Auto-populating Dashboards with Strategy Pack - Area Dashboard Strategy

No only area has a bug where the area of the parent device of the entity is ignored :smiley: Device and Integration work. You just need to specify the id for both of them. Not the Name, Friendly Name or anything like that. Like ā€œMQTTā€ has an id ā€œmqttā€ or ā€œMusic Assistantā€ has the id ā€œmassā€ :smile:

Got it, had to hunt for integration id, seems to only be listed in the URL. No wonder I couldnā€™t find it in the app lol.

Yeah itā€™s sometimes a real pain to find the id for the various Home Assistant stuff :sweat_smile: I am currently working on a new Version of the Documentation where stuff like that is better described :smiley:

Release 1.1.1 Incoming!

Whatā€™s Changed

Fixes :bug:

Technical Changes :hammer_and_wrench:

Full Changelog: Comparing 1.1.0...1.1.1 Ā· itsteddyyo/strategy-pack Ā· GitHub

New Homepage

Additionally there is a new Homepage with more detailed documentation!

The new Documentation is more structured and more easily readable!
You can search through all of it with the Searchbar or find exactly what you want in the Navbar!

A lot of Information was added in this new Version of the Documentation so take a look! It is way more detailed now!