Automatic reload of dashboard

When dashboard is changed (reconfigured), each device currently showing a given dashboard gets the notification that dashboard has changed and needs to be refreshed/reloaded. It is quite annoying, see justification at the end.

The feature request is to force automatic reload/refresh of a dashboard. This could be configured system-wide or per dashboard as to whether a change in dashboard should automatically reload the page/dashboard (should work on both web and within HA app). Alternatively, a new operation like “reload” could be added for notification system, so one could write such automation to reload dashboard.

Technically it is possible, see the following thread for example: [SOLVED] How can I get my dashboard to refresh automatically, instead of showing the "Refresh?" prompt? - #56 by psko

While adding this request, the additional mechanism for error handling could be added to reload the page automatically (Allow backed to detect frontend errors and reload it).

Justification - since one of Home Assistant features is to automatize things, people shouldn’t run around their premises devices to hit ‘refresh’ button.