⛩️ Automatic Gate : don't ever use your remote again

To change the distance at which your gate opens when you arrive, you need to tweak your gate “:clock4: Lead time”.
Since the gate opening relies on Waze and not a direct distance, you can increase the lead time to open it sooner.

If you don’t want your gate to close when you arrive, you can simply disable “:lock: Automatic closing

I am using for my garage door. So when I get home I would like a delay so I can get some things done outside before the door closes…IE get the mail or bring up the garbage bins.

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same here, that would be great to add

I added your request to the dev version, you can install it here : Import dev blueprint

Is there a way to find out the exact lead time I need?

I would suggest you to time the movement time of your gate and add a small margin (20~30 seconds ?)

I will test it out thank you!

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Processing: 1000033815.jpg…
Processing: 1000033814.jpg…

I can’t open your images, can you ?
Maybe try to host them on another website

So far this is working good for me. I just need to get the timing down right to open the door on time. Thank you for the work on this so far

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Update V1.0.7 :rocket:

Breaking changes :warning:

  • Your auto-close setting will be reset in Automatic Gate
  • You will need to add a new input datetime in Itinerary Tracker Notification

Automatic Gate :shinto_shrine:

  • Added an option to disable automatic closing while keeping all security features (breaking change)
  • Added an input to wait before automatically closing on arrival (e.g.: to collect mail)
  • Grouped inputs into categories
  • Fixed opening notification title previously displaying “closing”
  • Separated successful arrival and vehicle left notifications

Automations :robot:

  • Added 2 inputs to limit your Itinerary Tracker Notification refresh rate, to slow down the use of your notification quota (breaking change)
  • Fixed chronometer not being displayed in Itinerary Tracker Notification
  • Fixed {{offline_delay}} and {{left_open_delay}} not being displayed in Gate offline and Gate left open notifications

It would be great to have the open & close actions not automatic, but optional as part of an actionable notifications.

Use case: Person with garage door arriving home is going to go back out again, so they want to park in the driveway quick and not open the garage door.

  1. Person A arriving home
  2. Notification pops up on Person A phone via Android Auto or Apple Car Play asking whether they’d like garage door to be opened
  3. Person A chooses open or dismiss depending on what they would like to do in this circumstance.

Hello !
Sorry for this huge delay, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been working on a redesign of my current Automatic Gate blueprint which will also contain the feature you requested.
However, since I’m currently on vacation and I still have ideas to add, this will take some time.
I will notify you when a beta version will be released

I really love your blueprint! It just works! I just have one wish so far. Sometimes I park my car in front of the garage because I will leave a couple of minutes again. I then always have the case, the starting my car will led the automation open my garage door. Is it already somehow possible to prevent that? Or is it possible to add something like “Only start the automation when I am xx meters minimum from my home away”? Would love to see that. Thanks in advance!

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Hello, thanks for using my blueprint !
That’s an interesting request, I always park my car at home so I didn’t really think about that.
For the times when I need my gate to stay close when I get in my car (while testing something on Android Auto), I have simply put a switch on my main dashboard to disable the automation easily.

However, I understand that having to do this often may break the feeling of “fully automated gate”, so I’ll try to find you another solution.
My first idea would simply be to reduce the size of your home on the map, but this could not suit you if your gps devices are not precise enough or are not updating quickly enough.
My second take, if you have a gate iBeacon, would be to only open if your car is reachable, but you’ll need an ESP32 if your gate is not controlled by one.
And lastly, maybe if your WiFi isn’t strong enough to reach outside, I could add a condition to only open your gate if you’re connected to your home network, and so you are in your garage.

Tell me which one would suit you, but I think I’ll add them all in the next big release (and in dev branch)
Thanks again for your feedback !

I finished working on your issue and added both iBeacon and WiFi waiting before opening, as said above.
If you want to try it out, you can import dev blueprint

Don’t hesitate to request another feature if this one does not suit you

Sorry for the late reply. Maybe I did not explain it very well where my problem is. Sorry for that.

I try to explain again: E.g. I come home from work and I park my car in FRONT of my garage (because for example there is currently something inside so my car cannot park inside the garage). So not inside. Your automation will open the door and that is fine.
Now maybe after an hour, I want to leave with my car again to so some shopping or whatever. Now when I am starting my car, it is currently the case that nearly every time your automation will start and will open my garage door. This is what I want to prevent.

I would wish to start your automation ONLY when I am “far” away from my house, so that it will open my gate.

Just for information: The functionality of automatic closing the gate I do not use.

Hope that helps

Sorry, on rereading I realize that I wasn’t quite clear about when the new feature would triggerer.
Like you, I was talking about opening the gate when you leave your home (which is what you want to avoid when you’re parked a little too far away).
So I suggested that you either reduce the zone corresponding to your house in Home Assistant, so that your parking space is outside your house and doesn’t trigger the gate on your departure (but this could lead to false triggers, as GPS isn’t very accurate).
As a second solution, I proposed a new feature: opening the gate only if you’re connected to your home’s wifi or a static iBeacon. This would prevent your gate from opening when you leave if you’re out of range and so not in your garage.

Oh and by the way, I’m still working on implementing the feature request above you, which will also allow you to completely disable gate opening when you exit your home. If you would like to have a temporary input just for that, tell me and I’ll add it temporarly in the latest dev branch.

Hope these solutions suit you

Thanks for this.
As I am already parking directly in front of my garage, I cannot reduce my zone :frowning:
Only opening when connected to wifi would be very sad, since I managed to finetune your automation in a way that it always opens the gate some seconds before, so that it is exactly 100% open when I am in front of. Wifi outside is very poor so this would not work for me

Wouldn’t it be possible just to add a condition of the whole automation in front where is a check like “proximity > 1000” or something like this? Of course not a hardcoded 1000 but an additional input