I created an automation to turn a group of lights based the state of sensor.0x00178801080a6c9f_action which will turn the lights on however it always turns it on to to max brightness. The sensor has an attribute named brightness but I can figure out how to integrate that into my automation. Looking for some suggestions. Here is the sensor and current automation.
Error while executing automation automation.hallway_switch_on. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: expected int for dictionary value @ data['brightness']
Not entirely sure what this means but It give me something to search off of.
I missed that part. Thanks! It worked as expected. I’ve been working on this far longer than I care to admit. Now I just need to figure out how to make adjusting the brightness work once they are on. Thanks a bunch seems like I need to learn about templates a bit.
BTW, what is the range of values of the brightness attribute of sensor.0x00178801080a6c9f_action? Is it 0 - 255, or 0 - 100? If the latter, then you’ll want to change brightness to brightness_pct in the service call.