Auto-populating Dashboards with Strategy Pack - Area Dashboard Strategy

I did try it with only entity as well and I received the same error.

Is the issue that I need to pass additional features in order for this to work?

No you need to specify

entity: climate.main_floor


  - climate.main_floor

Thank you, this worked.

I was curious on how the order is decided for the areas since its not alphabetical?

Also is it possible to add a shortcut to to the top menu to certain areas?

Regarding the extraViews I have the below config, but I noticed the thermostat entities are just displayed the same as the area strategy and not in a grid view. Sorry I may be missing something here on why this is, would I need to specify the card type and each entity as well?

      - strategy:
          type: custom:battery-view-strategy
        icon: mdi:battery
        path: battery
        title: Battery
      - strategy:
          type: custom:grid-view-strategy
        icon: mdi:thermostat
        path: climate
        title: Climate

It just displays them in the order the HA API return them. If you want to sort them use the Label-Sort described in the README above the installation instructions :smiley:

I don’t really get your second question but you can add anything you want in topCards. The topCards do not really have anything to do with the area-dashboard-strategy you can write anything there you could in a normal HA Dashboard :smiley:

Regarding the grid-view-strategy you did not configure anything so it won’t work.
An empty configuration should display something like this:


The configuration options are specified here

So the grid view strategy is setup the same exact way even under the extraViews? I wasn’t sure if there was different formatting for extraViews vs setting up a new dashboard.

I don’t receive an error when I added it under extraViews either, it just displays the same way as the area view.

I think you are mixing up area-dashboard-strategy and grid-view-strategy :smiley: They are two different things. grid-view-strategy can also only be used in an already existing dashboard like the one area-strategy creates (here with extraViews key) or a simple manually configured dashboard (here with views key; see Views - Home Assistant)

Okay, just to confirm, I would still need to add the configuration for the rows and card type under the grid-view strategy that I have specified under extraViews.

Yes grid-view-strategy always needs configuration :smiley:

Thanks, I am not well versed in YAML, so I appreciate the help. I am trying to make as little changes as I can, but with over 175 devices, it makes it more difficult to organize everything.

No Problem :smiley: In the end YAML is just a Markup Language that is used for structured data :smiley: Structured data here being the strategy configuration. All the options you have are specified in the documentation and YAML is just the way to express that configuration you want. Here’s a short explanation about YAML i think that encapsulates everthing you need to know :smiley:

So I got the grid view working for my thermostats.

But I was trying to set one up for a specific area, in this case the “Pool” area. But when I go to the extraViews for Pool, it’s blank and none of the entities in the Pool area are displayed.

    - strategy:
        type: custom:grid-view-strategy
            - title: Pool
                type: entity
                entity: $entity
                  - type: area
                    comparator: equal
                    value: Pool
      icon: mdi:pool

You need to specifiy the area_id not the name of the area :smiley:

You can see it if look at the details of the area in the HA Settings:

The Area id is just “pool” But this does not work.

Yeah but it is case-sensitive so it needs to be lowercase.

Yeah I tried that as well, no luck.

Edit: I figured it out, I have devices in that area, so I figured it would pull all the entities from each device as well, but I guess not. I guess I need to directly assign the entities to the area and not just the devices.

Is there no way to select multiple entities and add them to a single area in HA? I can do it with devices, so I would imagine you can do with entities.

Oh yeah i forgot about that :smiley: I have already a bugfix for that i just did not release it yet! Sorry about that! Just wait 2 or 3 days because i am working on another thing right now :smile:

Not that i know of but not really a Strategy Pack thing i guess :smiley:

Okay so I am not going crazy there is a bug that prevents entities from being added when using area, device or integration as a filter type? Because I tried all 3 options and no entities are added.