Has anyone found a solution which works with the Android companion app? Thx
Tasker or ADB Command Maybe?
After update to 2024.04 custom.js is stop refresh page after update.
Replace after === to your language
function refreshOnLovelaceChange() {
const ha = document.querySelector("home-assistant")
if (!ha || !ha.shadowRoot) return
const nm = ha.shadowRoot.querySelector('notification-manager')
if (!nm || !nm.shadowRoot) return
const haToast = nm.shadowRoot.querySelector('ha-toast')
if (!haToast) return
if (haToast.shadowRoot.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.textContent === 'Конфигурация панели обновлена. Обновить, чтобы увидеть изменения?') {
console.log("Refreshing page...")
if (haToast.shadowRoot.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.textContent === 'Home Assistant работает!') {
console.log("Refreshing page...")
setInterval(refreshOnLovelaceChange, 500);
Update to my version of “refresh” to work with HA core v2024.4.2 & frontend v20240404.1:
if (haToast.opened && haToast.text.includes('dashboard was updated')) {
if (haToast.open && haToast.labelText.includes('dashboard was updated')) {
Thanks! This is the only version that doesn’t fill my logs with constant errors, let’s hope it also works on my tablet!
EDIT: Yes, it works.
To keep it short, if you’re having issues on one of your devices (like I did), clearing the cache on that device (browser/app) should solve your problem.
I’ve just requested such feature: Automatic reload of dashboard
Please vote (unless they decide to close it if there is other such feature request and I failed to find it).
As for me, i don’t use auto-refresh for some time now. The reason is quite simple: before i start “messing” with HA and i’m planning only to do a simple change, i open one tab (in chrome/edge) with dashboard i plan to change and leave it in the background, then i work in another tab. If anythig goes wrong i just save that first one and i’m back. OK, another way is to open raw editor and save contents to a txt file before start, but i do that only for bigger changes i plan to make.
I’ve made all my (manual) refreshes either via rest command when using fully kiosk, or via hass.agent command when using windows. So, when i work on a dashboard i leave all instances except the one i’m working on, and refresh them all only after i’m done (i made a script for that).
Ok, auto-refresh would be usable, but it would definitely had to be selective for each user: with option to have it turned on or off.
Voted good improvement
I might just be thick, but I don’t seem to have a config/www directory, so no custom JS file. Any reason why?
Do you have HACs installed?
I do indeed, it runs my Octopus Energy addon.
What editor are you using? For example with File Editor you should see WWW in the homeassistant folder
I’m using Studio Code, I will have try another editor if you think that might be the problem?
anyone else getting this error?
Uncaught error from Chrome on Linux x86_64 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes') refreshOnLovelaceChange (/local/refresh.js:8:22)
this is the file how it is now.
function refreshOnLovelaceChange() {
const ha = document.querySelector("home-assistant")
if (!ha || !ha.shadowRoot) return
const nm = ha.shadowRoot.querySelector('notification-manager')
if (!nm || !nm.shadowRoot) return
const haToast = nm.shadowRoot.querySelector('ha-toast')
if (!haToast) return
if (haToast.text.includes('dashboard was updated')) {
console.log("Refreshing page...")
setInterval(refreshOnLovelaceChange, 500);
@foxsam I believe I was getting the same error when I was fighting with it, my solution was to clear the cache on browser used on that device.
I have an issue where lovelace does not recognise a change has happened and so no refresh occurs. I have an automation that overwrites a background image file on change of weather and time of day. At this point, I would like a dashboard that uses this image to refresh. However, no yaml has changed or been loaded. The jpeg image file is still the same name so lovelace knows nothing of the change. I have also noticed that refreshing the dashboard page manually, even with cache turned off, does not reload as I assume even that cannot identify changes.
I have seen some mention of forcing a reload by somehow making lovelace dummy changes. Don’t know how to do that so any help would be appreciated.
I have Fire Tablets and use the HA app. I see lots of options on refreshing but none for the app. How would I incorporate the auto-refresh for the HA app on my various Fire Tabs?
On tablets I would recommend the fully kiosk browser app. It allows for remote reload. If you need the sensors from the app, you can of course still let it run in the background.
Exactly. It’s also advisable to clear cache, which is also available remotely.
Rest commands are:
clear cache:
url: “http://192.168.x.y:2323/?cmd=clearCache&password=yourpassword”
url: “http://192.168.x.y:2323/?cmd=loadStartUrl&password=yourpassword”
I have a script which combines above two each time i refresh my screen. When “messing” with dashbvoard, updating…etc… it’s always recommended to clear cache to avoid unwanted wrong displaying.
You do need paid version of fully, though, or warning text will appear when you enable remote connection. And, as mentioned often: fixed IP is a must. Don’t mess with DHCP in HA, it brings nothing but problems.