: bom
    location: locationname

and then install Pillow as per callifo’s instructions:

apt-get install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev
sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
pip3 install Pillow

That’s not possible for Hassio users.

It is in the release notes, have another look. It’s probably not given as much credit as it should have thought given how awesome it is

You’re quite right, it is too. Hopefully the Pillow issue is sorted for Hassio users.