Australian BOM Rain Radar Card

Did you bump the version in the js file? I loaded new and cleared cache but still says 1.2.5

Wow - thanks for the quick fix!
I think static_map: false may (now?) also be a problem.

Satellite and dark work with show_scale: false and static_map: true, but donā€™t work with show_scale: false and static_map: false

Also, show_scale: true and static_map: true doesnā€™t actually show the scale.

I did. It is showing 1.2.6 everywhere for me.

Iā€™ll have a more thorough look tomorrow if I can find time, if not Thursday.

Weirdā€¦ Iā€™m on my ipadā€¦

ok I checked in the js file and it shows 1.2.5. Redownloaded via HACS same. Downloaded from releases page and the js file in there is also 1.2.5. It looks to me like you made a new release but the last commit was 23 days agoā€¦

Awesome work! This radar is miles better than the old one. I used to always have issues with the frames appearing.

This one is now sitting constantly displayed on my control panel in the living room.

Yes. In my rush I screwed up the 1.2.6 release. 1.2.7 should actually fix things.

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Also canā€™t wait for the BoM to get the new radars built. Over the next few months there are going to be 3 new radars in western NSW (Parkes, Hilllston/Ivanhoe and Brewarrina). Also a new one near Mildura soon and 6 more in Queensland over the next 2 or so years. The radar data will show up as they are added, but I will have to manually add the range rings for each one.
I am also thinking about adding an option to have a little radar icon appear at the radars location (useful ?).

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Would be good to show thatā€¦

I have added a pre-release V1.2.8 that has show_radar_location as an option. Set to true to show an icon at each radar site. I am not sure I like how it looks, so set to pre-release for now.

I canā€™t see anything. Using Sydney Radar

If you have added show_radar_location: true you should see something like this

So Iā€™m entered around Gosford as my POIā€¦ I am not seeing those radar symbols. Perhaps should be a bit larger and maybe red or a standout colour? I checked the console and 1.2.8 version. Looks like you have same options as me as wellā€¦

That is really weird. I just completely uninstalled the repo and reinstalled and it is working just fine for me. Not sure what is going on for you.

Can you paste your config? Suggest changing the lat/lon of home by a bit before doing so.

How about mdi:satellite-uplink instead of mdi:home for the icon?

          - type: 'custom:bom-radar-card'
            center_latitude: '-33.425018'
            center_longitude: '151.342224'
            zoom_level: '9'
            frame_delay: 500
            frame_count: 10
            show_marker: true
            markerIcon: true
            marker_latitude: '-33.425018'
            marker_longitude: '151.342224'
            show_range: true
            show_scale: true
            show_zoom: true
            show_recenter: true
            show_playback: true
            extra_labels: true
            map_style: 'satellite'
            static_map: false
            show_radar_coverage: true
            show_radar_location: true

Just set for Gosfordā€¦

I added another radar using your config and on the default view I see the Terry Hills marker. If I zoom out I see all of the rest as well. Weird that it is not working for you.

I am not a fan of any of the mdi icons for this use case. They are all just black or white and really donā€™t show up well on the maps unless you keep them big. Doing that they then interfere with the actual radar data which I think is more important. Thinking about other options. Maybe just a small coloured circle (allowing the user to choose colour).