Auto discovery tasmota sonoff

After succesfully flashing 4 sonoffs with tasmota, wiring them to my non-smart lights and everything, I feel stupid for not figuring out how to do the last step: adding the sonoffs in
I’m running Mosquitto broker from the addon store. I have zigbee2mqtt for a while and when I pair devices for that they automatically show up in the ‘states’ list and in the mqtt integrations list. How do I do that for the sonoff switches? The sonoff mqtt settings are setup as follow: (my HA IP)
port: 1883
client: DVES_%06X (default)
user: my HA login username
password: my HA login password
Topic: sonoff (default)
full topic: %prefix%/%topic%/ (default)

So I haven’t changed ‘client’, ‘topic’ and ‘full topic’. The mosquitto broker log shows that the sonoff succesfully connected. Still no devices seem to be added in HA

the sonoffs are running tasmota
in the tasmota webinterface I can toggle the lights without problems
When I installed the mosquitto broker I enabled auto discovery


Go to your sonoff console and enter SetOption19 1
This turns on auto discover.
Then in HA go to Configuration > Integrations > MQTT .



you, sir, are the best! Here, have one free internet!

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Thats what I needed as well. All my tasmota devices have now been discovered.

where are the found devices listed ?

Go to Configuration > Integrations and they should show up in the MQTT section.

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Hi together,
I have exactly the same problem as described.

I try to find a flashed Tuya plug (flashed with tuya-convert) method. I see the device connecting to my Mosquitto broker in the console of the plugin (and in the console of the plug itself), I set “SetOption19 1” in the console of the plug and when I’m publishing MQTT messages via the developer tools I see them in my putty console. Hence everything seems to be working correctly - nevertheless no devices are discovered…

Do you have any clue what I am missing? I’ve set up the Mosquitto add-on exactly like in the docs, added a “mqtt_user” in the config of the add-on (which is used by the plug), set up the ACLs (also as in the docs) for users homeassistant and mqtt_user and then added the automatically created “MQTT” integration.



I have the same issue. I have successfully flashed a Teckin SB50 bulb to version 6.6.0(release-sonoff) using these instructions ( (cloning his git, not the one in the doc)), applied the correct template ( and followed these instructions ( including ‘SetOption19 1’. I can publish to it using mqtt-fx but it never shows up in HA under Integrations, Mosquitto broker. Any help is appreciated. I’ve spent a week getting to this point. I am new to HA/yaml/IoT/MQTT but have been a computer geek for many many years. Any ideas?


I had a similar experience with the Teckin plug. Autodiscovery wouldn’t work. I finally did this:

  • in tasmota: configuration > others > disable MQTT
  • switch will reboot
  • re-enable MQTT from configuration > others
  • go to console and type the discovery cmd: “SetOption19 1”
  • it should show now in homeassistant under the MQTT integration
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That’s it - works brilliant - thanks!

So I’ve got the bulb all set up with tasmota and can toggle it on/off etc when I access via the ip but home assistant only sees it as a generic tasmota sensor and unvailable at that instead of as a bulb. I’m using mosquitto mqtt. I’ve tried following the above with no joy, can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Worked like a charm! Thank you!!!

Having the same issue here. But the device is showing Generic Tasmota in the web page configuration as well, so maybe I’m missing the good firmware…

What device is it ?

yeah you’re right I forgot to mention it. It’s a Teckin SP22 smart plug. This is what I got when connecting to it in http:


Pretty sure I’m missing some steps here…

click on Configuration than configure module and from list choose Teckin SP22 , done

I think I actually figured it out. I didn’t find any mention in any guide telling you need to switch the module to the one that matches the device you’re currently using. I searched for “Teckin” within the module configuration and now I got this:
All the entities are now showing up in HA as well. I’ll test it a little bit before saying it’s all ok, but it looks promising so far.

yeah - realized it too late :slight_smile: Thanks !

Thank you!

Since 0.115.5 or 6 I seem to have lost my Tasmota devices.

I can see they are publishing on homeassistant/ but Home Assistant isn’t detecting them.

Any ideas?